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Posts posted by foursideking

  1. I'd actually be interested in seeing a bunch of hati's all over runescape. Maybe have 2 per world, but have them randomly teleport in intervals of 30-90mins. Oh, and give them drops in the forms of tokens which, when presented to specific npc's, would restore things like the ba horn and brawlers.

  2. To be fair, this isn't a thread: it's an intervention. Tyler, please, keep a shirt on at all times. We (mostly your 'friends') are sad to see you exposing yourself. We're sick of it, your school is sick of it, and the freshman that halo abducted is surprisingly sporting wood from it. Shirts aren't manditory, but in your case, we can make an exception.

  3. Minny has lost a lot though in the past seasons. They lost gaborik to free agency, fernandez to boston, and cap space has forced them to use interesting players in their top lines. They're almost exactly like the avalanche, minus the fact that the avalanche played it smart in picking goalies (I mean c'mon, craig anderson has to be one of the top 3 best overall goaltenders in the nhl over the past 5 years).

  4. I almost forgot that game, until I took a look at the top of my self-built closet which I use as my entertainment system. Another obscure favourite: marvel nemesis- rise of the imperfects. Game has an amazing story, a solid 3d multiplayer, but was mainly ignored.

  5. Still though...ip bans would effectively solve this once and for all. Sure, some people would be unfairly able to play runescape, but it isn't like every botter/rwt'er is doing this at public places/has a family member who plays legit. To jagex: either introduce ip bans, or make most skilling spots instanced. Either way, don't let us legit player suffer anymore...

  6. There was one game for gamecube that was actually pretty good, that one being 'yugioh: the falsebound kingdom'. Game is strategy-based, and is more like final fantasy than the actual card game. If it had multiplayer, then this game would've been better known...

  7. I agree with nikolaih, and would like to bring up the ever-ignored 'ip-bans'. For all those wondering what an 'ip-ban' is, it is when the ip adress is banned, rather than the account, preventing the ip adress from being used on runescape. If jagex did that to botters, wouldn't that effectively neutralize it? Or at least reduce it a bit?

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