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Everything posted by Roberthree

  1. Yeah primal and rep items are worthless. Just level. will leveling in outlands/northrend get me enough for an epic flyer or cold weather flying by 77?
  2. I got mining and skinning. But with my insane no-downtime DPS as a DK i was thinking of farming primals or those scryer/aldor items.
  3. Whats the best way to get cash? I'm level 68 so I'll be needing money for my epic flyer soon. If it involves combat I'd rather do it now than later so I get some xp too =p
  4. http://thottbot.com/death_knight/t#ea6f1//e4uR7y3 hows this for a level 58 dk build? I was trying to get gargoyle, imp ghoul, and 2 death rune abilities while investing in blood abilities. Or is it smarter to go full unholy for leveling?
  5. I hit 55 this weekend and made a DK. The change from my mage was a radical one, but I like it.
  6. I plan on using this at the maximum resolution.
  7. I'm using dell because I have a dell account and they make a nice little list of compatible stuff. I know nothing about this kind of stuff so thats really useful. Also, i plan on using the dual monitor function when i install the new card, if that matters.
  8. I'm deciding between these two: http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/prod ... sisid=8245 http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/prod ... sisid=8245 Basically one has more clock speed, the other has more memory. Recently I've been having a graphics glitch in WoW where all my spell icons and such dissapear. You still see the keybinding numbers and text, but the rest is gone.
  9. i played a lock, set a macro to make the pet attack and apply my DOTs. It was basically an "I win" button.
  10. 418 spell power? from quests? holy crap, I might not ditch my mage at 55.
  11. If you knew me you'd realize I try to act like i'm great because i'm extremely insecure. If you knew me, you'd know that even though i tend to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, i mean no harm.
  12. I replace stuff as i find something better. So far nothing i've found beats out what I have, but if I do then I'll equip it.
  13. eh, idc. you've seen one breast and you want to see the rest of em. makes my job easier.
  14. I just hit 40 =D http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... er&n=Vuxra <= my guy
  15. I have to decide between a kickass frost, fire, or arcane wand. They are all identical in stats and DPS. Do wands get spell damage bonus or talent bonuses? I'm trying to decide between the diversity of an arcane wand, or if frost gets better bonuses...
  16. Should I use my cloth on first aid or go to the AH ???? profit?
  17. If you cant put the effort into writing a post why should I put the effort into reading it? Theres no rush here, take your time and write properly.
  18. Is anyone here on the lightbringer server?
  19. I just did my first instance ever =D. Shadowfang keep I think is what its called. Some guy just randomly whispered asking if I wanted to go. I did pretty well, we wiped once because someone pulled a room full of adds on us, not my fault >_>. Good news is that I got almost 2 free levels and upgraded gear. Bad news is I'm now all out of whack with Jame's Leveling Guide. Is it normal for instances to drop loads of stuff? I only did two runs and I gained new gear for like 5 slots. Heres my guy => http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... er&n=Vuxra The face is messed up though, my hair and face is nothing like that. =/
  20. Quick Question: For a frost mage, whats more important; Intellect or Spell Power? I'm in a zone that gives a bunch Of +spell power gear in about the same quality of my intellect gear.
  21. I re-specced to frost. I don't have shatter, but when I remember who told me fire til 40 I'm going to tell him to fall off a cliff. The 15% insta-win frostbolt is awesome.
  22. Ok, should I spec to that after 27 or do it partially now? ( http://thottbot.com/mage/t#/gb41 <= Heres what I have now, at level 21) on shatter, when it says a 50% critical hit chance increase does it mean it would be my current chance (about 6) + 50 (56 total), or my current chance + 50% of that chance (6*1.5=9)?
  23. I read fire was better than frost until level 40, and that frost requires alot of skill to use (which I don't have atm).
  24. http://thottbot.com/q6421 I'm specced fire... I normally pyro blast-firebolt-wand/fireblast/whatever to kill things. Apparently I'm doing something very wrong if mages deal with crowds the best. Mana shield eats up enough mana, blizzard would just leave me helpless. Anyways I did the quest by running, dieing, running, dieing until I got to the end...
  25. problem is I get halfway through killing one, then he calls over his buddies and kills me before I can act. They're all to close together to kill 1 by 1. Then I get stuck in situations like the one below. [hide=This is impossible.][/hide]
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