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Everything posted by RandomKnight

  1. well, the stats are negligible and they can only be worn inside the ghost town, with no attackable monsters, so idk if you can attack anything maybe slight differences but looks like it to me Theres no way to attack with it as theres no attackable monsters in the town
  2. my guess is youll use around 8 like was above
  3. then that means without a screenie (wich is not allowed in this instance) you are also making up your question to them Your still at the computer if your on the forums didnt you bring it up, aru?
  4. RandomKnight

    OMG!!! P2p-ers!!!

    Did you just come in from the RSOF? Well let me welcome you.. Go Back. Some people can't become P2P because they don't have time to play the game that much, parents won't let them etc. So next time try bringing something new to the table instead of the old, unoriginal "it's only $5 a month" rant. +1 Im P2P and even im getting tired of everyone bringing up the money issue
  5. RandomKnight

    OMG!!! P2p-ers!!!

    Good point, if stuff like this happens it lessens (not completely elimanates) the reasons to join P2P... 1. Why you think you are better people than us, who don't pay for the game No P2P dosent make us better people, but should be getting more than the F2P since we are paying (not because the F2P dont deserve it, its just because thats the way it works) 2. Why are you always referring to: "you don't pay 5 dollar, you don't have a reason to ask things from jagex" See above^ 3. why are so many of you people so full of themselves that you think other people are worth "less" than you? Some P2P may think this, but i personaly dont-i actualy remember my first friend on runescape stoped talking to me because when i told him i got membership he said i was "just another stuck up member"... 4. Have you ever talked with an f2p-er for the reasons he did not wanted to be a member? Cant say i have, my only F2P friends either eventualy got members or is trying to get his parents to allow it 5. Do you consider f2p players as human beings? Absolutely, aru 6. I heard that most people in member worlds are brutal, annoying and lame, is this true? (I heard it from ex f2p-ers) I believe the persentage of people like this is the same in both F2P and P2P Overall i see F2P as equals, and think there are some things they should get (skillcapes for example)-but we cant give them to much or there wouldnt be much reason to be a P2P Age: 15 Status: P2P
  6. barrows > bandos. But bandos might be less expensive if your planning on useing either armor for a long time, because of the repairs
  7. You still need 500 telegrab, 550Alch, and 500 graveyard
  8. so you mean if i offered to sell full rune for like 168,594gp i wouldn't get to sell it out? but then who would sell it for that price. from what ive seen say your looking to buy a item for 1250gp and someone is selling said item for 1100gp, you would get the item and keep 150gp-so exact price matching doesnt seem to e an issue, aru
  9. i had heard somewere recently that uncut onyx is 260k tokkul, no matter what karamja glove. edit: oops, just checked myself, 300k tokkul...wonder why they decided to make it not affect the onyx
  10. even with the good intentions, thats still a very bad idea...
  11. it might take a day or two-did for me any way. deff role in might be difficult for a beginer, but someone here posted a excelent set up for it.
  12. I dont remember him saying the 126 should get an onyx, but 25gp may be a little low...even to a lvl3
  13. Yeah i dont get why people complain about updates-if you dont like the update you either get over it or quit, simple as that (and ive yet to see an update quit worthy...)
  14. like everyone else has said, its ok (and i recomend getting it if not now eventualy since its so fun to use :) ) but if your training go for the dbaxe and wichever you get id try to save for the other as well, it would probaly be a good combonation-but i havnt tried that out yet...
  15. I would go for the Fm xp, i think it would be better in the long run
  16. by banning lvl3s with less than a number of skills lvled wouldnt work so well, there are some skillers who work on one skill at a time-we could end up banning someone who worked hard legitametly for there 99 wc
  17. you make alot of time and money sound realy easy...but that is one way to do it. you could try teleporting-law run for free laws and tele till the lvl you want. as for getting atk up, you could try experaments if youve completed franenstiens monster-or angry animals in the souls bane dungeon if youve done a souls bane.
  18. they also get a skill cape, and acan cut mages for money easier than if tey jusyt had 85 (i think thats the mage log lvl)
  19. but some skillers dont want to get to lvl4 cmb at all some ideas are good but theres to many ways for them to get around them
  20. Jeez, can't you understand this? If the pure asks the impure to inconvience himself, he's asking for an unfair fight, because it swings the odds in the pure's favor simply through the way the two accounts are built. Is that hard to grasp? The ONLY way you get an "honorable" (you mean the word "fair" here) fight between a pure and an impure is if BOTH accounts are wearing the gear they are built to use - the pure in his pure gear, the impure in his impure gear, so they both are using their stats in the best way they can. Removing anything swings the odds in the other player's favor, making it UNFAIR. Unless you want to box. Boxing is fair for both people, because it doesn't matter what your stats are built for - you're not using them to their best potential. And even then, everybody knows pures suck at boxing... I think you need to look in the dictionary as to what the word fair means. "Fair" means "unbiased, not favoring one or the other." I don't call weakening the impure by that much "unbiased"... maybe you need to understand. we're not talking about whos a better pker, as said before. we're not talking about who would kill the other one in a 1 on 1 no rules fight. obviously, the non pure is not going to take his armor off. i know i wouldn't. im just saying....it would be a bit more fair if the non-pure took some of his armor off in order to give the pure the most tiny bit of chance to win the fight. and, as said before, im not biased against either one. i have a 94 tank ranger and a 67 pure i dont care in either case, im not biased. of course, this is going to keep going, we're going to keep arguing. that being said, i'm done with this thread. i have my opinions you have yours. we're never going to come to an agreed conclusion. it would be unfair for only the non-pure to remove somthing, to make it fair if they remove there armor the pure needs to do the same. and if you wouldnt remover your armor in there position, is ait fair to ask them to do it? i dont think so, aru
  21. Like I said earlier, the reason you say it's unfair is simply because your stats, as a pure, suck. That's not unfair, that's the consequence of your actions. I don't know if you're going to understand this, but it is NOT unfair unless you had NO CHOICE but to become a pure. But you DO have a choice. You have full control over your account, you have the ability to decide if you wanted to be pure or not, so it is NOT unfair that your stats suck. Sure, you might have a disadvantage. That's not unfair, because that disadvantage was chosen. It would only be unfair if Jagex said "Oh, people that register during the hours of X to X will have crappy accounts, people that register between the hours of Y to Y will own." But that's not what Jagex did. The same options are open to you as are open to every other player in this game. Does that make sense? man you must be mentally challenged. does ANYONE who's reading this understand that what im saying is NOT an "omg pures dnt get lyke ne thing cuz dey alwayz get pwned by def nubz0rs n dey wont take der armor off so i can pwn them" argument im making. for the 34,001th time..... the original poster is talking about honor. honorable, in a fight, would be making the fight more fair. (as i've said a few times before, i have a pure account and a tank ranger, so i dont really care what side is better.) therefore, an HONORABLE (after all, that IS what the original poster was talking about...)pker who has defence would OFFER to take his RUNE off so the fight would be more FAIR (Honorable, for you idiots who havent been reading or cant read). now, i know im going to have to repeat myself at least once more...so go ahead and say how stupid pures are and they should get defence again. what would be honorable is for the pure to fight him and not complain about the fight being unfair because they didnt train a skill themselves
  22. If someone has full rune and you can't hit anything on them that does not mean they should remove it! They have the armor-why should they take it of because someone thinks its unfair? your idea of fair makes no sence, aru
  23. Man, a 105 :shock: ...thats it, youve pushed me into completing contact (ive been putting it off for a while)
  24. You have your opinion Nonrune and thats fine, but if you think this way wouldnt be more efficient to just ignore us and let us play a game most of us enjoy in peace? just a thought, aru
  25. Yeah, 123 had a hand in starting this whole thing How does he know the exact stats of the person i run into, does he have spys everywereor somthing?
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