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Everything posted by DeEliteOne

  1. http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Old_School-exclusive_content
  2. No pic but feel like posting an update so I'll list out a bunch of soft goals (soft meaning they're probably what I'm working towards at any given time): - 99 Slayer - Max combat (inc. range & mage) - All clue scroll reward milestones - Champion's cape - 2200 total Here's a Completionist list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P8f88whmM1YYqjYb2GDpnKfN1pgIHD9TWR770PMmrNU/edit?usp=sharing
  3. Resubbed 3.5 weeks ago (bonds), been messing around since then, here's a pic: Other than that, mostly been slaying and going for champ scrolls (goblin/giant done atm, 6k ghouls down rip)
  4. yeah haven't been subbed since 2 or 3 days after getting diary cape, been trying to kick start the streaming career tune in live at https://www.twitch.tv/deeliteone most weekdays after 6:30pm EST
  5. new short term goals: All Master Clue requirements easily boostable (i.e. no consumables): 86/87 wc 80/82 mine 86/88 smith All agility shortcuts: 86/87 agil Chompy chick (maybe 4k kills)
  6. western elite done no pic gonna try to bang out diary cape by the end of this weekend... which means a lot of rc and ba :))))))))))))))
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