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Posts posted by foursideking

  1. I say you should choose the ones you keep prior to entering the wilderness. Once you enter wildy, you'd have to stay a minimum of 1hour, and any/all items picked up in wildy would not be affected by your previous choices...

  2. Lol...@dizzle: banned for that? Darn, you should've asked them what their opinions were of other religions/women's rights first....would've been so much funnier...

  3. @zaaps: true, however, for most walls to be good, they have to have 3 things;


    1) High defensive stats- cress has high def/spec def with med hp, wheras blissey has high spec def/hp with low (base10) def.

    2) Access to stalling moves- cress has t'wave, toxic (iirc), and moonlight, wheras blissey has softboiled and serene grace/bolt-beam abuse

    3) Versatility- cress has levitate, meaning it takes 0damage off spikes, as well as the ever-popular earthquake. Blissey has the ability to pass wishes to teammates.


    When it comes right down to it, they're both seemingly even except for the versatility. Any blissey carrying wish is either dead by pursuit before the switch, or dead once the switch-in gets killed by the incoming attack. As an overall wall, blissey is a 1 way mirror, with a see-through physical defense and a shiny/reflective special defense. Cress has both sides covered, and in a game where you now have to prepare for both sides, I'd rather not die to mach punch...

  4. You could argue though that with all the change in gen5, cress has become more viable than blissey. Cress has more solid def, can be used as a physical and special wall, and has access to calm mind. It isn't that blissey is bad, it is just that everything around it has seemingly gotten better...

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