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Posts posted by potatohead

  1. It takes a HUGE amount of time to go to the altar at ZMs. It's a much better idea to simply bring ppots.


    It takes 60 seconds.




    ...I don't know what your concept of 'HUGE' is, but I think I have different standards. :?




    I find zombie monkeys a solid alternative for someone who doesn't feel like doing the quest for AZs, or doesn't like crowded worlds.

  2. I got 99 fishing almost solely on watching seasons of That 70s Show on my computer. Rewatching some, of course. I love the AFK skills cuz I can watch TV and movies on my computer while I do it. If you have a decent size monitor you can push RS into a corner and be able to see enough of it as well as have a movie on. :thumbup:


    It's Stargate SG-1 for me. :lol:






    On topic, I suggest you find your favorite TV series somewhere. It helps a TON.

  3. How is "If they want people to know they have a 99 in a skill, they can go around and QC spam their skill level." that an opinion? It's a stupid statment, I would have used idea but it isn't even that.


    By 'opinion time', it was meant as a notification that I was going to begin giving my opinion. I didn't mean that what he said was an opinion.




    I can understand where you got confused, though. I probably could've put it differently. :thumbup:

  4. This topic is a stalemate. While there might be a few rational people lurking around here, I have yet to see one post with a valid point.






    Last time i checked hellhounds sucked and people hated them and barley anyone used dueling arena yet skill capes are an item and most people would go to members for a month just to get.


    I'm sure you have some statistical analysis to support this claim? Wait... you don't? Well then, this is a pointless statement. Although, you could've fooled me into thinking it did have a point with your perfect grammar. :^o




    Example 2:


    honestly jagex will lose nothing if they do make them f2p.


    You also have no way to prove this. Every update that is made to Runescape has the risk of making a few people lose interest in the game. This can't be avoided.




    Opinion time:


    If they want people to know they have a 99 in a skill, they can go around and QC spam their skill level.


    You would rather have people going around spamming their levels with quick chat than have a cape? To me, you seem like the kind of person that would do this. You also seem like the kind of person that would waste a perfectly good space on my ignore list.




    I want a skill cape because I think they look cool. I've wanted one ever since I started playing. Not so I can brag about how I'm better than everyone (which I'm fairly confident you've done before), but because I can wear it as a reminder of all the hours I spent clicking trees, or fishing spots, or zombie monkeys. They're called 'Capes of Accomplishment', not 'Bragging Capes'.




    It is my opinion that anyone that is willing to quit simply because F2P is granted skill capes, is somebody that the Runescape community would most likely be better off without. :)




    My vote is for this thread to be locked. :pray:

  5. CT.


    Use the entrance near the wildy mage (RC'ing one) then one portal and your there.


    I find this one the best. If you take a varrock teletab or runes with you, you can tele to varrock, run to the grand exchange, bank, resupply, and run back to the chaos tunnels within 2 or 3 minutes.

  6. Inventroy should look like...?


    I've NEVER maged dragons before, but I can take a random guess at what you should need:




    - Runes. Obviously.


    - Anti-fire pots. As many as you want, depending on how long you'll want to stay there.


    - A few pieces of high leveled food, in the event that you take an accidental hit or two.


    - Money for the boat ride [or whatever transportation you use to get there].


    - A hatchet to get through the blockages in the dungeon.


    - A one-click teleport out in the event of emergency.


    - Mage potions or whatever else you would prefer to have.




    I'm definitely not sure on this one, as I've never done it. I think I got everything, though.

  7. First off, :oops: at the double post. Don't know why that happened.




    -Unless you're living in a country where 5 dollars is a full day's work, then i really don't see any 'financial restrictions'.


    I'll do my best to explain this to you. My father is unemployed, and my mother works for minimum wage to support a family of four. Being at 17 years of age, I've had no chance to purchase a car for transportation to a job, as the nearest place to work is at least 15 miles away. I've had no money with which to purchase insurance, therefore, I cannot get a drivers license to drive a car even if I had one. It's really a catch-22.




    ...I think 'financial restrictions' is a much simpler way to explain the situation... so we'll leave it at that.




    -Do you really think jagex cares about how hard you worked for a skill when you're paying nothing for it?


    As long as I'm forced to see their ads above my Runescape window, they're profiting off of my participation in their game. Therefore, I expect them to care.




    -Space savers are nice when going f2p, just sayin'.


    Unless I misunderstood this, it seems to further my point.




    -I've been f2p for months at a time and never 'accidently' unequipped my skillcape.


    I'm assuming that you've never died, also. Things happen. If I happen to lag out while training combat, and die, it seems to me that I won't be able to reequip my cape afterwards. This would anger me.




    my 2 cents. you mad?


    No. I'm not. But I do enjoy the occasional verbal fisticuffs. Especially when I've been woodcutting for a while.





  8. sadly not no, and i'm sure wasnt near 1k :/ probs wrong though


    "This is where your remaining 875 gp comes in. Paying Saniboch allows you to enter the Brimhaven Dungeon."








    ...I have a weird habit of being right. ;)




    Shall I bring Magic potions at 59 Magic?


    That would most likely be wise. You might as well get the most bang for you buck per cast.

  9. you shall be at a distance at all times so antidragon sheild and antifire pots, nothing else matters, don't forget hatchet to get in and whatever gp it is, 375?


    875gp, if I'm not mistaken.




    Thanks :thumbsup: Is there a staff that gives unlimited Chaos runes?


    There is not. [unless I'm mistaken again... which is unlikely]

  10. Anyway, I don't think it would be that big a deal, and I would like to at least see the capes become f2p items, so members who let their membership run out could still equip, use emote, and bank the capes.




    This is the most intelligent statement I've read thus far.




    Some people, myself included, have financial restrictions in their life that prevents them from having a Runescape membership year-round. I'm often spending months at a time in F2P. I don't want to pay $5 to buy a cape, then lose it when I lose my membership again.




    And people that say that F2P shouldn't be allowed skill capes are just ridiculous. Try getting a 99 on a free server. It's often exponentially more difficult than on members servers. You really think that they don't deserve recognition for doing more work than you?




    ...someone deserves a time out until they learn to share.




    At the very least, I'd like to see a change so that a skill cape isn't referred to as a 'member's item' on F2P. I don't want to end up with a cape taking up a bank space because I accidentally unequipped it. And I don't really care if I have to buy a membership to buy a skill cape, I just want to be able to keep it in the event that my membership runs out.

  11. You operate every minute and since its a "members item" in f2p you cant operate it.




    This depresses me greatly.




    lol it's just a one level boost! No big deal




    The reason it depresses me is because I was under the impression, for some reason, that when a cape was equipped, the skill the cape represents would be 100/99 for the duration of the time the cape is worn.






    ...I just want the extra level. :lol:

  12. Anyway, I don't think it would be that big a deal, and I would like to at least see the capes become f2p items, so members who let their membership run out could still equip, use emote, and bank the capes.




    This is the most intelligent statement I've read thus far.




    Some people, myself included, have financial restrictions in their life that prevents them from having a Runescape membership year-round. I'm often spending months at a time in F2P. I don't want to pay $5 to buy a cape, then lose it when I lose my membership again.




    And people that say that F2P shouldn't be allowed skill capes are just ridiculous. Try getting a 99 on a free server. It's often exponentially more difficult than on members servers. You really think that they don't deserve recognition for doing more work than you?




    ...someone deserves a time out until they learn to share.




    At the very least, I'd like to see a change so that skill capes aren't referred to as a 'member's item' on F2P. I don't want to end up with a cape taking up a bank space because I accidentally unequipped it. And I don't really care if I have to buy a membership to buy a skill cape, I just want to be able to keep it in the event that my membership runs out.

  13. Does the 'temporary boost' given by equipping a skill cape remain for the duration of the time one wears the cape?




    Or does one have to 'operate' the cape every few minutes?




    If one equips a skill cape before they lose their membership, does one still get the boost on F2P worlds?




    I've been reading up on skill capes since I'm grinding for 99 WC. It gives me motivation. <3:




    Just curious.

  14. I'm writing a guide on this!




    Attaching anchovies to pizzas will yield 100K an hour.


    Smelting steel bars will yield 100+K an hour


    Mining clay can yield 150K an hour (but extremely boring)


    Fishing lobs is around 80k an hour








    Is it up yet? If so, you got a linkie? :lol:




    Everyone else:


    I assumed as much. I'm going to get 99 wc before I have to go back to f2p, and I was just wondering if there was a faster way. Mucho thanks for the contributions.

  15. No he's really not. He wants to powertrain his Woodcutting by cutting willows in a remote location without people and use the firemaker as an easy deposit box. He's trying to use someone to get the most Woodcutting exp.




    You, sir, are quite rude. Is it really beyond the realm of logic that someone on a F2P server would want to train firemaking through willows? To be honest, I went from lvl 1 to 60 firemaking on willows. It's not the 'best' method, but it is still a method that people use. Please try to take a mature approach to this and quit arguing. You accomplish nothing.




    I am going to be cutting willows and trading them to one person, and that person could be you, and for free, while I am cutting them in a non-populated place.




    Like previously mentioned, it is unlikely that you will find someone willing to burn willows on the Tip.It forums. I would, however, suggest that you advertise your services in populated willows spots in F2P. It shouldn't be that hard to find someone. I did this a BUNCH when I was F2P.




    Good luck to you in your search. ;)

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