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Everything posted by heartless619

  1. I didnt do it. im to weak... Who took my Fm skill cape?
  2. Jagexs dont listen to these fellow F2P of mine...they not know what they speak..
  3. HOLY CRAP!!! DUDE!!! Do some research first before putting these Exp tables up here!! how much would those cost to burn! dang..and make cherry not so much..but cedar gets 55 striaght at lv 5? when willow has 90 and they are 25 levels diff...that doesnt make sense..and 99 would be way ez to get with all these.... so your minigame...is 20 mins of straight wc... and burning?
  4. weird? hurry up and use one of them piles and buy something
  5. they have a cure and vaccine for alot of stuff we dont know about.,... Its all a government cover up...for reasons beyond me... If anyone found a vaccine they would disappear soon after... GOVERNMENT's out to get you!
  6. no support....jeezus.... this sounds alot like whining..and..you really bored me at your statistics... Im F2p and i agree that maybe a mage robe bottom is in order..but not everything else you said...i saw your paint idea and about laughed out of my chair... and...honestly..mages are already strong enough! if they had a 40 offensive then jeezus it would kill F2P wildy... at level 13 with 17 mage..a pure mage is already stronger then a ranger and melee at lv 13... Get there mage to 21 or what ever bind is..and jeezus...they already hitting 6-7's..while rangers hit about 3-4's... and lmao...those high powered skills lmfao....that would ruin pking also....so stop your whining...cause thats what it is..a form of whining...they wont update people who dont pay..and 5$ a month isnt much... If you can afford internet then for PooP sakes you can afford a measly 5$ a month...No Support....this would ruin Pking...mages are fine..
  7. yea dude...instead of forums..learn to make websites for people... you can make some decent money if your really good at websties... My cousin did this. but forums arnt very hard to make...and i think my bro is good in photoshop, but he wont make any money doing it...and i doubt neither will you
  8. Heat up certain weapons for slayer...that will do more damage or pierce certain monsters
  9. what dude? im still tyring to comprhend what you jsut said....but... no you wouldnt burn them like fletching...you still have to go outside..and..you wouldnt want the update? i dont understand why you wouldn't want this...im 85 and i kno if at 91 fm i could deal 5 damage to someone..i could make a barrier around me,..and be protected..from melee
  10. Ban...they break rules they get the punishment..no exceptions...besides Chuck Norris...hes unbanable..
  11. A clan called Retribution...wich later became HoF...maybe you heard of them? but yea i was a HoF member..till i just stopped runescape for awhile...well wactually i left because a stupid reason... we were on a clan war Raid..and i guess there rule was no fish under lobs..and i had a inventory full of tuna.....well anyway we were in the wilder and a steel war was goin on and zezima was out there..and i took some pics..but didnt edit my inventory out...and i put it on the site sayin i saw zezima with the pic..but instead i get bashed for having fricken tuna in my inventory.....like 10-12 hp eating is much a differance..when you in a war....idk..but yea...the guy was a [bleep]..
  12. No support...Granite itself is very brittle...and chips...so it would never work when trying to mine a metal........and yea..why cut a tree wit ha rock? sorry...not a good idea
  13. well...about december last year i bought this chick in my Civics class a bible..after a conversation we had..yea it was pretty awsome..and shes super cute...lol
  14. Yes and No... Yes...99 is hard to achieve..and if it was i would make the price to buy it higher then 99k.. No...that is why Mems pay 5 bucks a month so..they are buying thier cape...after they get there payed skills to 99
  15. yep i support..no more bank space...all these whineing lil f2p need to stop it...im a f2p and i manage enough room..even with 10 mem items...so stop your -bad word- complaining.......
  16. i still haven't seen the new varrok.....probably cause im in Lumby fm...and really don't wanna walk to bank for tele..but i still need to go see it...but NO from what your saying i don't like this new one....give me back my old fountain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. no support.....its not the Yews causing the problem...(well in a way it is but no....) its the macros...and Yews are the only good way way to make money in f2p...well decent money
  18. thats not a bad idea!!!!!! especially for slayer monsters!!!!! You could kill a monster..then to get the Exp..u need to burn its remains...or this could go the same with Prayer...since cremation is a way of "burying your bones" that also is a good idea!...atk a monster...then move back light a fire and move back again..and as the monster walks over the fire he could have damage dealt to him every so often. lol idont think they had flamethrowers back in medieval times... I support everything i just said..........
  19. +1 LMao nice sig....thats awsome....... but i think people who spit inside is discusting also..or when people are chewing in class and they spit into a clear bottle for everyone to see...or throw there chew wads on the wall...thats just gross
  20. there is already a topic like this...... Use the search button......
  21. yea..there is a thing in itunes that says...Do not auto update.. because i found that out hte hard way....and i still dont have all my original songs.......it sucked
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