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  1. If you have a copy of TA, try TA: Spring. Or Warzone 2100. http://wz2100.net
  2. Just googled it, apparently its part of Vista/Works. Can't say much more than that, sorry...
  3. Heh, I know an 11 year old who can create a web page...
  4. How are you supposed to pronounce wysiwyg? I've always said it in whoosy - wugee :P wizzy-wig. What You See Is What You Get. The above are free.
  5. Are you looking to hand-code or just use a WYSIWYG editor? Hand-code:the above, although I prefer some others... WYSIWYG: I don't use those much, maybe Nvu or Mozilla Compozer?
  6. Sounds familiar, doesn't it... Perhaps we have seen the return of Null, just in another form. Doesn't Jagex watch over us enough?
  7. Well, then, here's what I'd do: 1.Sell for 10/15 gp each. 2.Trade them to air runners instead of cash. 3.Use them casting Wind Strike. 4.Stand in front of a busy rune shop and yell "Selling runes cheaper than Aubury does! Put him out of business!" There.
  8. This is a pretty good idea. Even though I couldn't take advantage of it, it finally adds a high-level monster to F2P...
  9. Use some P2p items to craft, make it P2P to craft, and make it tradeable to F2P. It cannot e traded f2p to f2p, only p2p to f2p or p2p to p2p, so that p2p gets their market. F2P:New Waeapons and help gather materials. P2p: New weapons, new way for exp, new market.
  10. The rewards should be level dependant (bronze short for a level three...)and for cash, it shouldn't be more than 10k. And over time, the cap should be 50k (100k for members).
  11. These are pretty good ideas, although the weather one is getting old. Otherwise, its good.
  12. p2p afcourse but to be honest i wanna make this in my p-server so i cant make anything client based since we cant decompress the cache yet so il need to make a tekst based equipment slot absorb = equiped,like u put it in ure arm sumething and it goes inside ure arm :ohnoes: :XD: (iwould use a belt but cache doesnt hold that item) Ah, well. I didn't expect that to be F2P.
  13. Sounds good, just: 1.It's cut gem(sorry, grammar freak here). 2.Please explain asorbing gems more. 3. F2P/P2P? Other than that, very good.
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