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Everything posted by Zilla

  1. :thumbup: Well, I'll be away for 2 weeks, when I get back I'll level it up a bit more.
  2. Going on Vacation for 2 weeks, leaving this for friends who think I have quit or something.
  3. From my experiences of living on /b/, people can and will find ways to know who you are, somebody posted 1 picture, challenging /b/, and somebody found almost every type of personal information, school, name, email, Facebook, address, etc. This is just asking for trouble, hopefully they figure out "this is a pretty bad idea".
  4. I'll be on holiday for 2 weeks, somebody please add the weekly updates while I am away, I'll be very thankful! <3:
  5. I just thought of something, I think that the Blood Gulch/"Deja View" map shown in the Bungie Day video could be a Forged map... Look at the Shadows for one. [Hide=Blood Gulch Shadows] [/hide] Bungie generally isn't lazy with shadows, and almost all of them are Pre-Baked. Look at the other maps. [hide= Powerhouse] [/hide] [hide=Overlook] [/hide] You can see how decent those maps were made, but looking at that map... It could lead to 3 different possibilities: 1. Bungie got lazy. 2. The map hadn't loaded properly. 3. It is a Forged map, which wouldn't all all the pre-rendered shadows. _______ What do YOU think it could be? I go with the 3rd option. If it is so... I have an AMAZING idea.
  6. I thought of creating a map when the game comes out, I should still be viable if it happens to be Halo 3 level Forge, through it will probably be higher. [hide] [/hide] Dark Grey= Lowest Floor White= Medium Floor Light Grey= Highest Floor Pinkish= Inaccessable area And the ..... = Where a ceiling is above the hallway or room. _______________________________________________________________________ Tell me what you think of the map, I can't think of a name right now, so let's try to come up with one. Try making a map too, we can prepare for Forge with these little maps. :razz:
  7. Not expected for what I want... but it is EPIC! <3 Bungie
  8. It's always fun to Humiliate people like that, they were so obsessed with camping, you sent him a message and he still got killed.
  9. Zilla

    Body odor

    Longest time I probably haven't showered is around 2-3 weeks, through usually I take one everyday, (sometimes 2) through for some reason I really don't feel gross without washing for a while, sometimes better after a day or two.
  10. Bungie Weekly Update: 07.02.10
  11. That has happened to me also a few times, I went on that turret in the enemies base and they couldn't find me.
  12. Considering how good Firefight turned out to be, during the last weekly update, Bungie mentioned Forge, and said we won't be disappointed for Bungie Day, and maybe even sooner. What do you guys think Forge will be like?
  13. That video struck the fake cord with me... I really don't know if this is real or not, but god damn if it is...I'm never going to get a metal transplant. It isn't real, through it is animated well.
  14. Found this rather disturbing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHtKMS1kjlo
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHtKMS1kjlo
  16. Interesting, find it fast! Would be enjoyable to see.
  17. I agree almost completely Dan, it's sad why some people are so over critical about things. Chances are you would probably have almost as much difficulty if not more than what Jagex has to deal with. What's even worse a lot of these people that dislike Jagex is because they don't get some amazing thing from every quest or update, Jagex doesn't do that and I enjoy it greatly.
  18. Link Pretty interesting read to me, I wonder what role they will play in quest lines. (Probably Dungeoneering related through.)
  19. What a creative display, I have a feeling this young man has great artistic potential. For some reason, I want to make a Flash Animation of this, just for kicks.
  20. Doesn't that end with a boom? I'm pretty sure ball lightning just fades, from cases of what people saw. I could be wrong.
  21. It said INTJ, most of the bits are fairly accurate, but a bit of INFP and ENTP I am usually quiet, enjoy a broad range of different things, social if others try hard enough, okay comedic ability according to friends, I love to think certain things out. I do care about other Humans and willing to help them out, but overall I personally don't care about any single Human, I want Humanity so survive, I want us to be the best we can. Through, sadly a lot of my methods could be considered unethical, I think they could help us out much better than what are society deems "good". I also noticed some things I really didn't notice much about myself, originally I thought I accepted others opinions almost as much as mine, while reading it and thinking for a few minutes, I noticed that I value my opinion fairly more than others, while accepting theirs no problem. (usually)
  22. It looks like a sequel to AC2... I never played the original, but I loved the second one so I'll definitely get this when it comes out. Not only that, it appears they improved the engine a good bit, many new mechanics introduced, more types of outfits (other then the Assassin Robes), and they upgraded the villa feature greatly, and apparently you can customize all of Rome now.
  23. Worse things I can think I have done involve fireworks... Shooting at cars with Roman Candles, throwing fireworks into people's yards, and I remember one of my friends got hold of a 10 inch (or something along those lines, it was big, and made a BIG explosion) ground-shell... Good times, good times.
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