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Posts posted by foursideking

  1. It is all common sense though. If you see a guy walk into a bank carrying a shotgun, it is common sense that he's there to rob it. If you see a guy offering to 'double your gp for free' to everyone, it is common sense that he's a scammer. Sure, there's no way to know their other intentions, but I mean c'mon. If you see a guy offering to do the impossible, chances are it's because he's out to scam you.

  2. Let's imagine this as a real life scenario:


    You see someone stealing from your neighbors, one by one. The thief steals an item from them, each day, day after day. Should you then steal from the thief and take his stuff to use as your own?

    No! Either call the police, or, if you do decide to steal, return the items to the people and warn them of the thief. The fact that people choose to do this is absurd, seeing as if you think of it like this: (scammer thieves off noob, you thieve off scammer), then in a way, you thieved off the noob through the scammer. Still no support from me, and just about anyone who can think rationally...

  3. Well, you've left yourself in an odd spot pepsi. You've told the truth, thus making yourself look like an honest man. Even if you don't win over those 2, the fact you're honest guarantees you a 1 in 5 chance of finding a girl who likes you (provided you base it on the 5-tick dating scale). Oh, and if you're wondering what that is:


    Every girl looks for a guy with the following 5 traits:



    -a good sense of humor

    -relatively good wardrobe/fashion

    -a relatively good family life

    -a common hobby that you/the girl share


    The more traits you have, the better....

  4. @pepsi: eek...well, if she asks about it, just deny it entirely. Most girls know the percentage of the time that their friends lie (which in most cases, is quite a lot). Just pretend that the girl made the whole thing up, and eventually, pepsigirl will believe you more dependant on how frequent you've lied to her in the past...oh, and I vote in renaming this thread the 'off-topic crazy fun and youtube banter discussion thread'...


    If only tip.it had a place where people could gather and play competitive mini-games. Perhaps, some kind of 'new thread'. Seriously though, whenever I wanna do one of those minigames, I just look for a random, non-warring clan and just join them for the day, telling them that 'I want to join but have doubts'. They always tend to swing it in my team's favor, and, provided I leave at the end of the day, it leaves me still 'not in a clan'.

  5. If you wanna surprise her to the point of speechlessness, leave a packet of raw hamburger, 2 condoms (1 used/1not), and a note saying 'your turn now'. Oh, and shiny, you're the ban-master. I hear people on here all the time talking about 'wanting to be on the other end of shiny's "ban'n'hammer"....then I tell them to take their medicine and run back to the clan discussion thread where they belong...

  6. @yguy: are you sure? Each of those goalies have done way better than their current lineup. Rinne hasn't had a -500 season in his career, lehtonen has only had 1 bad season, and would only cost 2.25mil per season, and weekes/holmqvist are both waaaay better backups than reimer/gustavsson. I'd really like it though if they traded away giguere/reimer for a high-scoring forward...

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