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Everything posted by Monk

  1. I had a brownie earlier that had a chocolate chip cookie baked on top of it. Me gusta.
  2. Downloading Jin roh atm. Might get the Ghost in the Shell later.
  3. 5cm/s, Jin roh, Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society. Didn't really enjoy 5 cm/s. Haven't heard of Jin roh so I'll look into it. and I haven't watched Ghost in the Shell at all
  4. Count to 500 - regular users count and mod posts reset Beat staff at counting - opposite.
  5. Hm.. Got Totoro, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, Ponyo. Any other anime movie suggestions?
  6. He's Canadian. He's resistant to the cold.
  7. Midterm and final exams for Sociology are essay-based. [bleep]. At least they're take home.
  8. Son, you are missing out. I'm used to hashbrowns and gravy. Forgive me.
  9. Firemaking req lowered from 90 to 74. Well there goes the motivation to get my Adze.
  10. Peanut butter on toast? I'll have to try that someday.
  11. Infinite Stratos, Bakemonogatari, Boku Tomodachi.
  12. You guys don't get a set amount of snow days? We got 10 in high school.
  13. So does that mean you get out a day early?
  14. Move in to dorms the 7th. Classes start the 11th.
  15. Well, [bleep]. Got a call for an interview for a job at Food City, only thing is my mom's car is [bleep]ed up (mainly the transmission), so she's using mine. And another thing is that in 4 days, I'll be back in my dorm. If only he had called at the beginning of break.
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