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Everything posted by Death_Hippy

  1. God why did that guy do that?Personally, I wouldn't have.I don't need no giant dam cannon!I save peoples items sometimes when they die(when it's obvious they know how to get back there).I hate it when people do that to -.-
  2. Wow I'm being flamed a lot o_o.And, it's not "cool" to swear over the internet.Though I'm not against it unlike the people on here.If I decide to do that to a kid, it's because he was either A:swearing at me B:telling me not to say the word dam(not swear word I think)C:I was bored.Jesus, if this is going to become some giant flame war on that one phrase (if you don't like it, deal with it not like your going to see me anytime soon) then just don't post.
  3. Interesting story :shock: .Oh and I don't like halo to much XD maybe i'll like 3 better than I liked 2
  4. That's what happened basically :XD: oh and one quick thing:how do I quote?God I have trouble with forums :XD:
  5. O_O Wow we seem to be getting a lot of dam flame wars on these forums...not to say I didn't participate in any....I have to stop doing that.Anyways, what really pisses me off, is when some guy goes onto a rant post (M4tty or 124yourgone I'm not sure about second one) then calls the guy on there a "noob".A example of this can be seen in the post "Trying something different is bad M'kay?". Most of the time it's some high level player who thinks he's so much better than everyone else because he has a stupid fricken huge number above his characters head.They are basing intelligence, as well as liability, on a NUMBER!What can that be saying about MMORPG communities? Wow I wonder why they get such a bad rep? It's not to say that other games don't have community problems...It's sometimes worse to hear a guy on a mic in some shooter yell NOOB!Or in stradegy games, when you aren't listening to a players EXACT orders, so he try's to get you kicked.It's been going on in games ever since the word "N00B" was spawned from the firey abyss of hell. So, how does it affect us?Well, for one, the post I talked about got locked because some high level player HAD to make a comment on the "NOOBISHNESS" of the post.Some of my posts have had that happen to them to (though not the noob part, just general flaming). The tip.it moderators did a excellent job on getting rid of some of the flamers (I'm pretty sure M4tty's banned)but, we still need to get rid of some of them (hopefully I won't do it again ._.) anyways, post your comments, I'll be around.
  6. How do I tell 8year olds from 13 year olds?They tell me their age when I ask after hearing "don't swear my mom said I can't play if people swear!".After that I constantly swear till he logs out. That was part of the rant my friend, and I sometimes joke in my rants.Do you guys EVER read George Carlin books?Read one, and learn about sarcastic, irratinole (forgot how to spell it), and aggressive humor!Like I'm going to get my dam account banned...especially with all the mods around
  7. Huh I've done the "keep things balanced" thing before...though I didn't do the "keep mage 5 under archery" thing.Though, do what the above poster said, sounds like a good plan :thumbsup:
  8. I know...I play WoW to.And 20 other games I don't feel like listing.Though, generally you see less of them in those games (mainly because WoW's a pain in the arse to install, it's to long and complicated for younger people to play, and you need to pay $15 dollars a month).Theres only one thing I can think of that's worse than some of the kids I see in Rs and endless-online:Kid's on shooting games.You know why?They have MICS and I can actually hear their voices!You ever heard a 9 year old sing "japenese music" (I'm pretty sure he was 9, with his high pitched voice...I figured it out after playing for a while).I was scarred for life ._.
  9. Hadouken,R.I.P lolz,Iownzmez....I don't know much about pk/pure names besides they all have "Own,pwnd, or pooned" in them
  10. Well kahote, your ranger in theory should be fine...Unless your going against archer pro's, then your going against a pure who can do twice the ammount of damage you can do with both of your skills.Hybrid is great...though don't go close range (I have a 49 with near the same atack as yours) and all the stuff you have seem's to be what anyone near that level would have.Also,don't atack the opposite of the armor your wearing (don't wear full rune if your going against a mage, dont wear archery armor against a warrior, and don't wear robes near any dam archers).Also, just hope to god (or whoever you worship..or not...I don't know) they aren't using stronger weapons than yours ._.
  11. When was I going on a swearing promotional parade?I don't swear to often...though the point was is that they don't allow it completly...I don't need to use it, but "if theres a place and time" to use it, I can use it then.If it's on their "turf" then fine.But, if they made a filter device where you say...I don't know...got to CHOOSE what you wanted on it?Then the parents can be happy, I can say the word "damn" (which really isn't a swear word in my oppinion, they didn't block it for a while).They have games with that system, and I barely ever hear swearing anyway's.I have a issue with people flying off a F-bomb 500 times though -.- .But I don't have a issue with them saying it once.Since when does age affect oppinion anyways?Don't tell me you haven't seen a 8 year old swear!It's rare, but it happens.
  12. Kahote...hmm...well is your pure focused on purely one stat?If so, they may be using more stats than you, (like focusing on def and atck) or they might have a large ammount of food.Or, even worse, you could be facing a guy who pures on the counter of your pure (archers kill mages,mages kill knights,knights kill archers)
  13. God I'm gonna look up that song...wish i knew what it was o_o.
  14. Nah it still does a damage area of around...I'd say...3x3 or 4x4 squares around you?I don't think they nerfed it though....why nerf it when they come out with a godsword?Slash 92,crush 80,strength 93.See if they changed that at all if you want to make sure.
  15. I'm bored, so I decided to actually do something constructive (that isn't in rants).If you have any questions on how to live in the wildy (In F2P though I'll be happy to try to help with P2P...though if your trying to survive in there your either a genius, or a madman) feel free to ask.I'll answer around soon or tommorow. :
  16. Beer.Collect lots of beer.I have 160 in my bank right now ._. START YOUR COLLECTION!Vary on the types to, and then one day...sell them all off ._.
  17. Well, we did add infinite stock in shops....so certain item price worth's have dropped....Oh and if you weren't here, we have a ditch near the wildy...oh and we added a guild system....Jagex is eliminating the dam bots...some quests for P2P have come up....We have a reaper hood for a holiday item...and that's all I can think of on the top of my head
  18. m4tty's theme song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNzZzsvOClc .Anyways, I hate it when people try to think outside the box, and suddunly they're all called "noob".Jesus christ, people can't do something different for the hell of it just to have fun now?Isn't that what all games are becoming?Seriously,if you try to play a "realistic" game and you try to do something different than the "hide behind cover and shoot" stradegy you get shot 500 times.In unrealistic games like runescape people yell at you for being a "noob" because you did something that BARELY affects them.Jesus if you hate it, just ignore them.Not like they're making your life some kind of living hell.I go to the fricken wildy wearing a chicken suit, a rubber chicken, and every other holiday item i have on and yell "I'M CHICKEN MAN!" and run around collecting addy arrows to sell them, then I go to the black knight's castle and grab runes and practice magic there.Then I go mine bronze armor and sell it for 5k even though I could easily just make some steel armor instead.Then I go in front of a member and make fun of the armor he's wearing even though its dam barrows, just to get a reaction. SHUT UP DAM!
  19. They didn't lock my 4 posts for the language, so I think him and his hugeass rant will be jussttt fine.
  20. I'm 14 for christs sakes....and I love complaining about complaining.Maybe someday, they will shut up =_=.You guys are complaining about a post that complains about complainers!
  21. DO NOT DIS THE MARILYN OF THE MANSON!His version of "this is halloween" rules ._.
  22. I have a high post count?._. I don't even know how to look that up.I'm just bored and have nothin else better to do at the moment.And this is the only forum that's easy to rant on without being flamed (as much) as other game forums...try to rant on a Halo3 forum.Try it. :shock:
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