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Posts posted by foursideking

  1. Dagon'hai robes are also an interesting choice. When I was training wc from 60-85, I wore full dagonhai, blood talisman staff (from gop), obby shield, with the rest of the outfit being filled with the 'shade costume parts' that make you look invisible. Thing was red, black, and awesome

  2. Mmhmm...I was watching it, and they have the preggo delivering her kid as the song is going...oh, and they all do some gay dance to it as well. GLEE...God they ruin every motherf___ing good song, bunch of idiots...LEE

  3. I finally found a loophole in the insurance $, so I can officially get the other half a week and a half earlier than expected. Kinda stinks though, seeing as it's been almost a year since both my parents died....

  4. Lol...thanks for the visual halo. Seriously, overall it'd benefit you not to dance rather than dance with a friend. If people know that you 2 are just friends, then wouldn't it be more awkward? Then again, when I went through high school, I used strategy to conquer everything. Ended up getting rewarded from it too, that is, if you exclude my chem teacher burning off one of my eyebrows...

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