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Everything posted by mariomascot

  1. im looking for stipherdark.... i miss you stif!
  2. i see what you guys and girls are saying. i guess i thought that because thats shoved down my throat where i live. everyone who plays runescape talks about those stuff like "guys play runescapee, 90 percent of girls are guys, plateskirts are sexist," that kind of stuff. i see where you all are coming from and have had the light brought upon me. now, on to religion! j/k
  3. i like this answer. i think ill join him. and we will also hide guns in our underwear, so when the zombs come, we can just pull the guns out, shoot them, and presume watching mr rogers. if that doesnt work, then id let them bite my pancreas. if a zombie bites you ini the pancreas, and the pancreas only, you can be a zombie who thinks and controls himself like a human. and so id be safe. how would i get a zombie to bite me in the pancreas? [hide]very carefully[/hide]
  4. banned because the princess is in another castle.... and instead of helping her you banned me
  5. arrgghh i want to see it so bad! and the evil turnip and squid
  6. i hear about it...what is it? is it bigfoot? it is soom sommoning thing? when did it appear? ?????
  7. wow i hope i wasnt too late. the thing said that the cutoff date was today, so i immaggine that meant by the end of today. i sent mine in earlier, and i hope it isnt turned away from judging.
  8. lol yes i would like level 99 cleaning. the skill capes is polishing everything so much youve pollished through the computer window and it shows your desktop background. the summoning skillcape is, you summon your horse, epona, and you ride out of the hole into the desktop sunset.... =D> :thumbsup: :P
  9. laugh out loud. yes, the intellectual wouldn't have anything to talk about if it weren't for the stupid people.
  10. lol ive read alot of noob stories and thats the funniest one yet! "me: just keep on going north, until u get to a ditch. jump over the ditch and keep going north." classic man, classic
  11. im all for it. but why get made fun of for wearing it? sexis. i know men who act like runescape girls just to wear that skirt normally.
  12. as you all know, plateskirts are the same defense, offense, fense-fense, as plate legs. correct me if im wrong. yet, the cost less, and only girls can wear them, correct me if im wrong again. doesnt that link to a sexist runescape? does it not view that girls cant make as much money as boys? does it view that they intend runescape to be harder for males than females? i'd like opinions please. im a man myself, i just lie to think about these things.
  13. i got a green dragon hide vambs when i walked in...i found them on the floor. from what ive killed? well, once i got a steel dagger....... :oops:
  14. that isn't half bad actually. Did you make that or find it in the german knowladge base? It looks legit...not that bad IMO. -Haseo eh. i like it. i hope its nonmembers. i dont have the time to renew my membership
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