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Status Updates posted by deathdrow

  1. sounds good to me.

  2. That I am, and I missed your birthday. fuuuu. happy belated birthday.

  3. sup g, how goes the socialising?

  4. I did man. it wasn't too fun.

  5. Goodmorning, bitter princess.

  6. I somehow seem to have become UN permabanned. I also went from the original two month ban to one that finished 9 minutes ago. I'm so confused.

  7. [bleep] YEAH YOURE BACK!

  8. That's what she said.

  9. I spel so gudr thn u/

  10. ehy i think mageman is a pretty cool guy, eh trolls slightly and afraids only of asians.

  11. Yeah I realized that after. silly me.

  12. I just realized you were talking to the wrong abc about your doppelganger ness.

  13. Happy birthday buddy. and Adrenal says happy birthday too.

  14. I'm taking offense to that.

  15. We could totally be like, wingmen man. [bleep]es all over and whatnot.

  16. super duper high fives yo.

  17. Hey bud, we both have exes we end up doing things with when we don't intend to. HIGH FIVE.

  18. hey omar, you're cool.

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