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Posts posted by AnthonyWL

  1. You can't train herblore and not lose money unless you get herbs yourself


    I think if you gather your own Snape Grass (Waterbirth is good) you can not lose too much for Prayer Potion. Especially if you kill Water Elementals for Water Vials or buy for 10 gp each from Sigmund the Merchant in Relekka.

  2. Well your not far from the requirements of Swan Song. Once you do that from 76-99 you can still make an easy 50M with Monkfish. They give 10 more experience than Sharks and when you get into the 90's are kinda like fishing Lobsters (maybe a bit slower) speed wise.






    I have Fished Sharks from 76 and it only takes 3-4 month maximum. You just need to set a certain goal of how many you want per day stick to it and make sure you get that quotient.

  3. I see nothing wrong with the ftp skillcapes being obtainable by ftp members. They work just as hard for the 99.




    I see nothing wrong with dragon claws being obtainable by ftp members. They work just as hard for the 35m cash.


    You realise it may happen. F2P already have "Corrupt Dragon" armour which is basically all weapons/armour except Claws, Full helmet, Platebody.


    You also have to realise for P2P 35M can be obtained within a month. I don't actually ever recall having more than 10M in F2P and nothing is costly in that world.




    I spoke about meeting in the Middle here. So im going to suggest an idea. :thumbsup:






    Instead of Skillcapes becoming F2P items, What about it they are useable in F2P. It shows Mining Cape (t) instead of Members Object. This way people who have been in P2P can use their hard earned Cape and people who are F2P if they have multiple 99's then they can pay for 1 months subscription, run around grabbing the capes for their 99's return to F2P Happily Ever After. :pray: :pray:

  4. Don't beg for members content because you don't feel like paying a tiny subscription fee.






    I would class members content as stuff such as God Swords, Barrows, God Wars, Castle Wars.


    Not something as trivial as a Cape which shows your achievement. Besides. How is a F2P and its skills in relation to a cape P2P content.?








    In that MechScape the cape looks disgusting. How come F2P shouldn't get the same Cape look as P2P. Its just as hard if not harder to get 99 in F2P.






    Also.. By Lord John.


    I'd love to have f2p skill capes. Finally something for all that grinding I did ages ago before I retired ;P


    It is MUCH MUCH harder in F2P. They don't get all the ready items such as Teaks for fast Woodcutting experience, or even Magic Trees for semi-decent cash. 91 rc is useless in F2P. They don't get natures for 250M and decent time/xp from 91-99.

  5. Try Fishing.




    Start at 76 on Sharks regardless of speed (you can do other things while you fish) on finish at 99.




    From 76-99 on Sharks


    = 106,346 Sharks




    106,346 x 1315 (current med price)


    = 139,844,990 gp


    = 139M 844k 990GP




    Not bad for 3-4 months of a decent AFKable skill.




    NOTE: Prices may rise/fall so money could be anywhere from 100-150M depending on Inflation/Deflation.


    Still good cash though :thumbsup:

  6. No, eat one less big mac meal every month.



    You pay 5 bucks for a Big Mac :ohnoes:




    Dodge all McDonalds in the first place lol..




    My input:


    F2P Should get Skillcapes.




    You try getting the amount of cash/xp per hour in F2P that you do in P2P for Runecrafting.




    The only real way to solve this is to meet in the middle. Otherwise its like a game of Tennis... Back and forth back and forth.


    But it seems the only REAL problem is that members (some not all) seem to feel blindsided if F2P get Skillcapes and they do not have to pay whereas P2P obviously does.




    But let me ask you this:


    If F2P do get Skillcapes and you get outraged because now there is no real need to pay to get 99 for a cool Cape; would you stop P2P for that exact reason? :roll:

  7. viewtopic.php?f=180&t=794037


    My 99 Woodcutting guide. Needs to be updated but yeah. Check that out. Some good techniques, accurate xp/ per hour and locations of primary and secondary trees.




    1. Personally Stealing Creation isn't worth the time and effort for the xp difference. It will break then you need to do it again to get another instead of spending that time purely Woodcutting.




    2. Inferno Adze at Teaks grants more experience than a normal axe as it burns while cuts. So you might end up with 32 logs worth of exp instead of 28 or 27.

  8. I think* a lot of people prefer a Zamorak Mjolnir or whatever the friggin hell its called. Anything with a good Crush attack would work with relatively good speed. Not 100% sure about the Anchor though :ohnoes:


    Zamorakian Spear... using a Mjolnir would be funny.


    THATS THE ONE! :lol: Glad someone could correct me.. I never use any of that crap lol..

  9. I think* a lot of people prefer a Zamorak Mjolnir or whatever the friggin hell its called. Anything with a good Crush attack would work with relatively good speed. Not 100% sure about the Anchor though :ohnoes:

  10. I guess it completely irrelevant to the RuneScape community. If you were supposed to talk in capitals all the time, then you could. Not with some fancy code. It just becomes a Public Annoyance, especially when people start capitals Every Word Which Doesn't Even Really Need To. Frustrates the hell out of me :evil:

  11. **EDIT**


    The quest as a whole won't be too hard. Just need to be patient and make sure you follow every direction precisely because you can die easily on Ape Atoll. Monkeys, Poison, Bugs, Caves. All of that random crap. As for the boss :arrow: People don't remember that the Gnomes haul [wagon] on it too. Just protect from Magic if you Melee the demon, take decent food and you will be fine.

  12. I DO NOT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH COMBAT, as im buying the armour!






    For 102 Combat those are pretty horrible stats. A lot of your Raw Stats (Such as Woodcutting, Fishing, Mining) which produce Raw Material [which get you a lot of money because they are usually all in demand] are low.




    If i had to say something. Runecrafting Nats in the Abyss.. Other than that bring all your stats up or just combat for cash.

  13. Did you work to make that complicated or did it come naturally?


    Its Helgas. Naturally.




    Well yeah.. Or buy them in a shop somewhere. Was trying to be creative.. And 70% of Non members skills and Skill Masters are in F2P anyway.




    But you have to remember that Skill Capes awill most likely not be F2P anytime soon.

  14. Just plonk the Cannon in the Middle of the cave lol.. Who cares if people btch. They will leave. If you have Guthans bring that cos they hit high on me (like 8's)




    After a while they become inagressive so you can pick up Cannon go back up ladder and back down.

  15. Answer to your question:

    Are skillcapes becoming f2p?


    No. Not anytime soon at least.




    This is what i think:


    The Non-Members Skill Cape wearers should be in Non-Members worlds, not in members locations.


    Example: Firemaking; Ignatius Vulcan, Non Members skill in a Members position.




    There are already a few Skill Masters in Non-Member locations such as Mining, Smithing, Hitpoints, Defence, Cooking, Woodcutting, Prayer, Runecrafting and Crafting. I don't see how they can't make something like the Magic Tutor wear the Magic Cape, Ranging Tutor wear the Ranging Cape.




    However if they won't change the Skill Cape wearers im sure they could compromise. Like Aubury teleporting you to the Magic Guild only when you are 99 Magic to buy the Magic Cape. In a members world you can access the Pure Essence mine via Magic Guild. Also you can access different locations of the map via the Magics Guild using portal on the top floor.




    Currently there are 15/24 Skills that are Non-Members. Out of those 15 Skills 9 of these the Masters are located in Non-Members. Half of the ones that aren't in Non-Members but are Non-Members skills are close to each other. Such as Attack and Strength. Firemaking, Range and Fishing.




    But that's just my opinion.. :thumbsup:

  16. Is killing ghasts a good idea, or no?


    I would say No. You need to have finished or started Nature Spirit and only the High Level Ghasts (such as 110-140) are worth killing. Even then they don't give you too much experience for the trouble.




    If you want a cheap way of levelling prayer. Kill Dragons, Collect bones, Use on Gilded Altar for great, cheap experience.

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