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Everything posted by Chazimcgee

  1. Simple thing is to go to the mill in lumberidge and pick grain and use the mill. :) bring some pots (as in clay pots)
  2. The broodoo victims can hit hard and they also reduce your stats with their magic. Take some food and some anti-poisons. also dont wear armour Its quite easy at cb lvl 50
  3. Yea 60 def would be cool but it would still label you as a pure
  4. i think in 1 hr they do and it seems less boring while your training seeing as shortbows fire faster.. so yes
  5. You could go to rock crabs or experiments near fenkenstrains castle.
  6. Usually 129 or 130 or 131 are the best worlds go to worlds in that range> they are the best worlds i have found atm :thumbsup:
  7. ......there is not much point really in getting all skills to lvl 5 because it is not necessary to get to wave 10 and kill the queen :shame: but if you want lvl 5 in all skills then you could. The fighter torso is really the only aim for people in ba.
  8. Well you could do prayer pots because u wil get your money back as long as you push for a low price for herbs :idea:
  9. yes but if u find the shaman things then run the hell away and dont forget to bring food!
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