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Everything posted by Zilla

  1. According to the Bungie podcast Halo Reach has a reduced bandwidth of 40%. I am glad that the game will most likely play a lot more smoother. <3: Also, here is the latest news.
  2. Looks fun, but very painful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i10eUhM0QWo
  3. Spike TV will be showing footage of Halo Reach tonight at 12:30 am EST. Its a bit late to tell you guys, but about an hour until I can watch it.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imWUc-ZdnuA
  5. Does anyone else hate it when you try and fire the minigun on the Black Hawk, the driver tries to fly it like an Apache? I hate it when that happens, can barely get a kill. I also find it bad when people who cannot pilot try and fly a Helicopter. I mean, I am not exactly the best pilot, but I don't crash into the nearest building to me right when I begin to fly.
  6. I did something similar today, but it was on Isla Innocentes. When a Black-hawk mows me down, expect a talk with my good ol' friend Carl Gustav.
  7. Halo: Reach -- The Beta Maps 4 maps in this beta, all look amazing. I am also glad they dropped the barrier system (for some maps/most) and replaced it with a system similar to Battlefield's death barrier scheme. I really hope they do not add them to Campaign, I love tricking/glitching/exploring in Campaign outside of the map.
  8. While we fight those evil communist terrorist with those deadly foreign devices, our peaceful troops will be extra careful not to harm those farmers as they are innocent civilians, less casualties the better.
  9. I would like to see an RPG employed as an anti-aircraft weapon.... And what's really sad, is that the day this breaks, all anyone was talking about (at least not here) was Tiger Woods. LMAO really? Ok, read Black Hawk Down then. Or just read this... http://en.wikipedia....ogadishu_(1993) 3rd paragraph down if you can't find it. Also read the Engagement section. Thats not just one aircraft, thats TWO aircraft shot down by RPGs. But I didn't expect you to know that, you were probably close to 1-2 years old at that point. If somebody somehow shot at an aircraft with a rifle of a sort, damaged the vehicle, and caused it to crash in some odd way, would that count as an AAW? It seems with your ideology it would. (Apologies if what is said doesn't make sense, I am half asleep at the moment.)
  10. Ever thought this is how they deal with this stuff? Regardless of if its right or wrong, its tough. They laugh about it. Been there done that. You make it a joke to take your mind off of the situation. The reality of it is, is you people are stringing these guys up as poster boys for terrible examples of humans when really they have no choice of going over there and just do what they have to do to get back. That doesn't have to be only self defense. Every job over there, you just do it so you can go home. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I thought you had to sign up for it? It's not like there's a draft, don't you have to elect to go there? I thought that was the case as well.
  11. I might possibly understand why they shot at the group, even through it was a camera on a tripod, it could look a little suspicious, especially with those body guards with AK-47s. Still, these soldiers were corrupt; I heard them laughing and talking like it was a game at one point, and I did not understand why they shot at the van either. Just thinking about it, I wonder how often unrecorded incidents of things similar to this happen, its just horrible. I understand why much of the world dislikes us, 90% of the general population blatantly [developmentally delayed]ed, corrupted leaders (every country has it, I just feel we have more corrupt politicians.), many in our military are part of that idiotic general population and blood thirsty, and our complete ignorance that "we be da bestest!" I hope one day we achieve world piece, educate our masses, and have major control on violence before we do long term damage to the planet.
  12. Less than a month until the public Beta is released, if only I lived near Bungies HQ so I could play it earlier... :pray:
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6vCXSGMhu4
  14. [hide] [/hide] Size comparison between Spartan and Elite. Also here is link to the Bungie Weekly Update. Pretty interesting read, especially about the loadouts.
  15. Amazing street football skills http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl39guVpofw
  16. WBC is one of the worst in the world, they are one of the many filth of humanity, and some of the worst. A bit off-topic but remaining on-topic slightly... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT7xQJrqUQ8
  17. *Sigh* another bad holiday event. The last good Easter event was in '06, ever since the Easter Ring we have gotten: Chicken Suit(garbage), Chocotrice Cape(even bigger garbage), and Easter Carrot (slightly okay). I wish Jagex returned to they're old event style. Whoever is making them these days needs to do better. What are they going to remake next? The Yo-Yo?
  18. Found this. Notice the Mortar Strikes.
  19. 1,000 kills is 50,000 points. I hope DICE increases it to 50,000 points or more, because even with all that xp, is takes a while to do that.
  20. Saiga Shotgun+ Magnum bullets + Slugs = Amazing. I love shooting people across the map with it.
  21. I have found a love launching friends on quad-bikes with AT Mines. Very satisfying. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uga4dKrwgw4
  22. Perhaps the last two billion years for familiar Chordates on this planet perhaps, during the last 10 billion years after a majority of the Universe has cooled slightly, life could have formed. __________ I would also like to note; consider the Homo genus has been around for 2.4 million years, and recently Humankind seems to be going through an apparent technology acceleration stage, the chances for advanced life that is much more advanced than us has a fairly good chance to exist considering the size of the Universe, even if one out of one-billion planets have life more advanced then us, it would still leave around 1,500 space-faring species, In our galaxy alone.
  23. Slightly Off-Topic, but I thought of something; Perhaps are Universe that we know is actually just a simple area of space of a much larger Universe. (Lets call it the Omniverse.) Our area of space could appear to be what we know so far, but perhaps the gaps to another "Universe" is so large, even light decays while traveling through it, essentially making it impossible to see other spaces in the Omniverse. If that case is true, that could mean there is actually trillions of galaxies, not just billions, and lets just say what I said earlier that on average each galaxy has 200 billion stars, which in turn have 5 planets each and so on.
  24. Earth is the center of the Universe, and we are the only living creatures because God said so. End of discussion. On a more serious note, I believe there is other life in the Universe. As far as we know, life could possibly form very easily; perhaps right after the right chemicals meet during the right conditions, maybe not for long or very stable, but I think it is very possible. Our Universe is near infinite, with hundreds of billions of Galaxies, which have hundreds of billions of Stars, which on average each star could have say, 5 planets. The possibilities are endless, it could range from simple microscopic organisms to advanced sentient Silicon based lifeforms.
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