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  1. It appears they just what another sum notation where i=1 and n goes to 3 for the equation given. I don't remember exactly how it'd be worked out, and I'd just integrate it for a more accurate result.
  2. Pray-x made it amazingly easy to train prayer, many people have taken advantage of this and are banking lots of prayer levels, hence the price rise. Prayer used to be so much worse, no guilded altars, no notes, not even certificates so buying was a hassle. I wonder why jagex is trying to make all skills much easier.
  3. I leave for lackland USAF for basic 21apr2009. I actually picked up playing this game again to occupy the time until I leave. I'm excited and scared at the same time. I actually had a dream about it last night.
  4. Oh my god, you try to buy love on LF so you come here.
  5. Had a co-worker win 3 grand yesterday in bets. UNC is going to win this game though.
  6. I'm a bit out of the game, having to read up on everything I do since the introduction of so many skills. But I'm having fun training the new skills. Check out the sig for what I have, money wise I'm pretty poor with only 1.5mil in items. I'd like something that had a teamspeak or ventrillo, and possibly an off tip.it forum.
  7. Could it be possible for a new sticky to be formed on the various skill guides out there. I really don't like having to search through pages for the one construction guide, or post a thread when someone is just going to link their herblaw guide. I'm positive that one thread with a list of all guides would be beneficial.
  8. What about the draft? Do you consider that unconstitutional?
  9. LIke I said, it's introduced earlier in school. You might even see it as early as 9th grade. But not until calc II will you use it. by the way, I wouldn't be surprised if the experience is based off a limit rather than a sequence. Notice how experience percent of next level starts at 115, then gradually gets to 10.4. I'm sure you could recalculate those values to 3-4 digits, then use interpolation to find a limit or formula.
  10. Quick someone post a detailed mechanism on how to add a methyl group to benzene and then tri-nitate the toluene group. Not enough 13 year olds in here trying to blow [cabbage] up as it is.
  11. Watch this get ignored because nobody understands sum notation, or knows how to plug this formula into excell and use a simple drag to get values up to 200mil xp :) Its not that hard to understand if you're past the 6th grade.. Actually in america you really don't use sum notation until calc II. It's touched on in algebra and below. But they don't really go into depth until you learn more advanced integration methods.
  12. Hmm, I figured that so I did it myself :P Did you create that using LateX, and did you come up with the formula yourself? I would have done it myself, but I don't have excel on this computer.
  13. for [cabbage]s and giggles I checked it out today. The guy who stole the account lived in halifax.
  14. Watch this get ignored because nobody understands sum notation, or knows how to plug this formula into excell and use a simple drag to get values up to 200mil xp :)
  15. The case has been made already for those that simply can't, there's just no time between working to pay it off and actual schoolwork. 20 minutes a day is too much? Look at you guys you are complaining about not having time and you have characters with thousands of hours put into them. When I see someone argue that they work 30 hours 3+ jobs go to school full time and don't have available time for this I can see how that might be true. But the second I glance down and see they have a singe skill above 40 I know they are whining without cause. But ultimately, people don't want to work if they don't get anything in return. Including me. But you are getting something in return. At a rate of $40 an hour tax free. Then its not Community service then, is it? I'm still a bit confused here. Does this bill makes us work charitably or do they pay us cash or loans from college? Read the bill first, christ most of you are too dumb to go to college so it's not like it will even affect you.
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