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Everything posted by heartless619

  1. Lmao...your complete ignorance to comprhend this saying astounds me..as assasin or bubbsa would say.. Pm me if you wish to know the meening behind this Wise saying..haha your an idiot i must say..lol you being non religouse couldnt even comprhend this i guess...
  2. That is taking the easy way out. That is not basing opinion off empirical data. That is not having faith. That is not rational thinking. That is not true believing. That is cowardice. haha id say that is the smart way out. and pretty much the last part of what HE said is dumb...but you are calling me a coward now? because i have faith im taking the easy way out? then why is that Christianity as is so large you are calling all these people cowards? also i found this... HOW MANY PEOPLE GO REGULARLY TO WEEKLY RELIGIOUS SERVICES? The United States has a higher level of church attendance than any other country which is "at a comparable level of development." 53% of Americans consider religion to be very important in their lives. This compares with 16% in Britain, 14% in France and 13% in Germany. The importance of religion has been declining in developed countries. In those countries which are "experiencing economic stagnation and political uncertainty," the importance of religion is high. so about a post on page 4...about the Youtube video..and the guy being a brit...lmao look at these findings..16% of brits showing that not many brits have a religion.
  3. Ok if i understand what your saying... what is Easier to believe (only you can decide) 1. God created the earth and everything in 6 days or the.. 2. Big bang theory along with the Implosion to create earth Specialy for us..and you now believe the earth is 4.6 billion years old...and we were created from Monkeys and fish...
  4. You could have claimed self defence. And your neighbor is a real idiot...tell her not to leave her animals lying around the yard...*or id shoot the beast...* why i hate animals...there to Unpredictable...they still have that wild nature insticnt in them...unlike humans who have come to be civelized *spelling (im not using firefoxs..)
  5. all of you people here that posted stupid stuff are so ignorant it scares me more then the dogs... Personally Id Kill the F'er, Gun is my choice.. I was attacked, (not bitten) it just tackeled me to the ground when i was 4 or 5..and ever since then i hate all animals...although im getting over this fear..i still jump every time an animal makes quick motions..or start running around...And this is weird.... Because about 10 mins ago me and my dad got in an argument about animals...after seeing this ladie get mauled by a freakin cat in a super market..so yea..some tempers flared and he being Dad i couldnt have one word of say with out being punished...thus proving i had won...because all adults are stupid..(yes even me)
  6. lol i dont know about a free world...untill yuou get some aliens trying to take over the universe \ and no there isnt a big book of rules...but on earth we have a big book of rules and its called commen sense. :P i like your ending. how bout we kill both of these Spiritual topics and leave it at make the best of it.
  7. Do believe or think you have your own spirit? I think that before a person is concieved there *spirit* will choose a path for them, and all the dificulties that will help them grow in spiritual enlightment.. what do you have to say about this Young boy, and why he is there and not here in america or some other 1337 nation? I dont think that boy is being helped reach spiritual enlightenment by that. And the reason he is not in America or "some other 1337 nation" ( :roll: ) is because he was born there... Are you saying that his spirit chose for him to live there? exactly..just like your spirit chose to be werever you are. and ill pray that you find that enlightment... hahaha good joke...you will never find an athiest in a foxs hole...
  8. Ok explain to me how the earth was created..besides big bang..because that has been disproven numerouse times..And...how come we dont see monkeys now developing into people? did they just Quit as soon as there was enough humans to support the planet? Ok, yes..do you watch the history channel? or someother channel like that? I have heard many a theorys about how the world came to be, yet all the scientific theorys seem to be disproven. there is no explantaion for how are moon could just rise up out of the pacific ocean..or how the big bang could have created the planet how it was.. And why is no other planet in are solar system like ares? and dont tell me *Well how do you know they arnt??* because ill say...your scientist have shown you there's not...and scientist who believe in darwinism and big bang are the biggest non religouse people out there..that they need to prove there right.........we base are selfs off of fatih
  9. Do believe or think you have your own spirit? I think that before a person is concieved there *spirit* will choose a path for them, and all the dificulties that will help them grow in spiritual enlightment.. what do you have to say about this Young boy, and why he is there and not here in america or some other 1337 nation?
  10. So what makes you an athiest? come here and tell us why are you an athiest? ploxs? id like to know.
  11. If you don't like the fact that people are going to question your beliefs then don't read these kinda threads. Otherwise, the freedom to hold opinion and criticise is crucial, and I will always question your belief just as I would expect others to question mine (or lack of). So don't you dare tell me to mind my own business and shut up, because I know damn well that most Christians don't do it with me when i'm open with them. Stop burying your head in the sand, wake up and smell the debate. uh, lol ok...wtf? he said People attack your religion...not Christians as a whole... and he is right..making a thread like this was pointless...all it did was flame stupid [cabbage]...and assasin you must like attacking us and coming in here to raie more hell? because you would have seen my request to lock this damn thread... so i ask you why in the hell are you an athiest? Debate....wow...couldnt have said it better...why dont you move this [bleep]ing topic there? im sure there will be alot more post.. Carlos Mencia- De De De.. No shiz?
  12. . "hello, I am mr. Period. I can fit in between sentences so people know when to stop!" , "hello, I am ms. Comma. I can put in a break in sentences." Anyways where have you been living all this time? There are just as many Christians labeling Atheists as "immoral" and looking down to them as there are Atheists to Christians. No human has the power to judge anyones life style, therefore those Christians arnt really being Christian...and just because someone says there a Christian doesn't make them a Christian...because, within Christianity, there are many denominations some are wrong some are right we wont know until we die...but usually when someone says there a Christian i ask Of what denomination..(myself am a Lutheran) so, really they most likely arnt Christians if they are bashing atheist..and atheist arnt atheist if they keep making threads like this...because they obviously believe something if they feel the need to attack when people say they are Christian..
  13. Why not? It's funny seeing people think the world revolves around them. "Oh, you've offending [sic] me!" ...So? Tell me why I should care about offending you.[/quote first off tigra...i thought we were on the same side...you shouldnt want to offend anyone..what if i did something that offended you? (and dont tell me you dont get offended...because your only human everyone has feelings...) what would you do if i offended you? just sit back and take it? or speak out?
  14. Why not? It's funny seeing people think the world revolves around them. "Oh, you've offending [sic] me!" ...So? Tell me why I should care about offending you.[/quote first off tigra...i thought we were on the same side...you shouldnt want to offend anyone..what if i did something that offended you? (and dont tell me you dont get offended...because your only human everyone has feelings...) what would you do if i offended you? just sit back and take it? or speak out?
  15. Ah, this is a perfect example of why evangelists intrigue me. It's probably the only profession in the world where people make money by having no idea what they're talking about. Okay, okay, there are a few others, but the evangelist profession is probably the only one where 100% of the people within the profession know 0% about what they're talking about. We can't ever know what God thinks, at least not in this state of being. People need to quit acting like they have even the slightest clue what God is like, let alone what It tells us :| . Oh, and just so you guys know, the Bible contains at least a dozen different distinct images of God. Five of them being the major ones, but all different nonetheless. Even within the sacred Bible itself of Christianity there is still indecision about what God is like, let alone our interpretations :| . have you ever read or heard story's of people with near death experiences? and what fakeitormakeit said...yes havent you ever seen that movie Seven...the guy did all sorts of bad stuff and then repents before he dies, and gets to goto heaven.... and lol o reddragon, you really make me laugh..and this is why i dislike you on these forums.. You dont just go Poof...yes God has given us free will, to make choices that will determine are future. and God looks like TO YOU whatever you want him to look like, he is there to make you more comfortable...you want god looking like a old man or a young chick, whichever is most comfortable to you or whatever. God is just a state of being, He is the Past the present and the future I think that noone will ever really know what he looks like. and what you said Its based on faith...there wasnt a Manuel other then the bible on how to live are life's, and to those that have nothing gives them a sense of direction or hope...of course we cant know everything, noone ever knows 100% in there profession...but im pretty sure your ASSumption of people knowing 0% is wrong...
  16. Hm, wanna show me in the Bible where it says that, unless of course you haven't read it which is why you'd make an assumption like that? :| IS IT JUST ME OR HAVE YOU DOMINATED THIS FORUM LOL it sais nowhere in the bible god hates gays and if it does show me a picture of it because if you do i will call my slef a moron :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: I'm not dominating this forum, I just logged on and saw some interesting topics and starting posting on them. :? And do you want me to show where it says that God does or doesn't hate gay people? Because it doesn't say that anywhere (It says that homosexuality is a sin, but I'm not touching that topic with a 10-foot-pole, that will just spark another war)... no the morons who sais he does Well ill touch this topic no pole...cause im guessing this is going to be locked real soon....but for those that havent read the bible...it is the ultimate book....it has everything a "story" should have...Sex, Murder, Lust, Lies, Betrayal, a beginning and an end, storys of kings and beggers..also God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for a reason.... Sodom = Soddemy or Gays
  17. Ok....firstly learn to spell....seriously...its Christian...you little 5 year old.. and how in the Hell did you prove us wrong? Honestly he can do what ever he wants..if he really wanted to make a stone he couldn't lift then he would do it...
  18. So why do you come on these forums to bash people who maybe do read the bible? and especially if you have never read it i would appreciate you not being so [bleep]ing ignorant...damn atheist.
  19. Ok my personal opinoin on pokemon LG... There is way to much dinkin around...i think some of the pokemons abilities are stupid...and really are a waste of time and game play..and well shoot i had all these things about the game i didnt like and made it slower but they have seemed to left me....
  20. Tony Hawk American sk8land I used to be ranked in about top15 players in the world...and in the number 1 and 2 clans....but i love all tony hawk games so...this is my fav..
  21. why dont you ask this question in here.. Here......
  22. Reviving a Old topic Wo0t! Well for those that are still here..I skimboard. i think its pretty fun. Yea i use a wooden board but will go carbon when i get more money. Just riding along our creek. (and surfin if your still here...how big was this puddle?) but yea anyone else go skimboarding? and can you do any tricks? I cant do any tricks besides some grabs while im skimming the water. Indy, Roastbeef, melon,nose, tail,
  23. happy birthday! and now look at my new thread im about to make...called skimbaorders EDIT: nvm there is already a topic for skimming
  24. yea Some magnesium will help you alot
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