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Everything posted by PeckMe

  1. Nooooo!!!!!!, i you man!!!!!, you can't quit!! :'(, I'm ant6186 btw, quit that ages ago and made a new account and look where i am....nowhere without j00!!! Add me if you ever come back!
  2. That's not my point, I see you've slayed, so you understand what it is like. I look down upon PC because it basically, doesn't 'train' players, it levels players. Example: My friend has done PC her whole time on RS, she's now level 122, hasn't gained more than like 50 combat away from PC. She does't understand potting, eating, praying, and prayer bonus. Ever wondered why people are melee praying with rune armor on? Not using proselyte armor or monk robes for the prayer bonus. Never seen monsters in the game, never been anywhere but the basic cities? These are all effects on the game from Pc, not to mentioned 99 Magic, without casting a spell, or 99 ranging without using bows, chins, or knives. Or maybe a skill that used to be expensive, and many couldn't ahcieve 124, 125, and 126 due to it, making those last levels exclusive to the best. That's why I disagree with the Mini-Game See, Zman, you dont speak for the whole entire RS population you know, i pk'd from level 95 to 99, i know perfectly what potting, praying eat and pray bonuses are, maybe you should explain more about your personal experiences about the Mini-Game before you make judgements.
  3. I doubt it, thanks for the gratz anyway, but i trained from 95 to 99 at pc so i've had just as much money making fun as you... :Check out the blog =] :
  4. Hey!!!, GL with everything man =] :XD: :Post if you have time, and look at bank vid xD :XD: :
  5. W00t, i got the 50th post!, Jk, add me =], you posted on my blog and we went off topic about hawtness hehe. :thumbsup:
  6. Oooo yer, at edge?, thanks for the support =], supporters list? :-k Edit: Going to bed for the night, 10:37 Here (GMT), see you guys after school (".) tomorrow!
  7. Herro!!!! Welcome to my blog, Rate/Hate, do whatever but whatever i do, ill update =] [hide=Outfit(s)]Outfit(s): Hehe i'm watching you!, thats the only outfit atm (till i get my combat sorted after 99 cook)[/hide] [hide=The 99s]The 99s [/hide] [hide=Lastest Level]Latest Level: [/hide] [hide=Next 99!]Next 99: Cooking!!! =] [/hide] [hide=The Goals]The Goals: [/hide] [hide=Cooking Levels So Far]Cooking Levels So Far: [/hide] [hide= Banky!!!]Bank!: Banky!! (New One Soon!) [/hide] Supporters: Holy F E A R (This guy is ftw!) Donations: Not a must, but if you want....XD!
  8. Lmao, yes i will use my protective gloves so i don't get blister's off of the whip. :thumbsup:
  9. Yes, finally someone who see's that cooking or fletching as a first 99 skill isnt good! (Mine was Str)
  10. I know it's the most common, but don't you wish you had it?
  11. I know you guys are usually SUPER rich, soo........BANK PIC PL0X!!!! =]
  12. Thank you to the guys that are owning the people who dont have a 99 so they are jelous (im some cases thats not true they just want to look "cool") Thanks people! =D>
  13. Thanks to everyone that has posted....i know it's common but it's a great 99 to have. Thanks for the support guys!
  14. Rate 1/10 =] took 2 weeks from 97 at pc.
  15. Hey, wicked total 10/10, you can get that 800, your an impressive skiller...add me, maybe while your doing whatever your doing we can talk, makes the game that less boring. =]
  16. Wicked, but...BANK PIC PL0X!!!! (New) =] gl on ya smithing, your close.
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