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Everything posted by Monk

  1. Oh god, Duff is hooked on cat gifs now.
  2. Gonna try out Drop Zone for the first time.
  3. I expected the Falcons to put of more of a battle in the game. 24-2?
  4. Guess I can sleep until about 11 or so... maybe.
  5. Night Goon. What's with all these random items?
  6. 4 AM. Not tired. [hide=For those of you who care (probably not many).] I finally told the girl I like that I wanted to be more than friends, although not in the way that I had originally intended. I wrote out like 3 paragraphs explaining everything today. Needless to say.. it was the completely wrong time on my part, but I feel much better. I would have to guess though, I'm not completely out of being in a relationship with her. [/hide]
  7. The answer IS because racecar.
  8. And I'm back at the dorm. Good internet is back.
  9. I read that as "I'm baked" at first.
  10. Mostly done packing. Just the laptop and what's left of laundry.
  11. I'd say $175+/month easily.
  12. The [bleep]? Try to plug in speakers, the exact same way as I did last night (which worked), and now it blew the outlet. Wat.
  13. Almost finished gathering things for laundry. The Xbox is the first thing to get packed.
  14. My connection is too good for that. Unless I use wireless in the dorm, that shit sucks.
  15. If it's anything but the hard drive failing, you can put it in your new computer if you get one. If it is the hard drive, well, you're [bleep]ed.
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