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Status Updates posted by obfuscator

  1. But I'm still retired! :P

  2. art thou enraged?

  3. I know. I wish I could say the same for you (smirk)

  4. scumbag meol: last active, yesterday...does not post

    :( miss you brah

  5. RIP, sorry I never really got to know you :(

  6. variety is the spice of life, egg noodles

  7. I'm not afraid of heights when I wear leather pants.

    1. The Observer

      The Observer

      I'm not afraid of leather pants when I'm at heights.

    2. Nexaduro


      I'm not afraid of high pants on leather.

    3. D. V. Devnull

      D. V. Devnull

      Let's just soak them in oil and light them on fire, eh? >=P


      (Just kidding!)

  8. Glad you like it :P

  9. Don't let rainy see that, he'll be unimpressed. I mean, he says he's over me, but we all know that's not true.

  10. I have considered your proposition and have decided to reject it fully.

  11. I have him on ignore.

  12. Pftt. My post per day average was 14 for a while until I stopped posting. Gl catching up :P

  13. Congratulations on your 11th birthday, but unfortunately at that age my pants are not an appropriate location :(

  14. Happy birthday :)

  15. Super secret moderator spam forum, obviously. ;)

  16. It will be at least the same, but it may actually be more..I guess we'll see.

    Bake me cookies? :D

  17. Ahh but see the swelling was always minimal. Just looking at my hand, you'd never notice. I think it has gone down a bit though.

    Stuff is good, turns out my co-op job wants me to work part time during school so that'll be nice for some extra money.

    I've just about done all my shopping as well lol (I hate shopping). Howa bout yourself?

  18. Not bad, possibly a bit better. Can't be sure though!

  19. That's your fault :(

  20. Wasn't a nodule, was one of my wrist bones swollen up. And I did indeed :)

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