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Everything posted by Monk

  1. whateven. I saw 12 new pages overnight, didn't think most of them would be Zoe..
  2. Monk


    Aye. Currently in Knoxville, so I'm not gonna stay here for much longer. :razz: Ah. I go back to Knoxville tomorrow. I imaging that the trucking is interesting.
  3. I'll leave this here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=qnmmykiJSME#t=111s
  4. Going to go to sleep. Gotta spend tomorrow doing some packing and laundry. Night guys. I'll leave this here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=qnmmykiJSME#t=111s
  5. Monk


    How that trucking thing going for ya? Tis good. Saw snow and walked thru 12 degree weather - coming from a Southern California'er, that is really cold. But it felt good. Now I'm in eastern Tennessee, into the civilized east where the internet does not drop often and there are more things to see. Taking/took I-40 when you went through?
  6. I love how it says "You can't light a fire here." [harpie] is what. It is. It just is.Oh, and I'd totally name my kid like Roy or... damn, the other day I had another idea.Idk why I have these ideas o_o And his name was decided upon to be Icarus.
  7. Most likely going to be my iPod case.
  8. Do you mean "tell yourself to read aloud what you're reading"?
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