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  1. Hey everyone, This is Girthexx, I have forgotten my pass and my email used for his account though so i won't be able to update this post. I will be creating a new one though by just copying and pasting this info. Hoping to have updated pictures, equipment and even more log pictures though :) Cheers
  2. Is that for or against it? :? With rares on the up again, do we need more "wealth items"?
  3. Personaly, I think it's a bit to late for a Dragon Kite. If it had been released before the Draconic Visage Update, then yes, it would have had a purpose, but I'm just thinking about its role in the game. After being released, the Dragon Kite will undoubtably be overly expensive and probably more then the DFS. Why would any serious player buy something with lower defence stats that costs more then its better competitor? The D-Kite would become just another "status" item, like 3rd Age has become. Not a serious combat piece, but just an item for the richer, flashy players to buy to complete their Dragon set. Ofcourse this opinion is only applicable if the D-Kite is in preportion to the Square. Most would say "no problem! we have an issue with people hitting to high now days. A better defencive shield is whats needed!" but this would mean the kite would simply out power the rest of the Dragon set. If released it would have to be perportionate to the rest of the set, making it far to weak. I'd love to see the Dragon full set finally complete... but i see no place for a Dragon Kite in the game. Because of this I'm undecided on if it should or shouldn't be released.
  4. Debate 1: Does Runescape need a Dragon Kite, what with DFS and Spirit shield already in game? Debate 2: Should the Kite shield be in preportion to the Square, making it ALOT weaker then DFS, or should it be stronger/ equal to? Read on for more info on the debate It is not yet 100% clear whether a Dragon Kiteshield will be introduced into the game, but with it being the last piece needed to complete a Full Dragon "set" it is highly likely it will be introduced at some point. This raises two seperate debates. With the Dragon Fire Shield and spirit shields already released, does the game need a Dragon kite? Also, some one calculated what the Dragon kites stats would be if it were at the same perportion as the rune square is to the rune kite. The defence stats were all in the +60 ish area and there was no strengh or prayer or real attack bonus. The dragon fire shields defence stats are all about 70ish and it has an 7+ strength bonus (this is for a charged DFS). The argument is, should the Dragon Kite be kept in preportion and just be brought out as a "gimmic" to complete the Dragon set, even though the DFS is better? Or should the Dragon kite be made stronger or equal to the DFS? Remember, like the dragon full helm, a Dragon kite will most likely be a "rareish" drop, and cost a fare amount. Should Jagex disregard this and give it preportionate stats lower the DFS any way just to complete the Dragon set and the kite would just be for "looks" really? Or should they take this into consideration and make the Dragon kite something really special so it is worth getting to fight with? Happy debating, i'll put my opinion in later :D Edit: Here's what i found in the suggestions forum, the predicted stats for the shield if it was in preportion to both how the rune kite is to the addy kite and the square is to the kite STATS: Attack: -Stab +/- 0 -Slash +/- 0 -Crush +/- 0 -Magic -8 -Ranged -2 Defense: -Stab +62 -Slash + 64 Crush +64 Magic -1 Ranged +62 Summoning +60 Other: Strength +/- 0 Prayer +/-0 Ranged Strength +/- 0 And these are the DFS stats, fully charged. STATS: Attack: -Stab +/- 0 -Slash +/- 0 -Crush +/- 0 -Magic -10 -Ranged -5 Defense: -Stab +70 -Slash + 75 Crush +72 Magic +10 Ranged +72 Summoning +67 Other: Strength + 7 Prayer +/-0 Ranged Strength +/- 0
  5. Hope to cut just over 1'000 today : Thinking of getting members too :D
  6. Thanks, 99 is the nicest feeling ever :) Good luck with your goals too :thumbsup:
  7. :o I'm looking forward to this :) Hurry up and get agility you froob :P
  8. Hehe, no it's someone else : mr. nooby was washing his hair in the lumby fountains at the time of the picture ;) Thanks for the grates :D New goal is up and running! As you can see, I have chosen my next 99 (fire making) but before I start this I have a bank goal of getting around 6.6M more in items and cash :thumbsup: This should take around 25 days to complete and then it's time to burn some maples! 8-)
  9. I'm 99 woodcutting! Thanks to everyone who came : You made it an amazing moment :thumbsup: I will put all the pictures on the main page later but till now heres a big pic of me getting the level.
  10. Having a 99 woodcutting party at 5:30 pm (gmt) all free to come. Join my cc to talk bout it :D. World 25 (f2p) lumby 10 minutes time.
  11. good luck with all your goals, your really close to getting all 70 now :)
  12. Yay :D try your best : New sig pictures up, smaller then the last one but I don't think its as impressive. I'll work on a better one when i can get on my mac, got CS4 on that so should be able to pimp out the pic with some abstract brushes ect. :ugeek:
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