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Everything posted by TheSpyder

  1. :thumbup: :thumbup: i dont care if you all think i am a newb i am happy i have reached it \
  2. :!: look at the effects!! i mean the dragon is off the scale! and i enjoyed the stories, yes it was predictable thats everything was going to be fine, but a few people did die :D come on the 2nd season! more magic!! and arthur for king haha
  3. I searched all the posts and never found a mention of this show!! Surely there must the a runescape fan in the UK that has watched merlin on BBC! The first season was awesome!! merlin learning to become the great warlock we all know and love! and arthur (who isnt king yet just prince). such a good season!! did anybody else watch it?? enjoy it?? hate it?? i would like to know! BBC WEBSITE = Merlin season 2 is due out next year and i for one am looking forward to it \
  4. :lol: looks like fun i will have to give this ago :P
  5. :idea: isnt that up to them?? if they want to spend hours and hours on end crafting or what ever. then thats what they want to do. At the end of the day if they didnt enjoy it why would they do it??? Surely... they enjoy gaining the next level?? and gettin the benifits of being the higher level (money and repesct from there friends) so all that time that they spend cooking for fighting is worth it when they feel good about gettin there level or money or new armor to show off. and people will say "wow that must of taken ages =D> Well done" thats what they play for :thumbsup: ^^ agree with Master_Smither on that too :)
  6. interesting really... i didnt realise being a dad ment you was old??? :!: i mean come on people teenage pregancy! (however that is a different topic lol). ANYWHO!!! as i was going to chat on about.. there is no age limit on playing runescape, if you just so happen to have spare time and your bored of playing other online games or bowsing ebay and facebook lol... why just because your over the age of i dunno 19 (teenager) stops you playing a game! i am 20 does that make me old?? or just older than some of the people that play?? i dont know or dont care i enjoy the game and play it in my free time! (with my little brother and sister) haha
  7. :ohnoes: first post Anyway.. like Xanotex said: there is certain things that i enjoy doing repetivly like fishin and cookin i actully think is quite fun and achieving that next level is an achivement on its own dont you think? But there is some people that do it for the respect but thats what they enjoy, they enjoy sayin there such a high level and that all others are lower and noobs thats just them lol :lol: but they its there game to so let them play the way they want to. i dont think it is a problem at all every1 plays the game the way they enjoy it otherwise whats the point in playing at all???
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