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Everything posted by haimonek

  1. Assuming it doesn't get nerfed and is here to stay, I guess this will be the new way to train agility. Can multiple players do this obstacle at the same time or will people be fighting for worlds? It can be done at the same time.
  2. You can boost to plant the other spirit tree. I really recommend planting both of them (using a boost) as they'll give you 54K xp ea.
  3. Where's this "you spent loads and loads and loads of hours doing the hardest skill, but it's not you that's getting it because you accept donations"-bullcrap coming from? It makes no sense. I don't hear any complaints about the people hosting dice games/wager matches. (2mil for hosting a match that takes 20 secs is so hard! People must put oh so much effort into that! /sarcasm) ^That's like half of the top page for prayer.
  4. I don't know much about the armours from the rewards but what you take with you depends on what you're planning to do. If you prefer to play objective and capture the flag, good def armour is advisable. If you prefer to kill people, good str bonus is useful. You could always barrage/burst in places where there's alot of people standing together to get nice magic xp.
  5. Unless he's now botting Vinesweeper, Summer's garden or Agi dungeon to get an even bigger record..
  6. It's best to start with common jadinkos for a while until you have a nice collection of bush seeds (Lergerberry and Kalferberry). Carrion jadinkos only give you herb seeds. The guide on Tip.It is great btw, it has a table overview of what jadinko drops which seed and what you need to plant to unlock them.
  7. This proves once again how much Jagex cares about players vs. bots.
  8. Lunagang, a dutch clan/comminuty, interviewed a Jmod that left Jagex (Mod Moonie). Now I don't know how legit this interview was but there were some disturbing facts summed up. 1 of which was that RuneScape is losing alot of players, in the last year the amount of hits has halved. With this Refer-a-friend bullcrap it actually seems that this interview was more legit than I thought at first and it proves how desperate Jagex is to get people to buy members. Here's the interview: http://www.lunagang.nl/tipforum/viewtopic.php?f=80&t=234366 Sadly, it's Dutch but you could attempt using a translator :P. The intresting part is at this topic: "Jagex, wat zijn ze aan het doen?"
  9. Lol, great concept, excellent idea! I'm totally up for it. :thumbup: [bleep] Jagex
  10. Zezima - obvious reasons. He was the #1 player when I started playing and he remained at that position until he quit. For me he has always been THE #1. Zarfot - He's the one that got me more intrested into skilling and trying to maintain a certain "max" xp/hr. N0valyfe - Never really payed alot of attention to him because I wasn't focused on the rest of the highscores except for that #1 spot. But from what I've been hearing lately he sure is a legend. SUOMI - Extremely nice guy and has alot of dedication to the game and to reach the goal of 200m in all skills. The Old Nite - He was the 1st person that I know of that was a nice "high level" person. In the days when I was a noob, not many 115+ people were actually nice people and they considered themselves above everyone else. The Old Nite changed my view on high level people :P. Elvemage and other well known pkers - for their epic vids that I've enjoyed alot over the years and still enjoy. El Popo1, Syzygy, Franzk, Water, Missoverflow and most top F2P - I have more respect for those people than anyone else in the game. I've been a fan of F2P for many years and I sometimes regret ever becoming member but ofcourse, members is alot of fun too ;).
  11. It sounds like happytimeharry is some sort of stalker L.
  12. OT: Thanks for the update Langer. Good read as usual.
  13. Wha'd he do? Trolling probably.
  14. ^ OT: Grats to Foot and Tezz on 200m slayer.
  15. Now the question is, who is in the front seat? Rebecca Black -'Friday' reference Whaha, good one :'). But seriously, this Dragonseance may become a contender in the future and we will see what happens. Due to the constant useless spam of Happytimeharry, I'm growing a sort of dislike towards Dragonseance, even though he may be and probably is a nice guy.
  16. It seems like yesterday that Allar left RS and he's already been passed by 3 players, 2 of which have 200m+ xp more than him (Elias even 300M :o). This have been a crazy couple of weeks!
  17. Like mentioned oh so many times before :P it's probably in September. They don't want all the kids to quit members after 2 months of summer and placing it on the 1st weekend of September will make less people cancel their membership.
  18. Duradel used to be an idiot with tasks, but it was updated that you couldn't get the same task in a row. After this update he became pretty good actually, it's good that you switched to him.
  19. It only makes you mine ores as fast as someone with 85 mining, but you won't be able to mine rune ores.
  20. Well... I liked it and overdoziz got pwnd with the signature thing!
  21. tyvm :) Grats and nice records you beast! What's next?
  22. Oh ok, thanks, just making sure :).
  23. He doesn't FORCE anyone to donate! He doesn't like merching, it stresses him out. He prefers to completely focus on his skills instead of having to spend time at GE flipping stuff. There's always the risk of still losing money and for as far as I know SUOMI he's a perfectionist, he wants to do everything as good as possible, meaning no loss while flipping, but since there's still the risk of losing money he doesn't do it. Donating to him isn't something you HAVE to do, it's something you do when/if you WANT to. Tbh, just his way of playing, meaning him completely going for skills instead of standing at the GE is a reason you'd donate to him if you'd want to. It shows that he's completely going for his goal and whether you want to support it or not is completely up to you. (Little question, because I'm not sure if it's correct and I'd like to know. In the text I used it alot. Is it "if you want to" or "if you want too"? I'm not very good with that rule in grammar :P) Oh and Revan's post was indeed very precise! He's like the Jules Verne or Nostradamus of Runescape. :D
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