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  1. had a go at bounty hunter... its just not the same... Pking is dead. The minigame is full of people with no armour, lvl 50s and ranging clans. For some reason you cant take in certain armour, which sucks, as my mage needs the magic boost from his hat. Sure there are more PKs than before the update, but its not the same. Bounty hunter is a SAFE minigame. Anyone with decent stuff is at the cave entrance, and will simply flee if youget them below half HP. When you die, you simply appear outside, with full prayer, run, hp, and no items. (you keep 1 if you have protect items on). Then you go back in 2 minutes later. There are loads of noob clans in there. Its fun to play, but the novalty soon wears off. The only upside of this is the sudden Merchant area that has sprung up withthe banker. The best thing to dois to simply take noitems, kill someone lower level, and pick up as many adamant arrows (that the rangers forget about) as you can, then sellthem when you leave. Made 1.8k in a few mins. All the arena's used for is raising strength XP. hope the christmas events good.
  2. sorry if someones posted these before, but it took so long to read the 1st 8 pages. Good old monty python parrot sketch: 'Sleeping' 'Pushing up the daisies' 'Just Stunned' and then some others: 'here lies RWT (and the economy)' 'PKer was here' 'damn run energy, only 2 more %!' 'Damn Teleblock!' 'so thats what the ditch and the warnings were talking about...' 'Damn Lag!' 'And that is why you shouldn't take drugs kids.'
  3. shouldn't the first post in the topic be edited with a big fat: SUCCEDED stamped on it. It just goes to show, complain about something on tip.it forlongenough, and it happens :) its a major shame about the wilderness and 3k trade limit :cry:
  4. Well there are a lot of downsides to the update. The worst of which is the 3k limit: i mean WTF? 3k, make it at least 10k! Say you are selling something for more than its worth when an oppertunity arrises, you might charge a lot extra for an item to a customer. And helping out others? gone. The persistent RWT will find a way around it and what will happen? the legitmate players miss out. My brother has recently lost his rune scimmy, and i was skilling for a while to get him some cash to get it. Now its going to take me about a week to give it to him, sending him 3k at a time, until he can finally trade it for its real value. That means i need twice as much GP! The wilderness cash rule is a good idea though, but the revenants are a waste of development time. The one Pking area is becoming a giant PVE area. Of course, im glad for thenew F2P bank space, whether that was an afterthought by jagex or whether the campaign for F2P bankspace succeded (in which case TIP.IT FTW). and the party hat economy... If the price is based on the generalstore prices... Think about it. It's like making them untradeable. And Pking... that was the bestbit about the wilderness. I'm not going to quit, but the 3k rule has really spoilt it. I mean, if i was about 20xp off a lvl i'd be prepared to pay 4 or 5 times themarketpricefor the stuff to get me up. The Economy is going to take a short drop, and a sudden stop...
  5. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! the world's full! #-o :pray: comeon, someone disconnect. i so wanted to be a part of this... :cry:
  6. I wonder if the price of full steel sets in th Grand Exchange will suddenly go up :) anyway, Im going to be there in my steel. TIP.IT FTW!
  7. I'm coming too. lvl 40: 30 attk+ str, 50 magic :) It's a shame about the no magic rule, but I will bludgen people down with my staff :twisted: And dont forget to use Protect items for your valuable weaponry :)
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