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Everything posted by bfg_omicron

  1. I'd probably try to create a new one with the same name I use for a lot of things (not BFG Omicron, obviously). If it's taken by the time I try, I'll just stick with my current one.
  2. Sounds like me when I took Intro to Comp. Sci. The class was basically on basic Java programming; I had no problem understanding the algorithms and such, it was just the syntax and semantics that screwed me over #-o I think I baaaaarely squeezed by with a B, by the way :thumbsup:
  3. I personally think that the only "bugs" people should be banned or punished in any way for are ones that provide an obvious unfair advantage over other people playing the game, or ones that let a player do something that is most definitely something they shouldn't be able to do. I think that finding methods of killing a boss, say, that aren't true glitches or glaring faults in the programming should not be frowned upon or looked at as "bug abuse". For example, regarding the quoted text within the article about the Saradomin GWD boss, the methods people discovered should not be considered "bugs" or "glitches". Those are simply examples of people using their own ingenuity and skill to assist them in doing something that would otherwise be very difficult. Now, if there was a true glitch that, for the sake of an example, upon being exploited allowed a player to not lose any HP when hit by the boss, THAT is the kind of "bug" that I think should definitely be fixed. But players being clever and finding safespots where they might not have been intended should not, in my view, be considered a "bug".
  4. it's the MCBC! \ \ \ \ \ (the MC Bat Commander, frontman of the band The Aquabats; google it) Aquabats ftw!
  5. hi i'm new. bank space. :thumbsup: oh yeah and Woot! ...38th(?) post! sorry i had to
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