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Everything posted by r2d2

  1. there are many free webhosts with php and mysql, and many paid webhost for 5 usd or less, google "free php host" and you'll get a few hundred ;)
  2. That's wouldn't legally be rape, as far as I know, maybe their parents can be prosecuted for neglect? Its isn't rape and their parent won't get charged with neglect. The two kids would just probably get sent to juvy One or the other (maybe even both?) can be charged with sexual assault, legally but not technically rape.
  3. so you can't use xchat or the java client, the firewall seems ok, sounds to me like it is something on your computer, could you use the java client before installing xchat?
  4. he probably wants something like this, animated gifs (like the vial one) are more user-friendly, being smaller and working like a normal image.
  5. </pre><ul> Category Home Link Link Link Category Category </ul><b it is better to use double quotes (") in html... create separate variables for each page's links, ie: $home = ' </pre><ul> Home Link Link Link </ul>';<b then to check filename: <?php $currentpage = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);?> >Category<?php if ($currentpage == 'index.php') {echo $home;}?> the above displays the content of $home if the page is index.php. hope that helps.
  6. interesting... so if you knew what you were doing all along, you made this thread because... the website you used as a reference uses an HTML list, so you're not trying to make that, but rather an include that changes with each page... if there are any questions you need answered, maybe posting the content of your header would help...
  7. oh yeah, just remembered. the force of the weight of the rest of the earth is so great that the center of the earth is forced into a solid, this is the same force that causes the heat. translation of energy.
  8. glad you think so. if you need any help with arrays or anything else feel free to ask me : for the images, try: <?php define('UPLOAD_DIR', 'url'); //defines where to upload the pics, change url to whatever fits you (must be preexisting) move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], UPLOAD_DIR.$_FILES['image']['name'] ?> if you don't know where the temp location/name is, use: <?php print_r($_FILES); ?> on the same page as the upload form, right under it. it returns a nestled array, the tag helps keep the indents and enters to make it easier to read. hope this helps!
  9. your code doesn't have a menu at all, unless it is in header or footer.html, but then $category wouldn't help you...
  10. php? it can be done with javascript. in the : then in the :
  11. http://members.aol.com/quentncree/lehrer/solongmo.htm
  12. r2d2


    of course there is. there's a phobia for everything. Pogonophobia dogs = Cynophobia 1. necrophobia 3. Merinthophobia 2.Aphenphosmphobia 3.claustrophobia 5.Metathesiophobia necrophilia is wanting to have sex with a corpse... :ohnoes:
  13. 3. You just haven't practised enough. If you had stronger arms and better agility/balance, you'd be able to. You don't need strong arms to do handstands (known from personal experience :oops: ). You just need to have good balance; balancing yourself properly almost seems to make your weight cancel itself out :-k . So ya, if you want to get handstands down, get headstands/tripods down first, then have someone help you do handstands by holding your legs in place. Once you get to the point where you can do it safely on your own, it's just practice practice practice :P . Looks like you are stronger than you think, I've just tested that on my little brother (I made him go into a handstand next to a wall) and he couldn't hold it for very long (by very long I mean 5 seconds) because his hands got tired :lol: (He's 11) I did tripods and headstands before but in my opinion it's a lot more different than a handstand and it doesn't help you learn it. Here's a handstand tutorial. http://www.beastskills.com/Handstand.htm Well, putting aside the fact that I'm a teenager and you're brothers only 11, being able to do a handstand at any given moment depends a lot on how tired you are (whether it be because of sleep or hunger, fatigue makes it harder to keep perfect balance), and how well you can balance. If your brother hasn't been doing it for a while, if his balance isn't great, then he'll get more tired not because of his own weight, but because of any overcompensating for imperfect balance. Still, it's surprising that anyone would need to drop from a handstand after 5 seconds because of weight rather than balance. He should be pretty light at 11, so that makes it even harder for me to understand the concept :-s ; it should be easier to him in matters of weight to strength ratio. Sure he wasn't just losing his balance, or that his hands weren't positioned badly? Nowadays, for me the biggest factor when it comes to doing extended handstands is the amount of blood rushing to my head once I get past one minute :lol: . Our bodies aren't exactly built to have gravity going the other way :-w . [/hide] Now this whole handstand business has me made come up with another question: If I build stronger muscles, will I get better coordination? Not necessarily. Fitness is divided into 4 categories. Improving one doesn't improve the others, but most athletic regiments try to train all four. - Anaerobic (muscle mass) - Aerobic (stamina) - Flexibility (yoga) - Coordination (coordination) Yes, that last parenthesis explanation was required So, better anaerobic fitness gives me more strength (like when lifting weights), aerobic fitness more resistance (when running long distances?), flexibility gives me, well, more flexibility (liken when trying to put a/the foot/feet behind the head?) and coordination better eye-brain-muscle reactions, and balance comes in with it, right? kidna sorta...
  14. I hope you don't mind, I would like to suggest a few things that will save you many headaches in the near future: don't use a code generator, make it all by hand. It seems pointless but the flaws of code generation are more trouble than they're worth. learn the basics of PHP so you know what you're doing, and instead of fussing with multiple entries for each user, assign all the values to an array, like user['name']= ['password']= etc., and just send that to the database, you say you know the basics of arrays and variables, so dissecting an array might be easier than multiple SQL queries. just a thought.
  15. there are 2 wep settings, 128 and 64 bit I believe, 128 has 1 while 64 bit has 4, try switching to 64 bit?
  16. I can help you there. Most "memory" is kept in the hippocampus (sp?). Memories are formed when synapses are formed, that happens when a thought is fired through the nerves many times, so it leaves a lasting footprint of sorts. Scientists have found memories are dissected and sorted for storage, then reassembled for recollection. They also converted 3 mouse memories into binary... --- (1) My question: if everything has a purpose, what is that of the cockroach? Ahh, thanks for that. (1) Easy. To exist and reproduce. true, that is what they need to do, but how does it affect its environment? unless somehow it was known we would pollute the world billions of years after the creation of the cockroach, as they would die offf if we would stop producing garbage. almost nothing eats them, they don't eat or do anything useful... maybe it's right up there with the appendix....
  17. well, love and physical possession are quite different (unless you only have the gf/bf to show it off or because it's cool, etc., then it is the same). When you get something, it accompanies a sense of novelty, one of those pleasure hormones responds to it. once the novelty wears off, so does the hormone. Another hormone (many, actually) deals with true affection , such as that between a brother and sister ( :thumbsup: ) or an owner and a pet. You tend to be less excited about them, but still, love is love. hope that helps!
  18. I can help you there. Most "memory" is kept in the hippocampus (sp?). Memories are formed when synapses are formed, that happens when a thought is fired through the nerves many times, so it leaves a lasting footprint of sorts. Scientists have found memories are dissected and sorted for storage, then reassembled for recollection. They also converted 3 mouse memories into binary... --- My question: if everything has a purpose, what is that of the cockroach?
  19. the brain is part of the body... the remainder of the body is incapable of free thought, or any thought at all for that matter. both games and alcohol (and tobacco) affect the pleasure receptors in your brain, so technically it would be your brain, though one would say you are addicted. _____ go animated jelly-sacks!
  20. make a different computer the wireless access point?
  21. you have a host server, I presume? I suggest you upload phpmyadmin to the server in addition to phpbb, so you can manage the database more easily. once it is all on the server, go to http://www.yoursite.com/forum/install.php (if you installed phpbb to /forum/)
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