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  1. That poor guy got owned. :( You mean that [wagon] failure-at-life got what he deserved? "wagon"?
  2. You only need to use it once and they share the address with thousands of other con-men.
  3. That is great! Thank you for posting it.
  4. Er... ya that is, more or less, true. :geek:
  5. Have you ever gotten one of those Nigerian scams in your email? You know - where they say you won millions in a lottery (or whatever)? Well the webmaster on this site http://www.419hell.com/ answers those scam emails and does everything he can think of to mess with the scammer's head and waste their time. I particularly like the "testimonials" page. Very funny stuff! Here is a fake photo ID that one of the scammers sent him... (I think I could eat a photo with some paper and poop a more convincing ID!)
  6. Title of movie: "Harry and Axel" Plot summery: The year is 1989. Harry Callahan (from the "Dirty Harry" movies) is only seven days from retirement when he is reluctantly partnered with Axel Foley (from the "Beverly Hill Cop" movies). Now it is up to these two notorious detectives to track down and stop a bomb-planting ex-C.I.A. agent while at the same time avoid being killed by various assassins hired by mobsters to kill Callahan. The movie preview would go something like this: - Shot of exploding building. - Footage from car chase. - A clever remark by Callahan followed by a snappy comeback by Foley. - Another explosion - A shot of an angry mobster yelling "I want Callahan and Foley DEAD!!!" - Callahan firing his signature 44 magnum - Truck explosion - Shot of sexy women dancing in a night club. - A clever remark by Foley followed by a snappy comeback by Callahan. - Gun fight - Helicopter crash - Ends with Foley's signature laugh. What do you all think? Would you go see it? Do you think it would make money? :thumbsup:
  7. A sociological experiment was conducted in Illinois called the "Wallet Test". You can read about it at http://www.wallettest.com/ The researchers deliberately dropped 100 identical wallets (containing money and ID) in public places to test honesty. The test results were broken down by age, gender and race ----> http://www.wallettest.com/Lost_Wallet_T ... _Page.html What I'd like to know is why did men steal over twice as much as women? :-s
  8. You might have. I was "Suncrafter" on the official RS forum then too. We had over 2,000 signatures for this idea. But nothing came of it. :(
  9. I have not played in years. RS and "Call of duty" on multi-player is more fun, with less running and poison ivy.
  10. RS is about as cheap as you can get. It has a darn high value to cost ratio too. You can complain about a lot things - but price is not one of them.
  11. Random event idea: "Acid Rain" BASIC IDEA: A large dark cloud randomly appears, dropping magic acid rain and bolts of lightning. CAUSED BY: Angry volcano gods using evil voodoo magic (or whatever). WARNING SIGNS & DAMAGE DEALT: 1) Everything gets slightly darker 20 seconds before rain. 2) Music changes to something ominous. 3) Large printed message warning you to get to shelter. 4) Rain falls harmlessly for first 10 seconds. 5) After that, the rain deals 1 point of damage every 2 seconds to all players and NPCs. 6) The lightning strikes randomly, causing an additional 15 points IF it hits. NO ADDITIONAL DEATHS: To keep the odds of dieing, from a random event, the same - the "Evil Chicken" and "Insect Swarm" random events will occur half as often. So there will be NO ADDITIONAL DEATHS as a result of this new event. HOW TO AVOID DAMAGE: 1) run to edge of storm. 2) take shelter inside a building, dungeon, cave, sewer, etc 3) eat, eat, eat, eat! 4) teleport 5) use "protect from magic" prayer. 6) or logout* *(Note: you can logout BEFORE taking damage, but not WHILE taking damage. Similar to how you can't logout while taking damage from a monster. You can also logout anytime after you have taken shelter or after the rain has stopped.) GROUP RANDOM EVENT: This is a "group event" - everyone in the area is effected at the same time. This idea would be ruined if it became a "one person" event. THE GOOD NEWS: 1) Survivors get to loot from dead NPC's. 2) Survivors can attack NPCs who are badly wounded by rain. 3) Auto-clickers and Bots stand there like idiots and die. 4) Rain erodes soil to reveal treasure where the storm's center was. ---------------- IN RESONCE TO "THERE WAS NO ACID RAIN THEN": YES, there was acid rain in medieval times. All rain has SOME acidity to it. Several things can make rain more acidic then normal: 1) Car emissions and Industrial pollutants (modern) 2) Burning coal (medieval & modern) 3) Burning wood and peat (medieval) 4) Volcanic activity (always) 5) Evil Magic (always) Keep in mind that this is not "real" acid rain (which is harmless to humans) but "magic" acid rain. =================================== IN RESPONSE TO "I MIGHT DIE" COMPLAINTS: Since other dangerous events will occur half as often (see above) your odds of being killed by a random event will be about the same as before. ------------------------- IN RESPONSE TO "I HATE ALL RANDOM EVENTS": Part of the excitement of the game is the risk factor. It is strange how many good ideas get shot down (or at least shot at) if they involve the possibility of a player losing anything. (Besides the risk will stay the same. See above.) ------------------------- IN RESPONSE TO "TANGLE VINE" REFERENCES: My "Acid Rain" is nothing like "Tangle Vine". During the "Tangle Vine" random event, vines popped out of the ground and surrounding you for a couple minutes. If you moved, you would take damage. Many people panicked and died, so the event was removed. The problem with "Tangle Vine" was that it was "counter-intuitive". What you needed to do, to survive, was the opposite of how most people think. The logical thing would be to run from the plant - not just stand there. My "Acid Rain" event is NOT "counter-intuitive". Ask any RS player (or anyone else for that matter) the following question: "While outside it starts to rain. Soon the rain turns into magic acid rain that starts to burn your skin! What do you do?" A ) Stand still and do nothing. B ) Attack the rain. C ) Scream for help. D ) Find shelter. E ) Teleport away. F ) Eat to replenish your health. Only a complete moron would answer A,B or C So what do you all think? \
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