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  1. I think they have a rather high record of not fixing things. There's an amazing amount of content in rs that is worthless or at least not used because it was never tweaked to be that useful. Those at Jagex seem to get so busy doing something new and being on the cutting edge that they fail to fix previously added content. I thought maybe the GE would eventually be properly adjusted but with the new updates being dumped on so soon, the promises for 2008, and word of new games coming out I'm starting to doubt they get back to it. I'd say the same with much of the other recent updates. They seem so busy working on the next thing that they never bother going back to fix what they've already put out. At least up until this past year. Now for some reason suddenly we've got controversial updates that fix things they never liked but it seemed like they both didn't want to take the time to change it and didn't want to upset so many players. Having taken the time to go back and look at what I missed over this year there were alot of riots. It's become almost normal for a riot to happen over a large update. In the past jagex acted almost afraid to do anything because it might upset some people. That's changed severely over 2007. Also bots were common in rsc. It was so easy to use one then. Rsc was by no means perfect it just wasn't talked about as much or perceived as such a big problem. Probably because it seems like more people were using bots to level and avoid all the extra clicking than to gain items for money (both real and in game). That's why things like fatigue were implemented in the first place and mass bannings of hundreds of rsc accounts to get rid of people using bots weren't that rare. When rs2 came out it was supposedly made to avoid most bots. Then as the year went by smarter bots were made and now we're back where we were with rsc. Except it's discussed more frequently instead of hiding in the background and jagex seems to have grown tired of temporary fixes. Everytime I try to think up reasons why they would suddenly be willing to go so far and upset so many players it keeps crossing my mind that perhaps some of this is experimentation for their new games. They said it was a new approach to stopping rwt. To me it feels like rs has become a testing ground for what will work in future games.
  2. We aren't talking about timezones here. Did you all drop out of highschool and don't watch the news or weather? The US is broken down into the west, midwest, south, and northeast. While the exact states that make up these sections are a little different depending on who is using the term the following states are nearly always officially included under the term midwest: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. Do a google search for midwest or US midwest and you'll find a few dozen maps that include at least those states under the midwest region. I even searched for the definition that included the least amount of states under the midwest region and both IL and OH were still listed.
  3. IL is most definitely the midwest. Even Indiana and Ohio are part of the midwest. If your in northern IL your nearly the middle of the midwest. The only one closer to the center is me in Iowa. Yes there is a giant slow moving ice storm crossing the midwest. The entire midwest (including IL) has been under a winter storm warning since yesterday at 6pm. If it's not there yet just wait. It's taking about 5hours just to cross Iowa. There are power outages but at the same time there are tons of cancellations and people staying home. I know several people that are on rs because their college classes are cancelled and they've got nothing else to do so it probably balances out. I'm here because my truck can't even get out of the driveway.
  4. I know of someone that killed themself when the game wasn't going the way they wanted and I know several people who seriously threatened stating the same reason. Reality is it has nothing to do with the game. All of them had messed up lives in the first place and noone in their life outside the game would help. On another forum someone recently posted how a friend of theirs committed suicide after being harassed online but they were also being harassed at school, constantly yelled at by their parents, and helped by noone. It's not the internet, the forums, or the online games that cause the problem. It's the world outside of the internet that starts it and the failure of people around them to realize the problem and help. Such use of the internet to escape reality to that extent is not the cause but a symptom. It's not jagex fault or anyone else's online when those closest to the person fail to see the symptoms and act on them.
  5. I'm going to continue cooking sharks. Then I'm going to go do another skill and another skill, kill a few monsters, work on another skill..... Same as I have since rsc. Runescape has changed alot over the years and it's still here. Some things have improved and some things have faded away but I'm still cooking fish. Now I just get to cook better fish and with a cook all. I have the same view on most other aspects of rs. Change just means I do all those things a little differently than before.
  6. I don't see how it matters. Whether god exists or doesn't exist is not going to change how I live my life. I'm still going to do my best to follow what I think is right or wrong and I'm not doing it to avoid some punishment or gain some reward when I die. If it was proven god didn't exist that would not be a reason to go murder and rape people. Just because you aren't getting eternally punished for doing bad things shouldn't be the reason we do the right thing. I find the people who only do good things and help people for the reward they think they'll get when they die very hypocritical and annoying. Some of them I wouldn't even call good people because if they didn't think they'd get something out of it they'd never take the time to help anyone. All their reasons are selfish. Then there are people who do the right thing just because it's in their nature and they don't care whether they get something for it. Now if some of those latter people don't believe in god and god punishes them despite being very good people is that a god you'd want to follow? Not me. Even if god exists and I go to hell for not going to church then I'm going to hell because I do not wish to follow a god that would punish good people just for not worshipping enough. If I live my life the best I can then it shouldn't matter whether there is a god or an afterlife. Whatever the outcome I won't have anything to regret. So whether god exists or not it's not going to make me behave better, behave worse, or start going to church every sunday. My life remains unchanged and that's why instead of proving to myself whether there is or isn't a god I decided it really doesn't matter. Some people just need something to believe in to get them through life and if that's the type of person you are then fine. Follow your faith as much as you need to make your trouble's tolerable but some don't need that type of faith. I only have to believe things will work out if I try long enough and not that it's because someone else is making it that way.
  7. The change in attitude over this is rather interesting. A year or 2 ago when I said "I don't have to answer anyone" most seemed to think that was rude. That you should respond to people talking to you and instead there were more complaints on players that supposedly thought they were too good to take time to talk to others. That led me to wonder about the other side of it. If someone says something to you outside of the game isn't it considered very rude not to answer? Why is it not rude on rs? Now the majority appears to be of the opinion that they have no obligation to answer anyone for any reason. I wonder where such a strong change came from. Just the increase in more annoying players? It would be great if rs went back to only showing combat levels in necessary areas like the wild. Then those people who base everything off combat might have to rethink things. You do have to remember though that there were a few good reasons those little numbers started to appear but I'm not sure whether most of them still apply as much as they did then. Dueling anytime anywhere was done away with and that was a main purpose for showing combat levels. The other main one mentioned at the time was to make finding appropriate trading partners easier. With the changes in trade, particularly the most recent, and a more reliable highscores table in use now it seems pointless to me to have everyone run around with any of their stats showing constantly in game. If your curious or think someone is lying you can always just put the person's name in the highscores. I would hope anyone frequently reporting bots would at least check out the players levels that way and take it into consideration along with other things before carelessly sending off reports.
  8. I don't remember it being much of a problem. There are maybe 2 times someone has tried to say I'm not a girl and then it was usually following an argument and accompanied by further insults. However up until they changed it I ran around in male runeplate and legs frequently so in rsc everyone assumed my character was male anyway. My character has never worn a skirt. I have gotten asked to go upstairs of some empty building more than once. I followed a couple times for laughs and managed to get the occasional humiliating screen shot of the conversation to torture the guy with for a few weeks. Sometimes just watching their creative attempts to get around the chat filter is worth the time wasted.
  9. In my opinion while attitudes may be worse game play has improved. Sure we all said "I'm gonna get 99 everything" back while we were having to click on the net, click on the fishing spot, click on the net....... How many actually did it? What's the point in a game noone can beat? If you spend 5 years or more playing it and you only accomplish half or less 99 skills after spending all your time online what's the point? Honestly I'd rather have a game I can beat. I'd be quite happy by now if I had all 99s and could just quit knowing I accomplished "beating" the game. I doubt it will ever happen unless they continue to make things easier because I'm not going to keep playing this game and paying members for another 5years ($300) just to get there. I get bored when most games take more than a week to make maximum level. The gameplay wasn't better in the old days. It was harder, different, and caused wrist injuries. It's sure improved. Now as for attitude that just comes with having more people and more inexperienced players at a time. The more people you concentrate into an area the more differences of opinion and arguments you have and the less people worry about looking good or doing the right thing because they can always go find someone else to be their friend. Same thing happens in rl as it has in rs. The more people that move into the area the more trouble everyone has getting along. Now I have to admit I was definitely that stupid when I started playing. I still remember my first few weeks playing and several of the mistakes I've made along the way. Has it been 7years? The december before phats were dropped. I spent 2 days lost north of lumbridge wandering around repeatedly commenting on how lost I was to see if anyone would offer to help. Finally someone took me to varrock and handed me a pick. Then I spent a week mining next to varrock because I didn't know how to get anywhere else or what to do. Eventually I found the world map and managed to figure out where things were. Then when trying to sell coal my first time I not only spammed the screen as fast I could type but I was off by a zero and repeatedly showed my multiplication error for about 15mins before someone yelled at me. I snuck away quietly. New players haven't gotten any dumber or younger there are just more of them. The ratio of new players to experienced players, and hopefully with that experience more maturity and intelligence, has gotten higher with every year that goes by.
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