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Everything posted by wa5t3dy0u7h

  1. That guy just won the thread, with the deviled eggs anyway, which are awesome. So is the cranberry in a can. i dont do the cranberry... but im all for the deviled eggs +2 WHAAT? thats just seems.. un american.. :shame: :shame:
  2. nice 1st post.. w000hhh i just took this SPAM out of the CAN.. id like to share it with everyone!?
  3. Rise Against - Gethsemane then some Shai Hulud - Set your body ablaze
  4. 3/10 never HAVE to do a picture in any specific prog.. its real purple >< if u gotta post an excuse for ur banner.. getz a new one!!!?! (lmk which one u see \/ red, black, green)
  5. congrats!? GJ! =D> =D> :thumbsup: :thumbsup: \ \ Your just pissy because someone with a different view than you told you the truth... Ive been on rs since 01(on and off of course).. i really dont care if youve been here before me or waay after me. GJ!.. its nothing to pick a fight about kid.. really get off my balls, please, this is like the second time you've "attacked" me for no reason.. Stop criticizing the stupid stuff and trying to pick a fight out of nothing.. you can post your pre-pubescent views on someone else please..
  6. they havent really played much worthy teams..
  7. lol.. me mums mad psycho, she enjoys murdering people with steak knives and such... needle nose pliers can be useful aswel.. maybe shows how i came out?!?
  8. schfifty schfive lol good save on the double calzo
  9. Audioslave - shadow on the sun audioslave ftw?
  10. ty, the black ones my fav one so far.. uzzisoft FTW 6/10 default banner.. but its cool..
  11. k this is a music quotes thread.. if u wanna give hugz make a new thread. :thumbsup: and yes, our music selection pwns. :thumbsup:
  12. +1 i beleive A would be a little intense.. we dont really have prolonged scenes of intense violence or nudity.. or graphic sexual content.
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