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Everything posted by heartless619

  1. lol thats good..Do ya feel lucky punk? lol But guns and knifes are for the weak...Fist only will show ya who is a real man
  2. Lol Darkrick just got Double Pwned.... and correction Noob isn't a person or level its an attitude.. Nub is a stump lol...and i have a face also..
  3. Hate only last for about a day then it is gone.... if someone makes you mad and you say you hate them..its just a reaction to what they have done to you...it is usually gone by the day or day after... so noone can truly hate anyone... In my way of putting it..iv hated alot of people..but we are all kool now... and as many of you have said..Yea there are people i Dislike..but don't Hate
  4. Lets get back on the Subject if you have a problem take it to the PM's...other wise get outa my thread..
  5. Lol i think wearing sunglasses in side is dumb....people think there hot Doody when they walk into class with shades on..and i just laugh at them.....
  6. o dang my list be so long..i love to scare people so..lmao i got a laugh but they didn't...lol I have a bunch of Cream in the little packages you get at a restaruant for coffee...still am trying to figure out what to do with them... :twisted:
  7. This is were you will tell us what games you have FULLY or 99% beat.. Its that easy..and if there is a topic like this please let me be informed and provide a link..then a mod may lock this. But a few games i have ever beat or are so close to beating is.... Final Fantasy X - PS2 Tony Hawk Underground - PS2 Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 (like 91%) - Ps2 Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 (not all gaps and like 97%) - PS2 Tony Hawk Underground 2 - PS2 Tony Hawk WasteLand - PS2 Pokemon Red and Blue Version -GBA!!!!!! KEEPIN IT OLDSCHOOL!!! Pokemon Yellow -GBA Medal Of Honor - PS1 Tony Hawk Pro Skater - PS1 Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 - PS1 Socom 1 (80%) - PS2 Metal gear Solid Vr Missions (90%) - PS1 Spiderman 2 (like 50%) but have almost all missions done..just the stupid coins and stuff... PS2 and i think there are more...but ill post them when i remember
  8. well i dont like call of duty.... Never plaed brother in arms So my pick is....Medal of honor!!! that game kicked Booty!!! especially the first one!! i beat that game..and that is one of the few games i have ever fully completed..
  9. exactly.........this is like a carlos mencia thing...De-De-De...
  10. Nub? and faceless? First off Nub isn't a person its an attitude..and im pretty sure i wasn't acting nub... and im actually surprised at the response from all of you...and thats good to know. but i have many different types of friends...so..there is some stuff i keep from one TYPE of friends and some stuff i keep from other friends.. but w.e. i really wasn't expecting this many people to respond..
  11. Lol yea im asked what race i am from being so tan... Answer: white, 1/4 Korean, some mexican (not much), and white!! lol
  12. i tryed to look for the thread but when i did a search like 8000 things came up..so..lol but if there is so another one..please provide a link and lock this then
  13. lol i remember i tryed to do that..but it never worked...it would be good..but maybe my watch was like .50 seconds slower or faster..it was never perfect..
  14. i found it hard..and stupid...ill never play it again...they screwed it up..
  15. lol well it says it all...let me explain. Anyone can be anything they want to be on the internet..and they can also do alot of stuff and keep it a secret from there RL friends..but will go on forums like this and spill there guts out because noone on here knows them...so im asking what is it that you do that you really dont want your Real-Life freinds to know you do? For me its... 1. Play Runescape..lol or go on RS forums like this.. 2. I used to play neopets and well im guessing i have a lot more but they arnt coming to mind (this and my other thread came to me while in the shower lol)
  16. so what are some questions that people seem to keep on asking... for me its.. 1. Do you tan? (this was during soccer season) and all the time now after.. ANSWER: No, i play out side a lot. and i think being semi Mexiasian helps. but no fake N bake for me... 2. Why DONT YOU HAVE A GF!?!?! (after they find out iv never had a Gf) ANSWER: well honestly idk..most likely cause im really shy if i like you, but flirty if i dont like you and you like me...but im really looking for that special someone..and not something thats gonna last 4 months then be over...
  17. lol not good either way you look at it...we have established that this is not a good idea...
  18. Well Lie about your age then is all i can say... you can certainly pull off a mature 20+ year old...and if people wont listen to you and what you have to say...like you said when they find out it all goes downhill...then that means they are inmature...so yea take it as a compliment...that you are more mature then some 20+ year old person.
  19. No Heck no.....this is total BS from what you guys have said...they would have to suspend me all year then...cause i sure as heck wouldnt take my myspace down or nothing...the only people that govern you out side of school is You and your Parents....the only time you could get suspended from school on myspace is a Fin Bomb threat to your school...other wise..no...Kid you have done nothing wrong...your teacher is being a hard@55 for some strange reason...she is not aloud to govern you out side of school...*unless its illegal activity and they can prove you did it* what you do on your free time is your business...and anything you do on the internet is your business..give me your teachers number and ill give her a nasty talk..in your defense..you have done nothing wrong....and i gaurente your hand book says nothing about this...because mine doesnt..and it really has no reason to in the 7th grade.. You teacher should understand your level of maturity..which is shown a lot on this thread...
  20. Yea i saw nothing wrong with the video.. lol i actually thought it was funny and confusing..lol but other then that..it looks like ev ery other frigin vid on youtube...
  21. it will be a sad day in america..then it will be normal again...Long live the Barker
  22. Dont remove it..can you PM me the link to the vid? please i would like to see what the fuss is about.
  23. Exactly so, but when/if (most likely when) she "punishes" us, and when I bluntly refuse to remove the video (which has happened in the past, an eight grader got a detention and removed a youtube video from the same teacher), what should I do? Also, the principal is a 70+ year old nun, who has never touched a computer, and will consider: "An unsafe act of immaturity, who knows how many people could watch it" grounds for punishment. (That quote was a derivative of my own mind and was never said aloud :)) Freedom of Speech..tell her she is interfering with your freedom of speech...that should shut her trap once and for all...and first off *understand what im about to say...* Try NOT to beat up that lil snitch because then you will get worse punishment...
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