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Posts posted by foursideking

  1. Don't they already have skillcapes for these? And effigies? Don't get me wrong, the idea sounds decent, but it'd only really be useful if you gave it to useless skills, ie:


    Firemaking- maybe give people the option to auto-make fires w/o a tinderbox at 85fm?

    Construction- allow people to build/setup barracades, or allow players to build/setup constructable gathering familiars?

  2. @neo: you didn't entirely answer both my arguements, but I'll try to answer your 'partial' one. Your arguement confuses me, as before, you sounded like someone who made one mistake and should've deserved it. However now, there are a few things that have left me partially-confused. Sure, you may have been around for longer, but as you clearly know, games change. Why should an update in the present affect things in the past? As far as i/many others see things, stuff you do in the past should be left...in the past. Your arguement is that 'I made one mistake in the past, and I deserve to get that settled/wiped, but newer people don't'. Here's a question: if someone got pk'd/killed for their items in the past, what should happen to them? Your arguement is that all people of the past should be forgiven/have this option. Therefore, if your arguement was correct, then jagex should give everyone who ever got scammed, killed in wildy, killed by a monster, or generally lost any items their items back. I still don't get your arguement 100%, and your 'I've played longer so I'm holier than thou' attitude hasn't exactly helped...

  3. If that were the case though, then what's stopping people from lieing about their bans. I'll use another example:


    Let's say a person in 2005 scams multiple accounts, and steals 600m in items. The only 'ban' on his account though is from the account that he stole 250m from. He could easily say that he only scammed 1person for 250m, and jagex would be none the wiser. I understand your arguement partially, as you seem to be ignoring the people who have played within the same range as you. Why should this only count for people after? Why shouldn't it? Jagex makes changes to other aspects of the game all the time, yet you don't see me complaining about the 'easier ways to train that weren't available years ago', or the 'new ways of making gp that are quicker than the old ones'. So, why should it only affect people after? Because 1) it'd prevent liars from fooling jagex, and 2) because then jagex would need to change things around every time someone says 'well, that didn't exist when I was doing it a year ago'. Be grateful of the experiences you/your friends had, and cherish those. As for your account, 'risk not what you are willing to lose'.

  4. @crosby: sadly, I am not with you. Even though you only cheated once, you still effectively botted to get your levels knowing that it was against the rules. Sure, it may seem unfair that jagex is only opening it up to people who get banned after the update, but to truly understand it, you should imagine it from the point of view you'd have if you had never been banned at all. Think about it, you play for 9 years mistake-free, and now jagex is showing their thanks, by allowing you to nullify a mistake should you make one in the future.

  5. I'd really like to see toronto pick up one of those ufa goalies that are out there, or at least pick one up at the end of the season. Current list of ufa goalies (or ones that will be on july 1st):


    Johan holmqvist

    Dwayne rolosson

    Kari lehtonen

    Kevin weekes

    Pekka rinne

    Chris mason


    If toronto picked up even one of them, they could trade toskala for some better offense, and clear up a ton of cap space...

  6. The whole idea around banning for this, imo, revolves around that old racing game known as 'chicken'. 2 cars are driving towards the edge of a cliff, and the one who gets closer to the edge wins (or, in this case, receives the ban). Overall, wouldn't it be easier just to ignore'm? I mean, the best case scenario for this is one person ending up with nothing, while the other gets the gp and the ban for scamming. Thumbs down on this idea...

  7. @mrhouse: in a way, we're doing 2 things that jagex has not been able to do themselves:


    1)Neutralize/stop botters consistantly, and

    2)Make sure that botted goods aren't used for rwt purposes.


    Sure, in a way you could say that these people are 'benefitting off botting', but when it comes right down to it, people who bot are breaking rules. We're simply enforcing 'stricter punishment'.

  8. I agree with this partially due to the fact that the cap makes it impossible for certain items to raise/lower in value (ie: anything under 20gp). They should remove the cap on those, but nothing else seeing as those items need control to prevent the economy from hurdling into the sun.


    That is all.

  9. @blyaunte: you're oversimplifying it. If a husband and his wife consent to having sex, and she later hears it's a 'bad idea', can she later go to the police and call it rape? Legally, she can, hell, she could charge him with committing a hate crime if she thought it through. After all this, is it her fault? Imo, it is, seeing as she <consented to it, knowing the consequences>. Now sure, in this case, the 'victim' is 13, but still, I bet everyone around that age was told by adults 'never to talk to strangers'. She did anyways, and she carried on, knowing fully well of the consequences.

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