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Everything posted by Jesus_Status

  1. i need someone from the black arm gang to do heroes qeust im at the part where u give me the key pm in the game if u can help my rsn name is x goldor x
  2. dang, is there a difference in the bonuses between a zammy book and a sara book?
  3. slayer dart overall is better it hits constantly as long as ur mage bonus i over -35 this allows you to have a strong defence
  4. dang no one sells the pages-.- what if i died and lost the book when i go back to the guy would i only get a sara book back?
  5. thanks for your help one more qeustion i took a saradomin book at the end of horror from the deep how do i get a zammy one?
  6. can somebody please link me to a good guide for ranging avansies???
  7. well the topic explains it's self.....thanks in advance
  8. i just got members last week and i was wondering what would be the fastest way to make 10mil right now i have 5 mil
  9. yup it is really good i can max 25 with my whip with out it and 29 with it on a slayer monster
  10. lol i know that :P the post b4 it was to make coif those are mems
  11. i wanted to get to 60 crafting i want all my f2p skills 60+, so yeah what is the cheapest way to get 60 crafting?
  12. all my combat stats were 1 except for range and hp
  13. you cant get more from one kill at the cockroaches then what this guy has in his inventory
  14. on my pures i went from 35-40 range at the flesh crawlers and as for your defence i would leave it at 0 cause getting 10 wont protect you much more but would raise ur combat by probably 3 lvls. about being lvl 40 on my pure i had 60 range at level 41 cb so dont worry about that
  15. lol the exact same thing stopped me from getting 66 rc but if you want you can craft earth runes its about 500xp more per hour then airs you still make a profit though i know 500xp per hour isn't much of a bonus but its better then nothing that would cut down on probably a couple hundred loads im guessing. another way is make the 7k ess in to airs then spend half your money on more rune ess and half your money on air tallys and tiaras. making air tiaras is great xp but pretty much pure loss cause nobody buys the air tiaras i sold maby 10 per hour when i tried this method. but the exp is great and it's just a sugestion. you could try making earth tiaras as well same loss better exp but u'd still have to craft the airs for money as it is the best way to make money runecrafting
  16. lol srry 4 hi-jacking but go with cockroaches i know there the best from experience
  17. bad911 i am 99.999999999999999% sure they don't drop death runes i wouldlove for you to prove me wrong if they do drop them vid ur self killing them and getting deaths from them
  18. trust me tip it is wrong ankous dont drop deaths in f2p show me a vid of them being dropped please cause i've gotten over 50 scpeter peices from them and never once got a single death rune
  19. well i dont think you can get that in 4 hours but my way which is up above i averaged out at about 11minutes for a load of 25 yews so 1250/25= 50 loads 50x11= 550 minutes 550/60= 9.16666 so about 9 hours and honestly 9 hours a day for 20 days......if your gonna do this say good by to friends and your health
  20. cockroaches are definatly the best i made about 1.5mil there in a week minus the 300k for anchovie pizzas around 1.2mil profit
  21. my stats are similair to your excpet the minning-_- (i hate minning) but what i do to make money if cut yews and runecraft on the way there. so buy a couple hundred teleport to falador runes and a couple k of ess then bring ur laws, water staff, and 26 ess. craft you ess then run to the 4 yew trees right bellow melzars maze there is usually 0-5 people there i've personally never seen more then 5 people there at a time. once you have a full load tele to fally bank and reapeat till you got your money. it's good money plus some nice experience. if you looking for pure cash and no experience running airs is the best money in fp except for rune minning. just go to world 16 and hope there is a high level rc'er there. there usually is at least an 8x crafter there. good luck with your goal. btw what are you trying to get your prayer to n e way cause 9.8 mil would get you to around 75 pray i think (pretty tanked if you ask me)
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