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Posts posted by AnthonyWL


    Does the timer of the Leprechaun's magic continue to tick away if you need to log out or will you have the same amount of time left when you log back in?



    Im pretty sure it runs on real time meaning if you log out the time ticks away. It the same as the Evil Tree growing and World/Time Placements. Its all at a specific World and place. There are many Clan Chats out there on Evil tree's that can help you with all these things :)





    There is a lot of advice given by people at the Evil Tree locations such as "Don't light fires!", and "All stand on south side of tree!", "Cut roots!", etc.


    Anyone have some definite information about these opinions?



    Cutting the roots just means you have more room to cut the tree. If people don't cut the roots you can't cut the tree because it is only available to cut on either North, South, East and West sides. If you light fires; i heard the tree dies faster. So... Yeah.. And as for cutting on the South Side.. Iunno.. :-#






    Found an article on Evil Trees


    The mechanics of the tree's health and reward systems are not fully known, so many theories about them are unproven. Some of the theories/rumors are:




    * That lighting fires around the evil tree will result in a lower reward percentage for everyone other than the player who lit them, because doing so shortens the tree's life span.


    * That trees will stay up for a minimum time period regardless of their remaining health. This allegedly is the cause of evil trees which remain standing well after their health reaches 0%.


    * That the trees will remain standing until someone reaches a reward of 100%, even if the tree's health is at 0% (this may also be connected with the above statement).




    **EDIT #2**



    * If an Evil Tree takes too long to die, then it gets struck by lightning from whatever it's health is (If above 50%) down to 50%. If it is in between 25 and 50, then it will fall to 25% and then die on the third hit if it doesn't die quick enough.


    [hide=Tree getting struck by lightning]Evil_Tree_Lightning.png[/hide]

  2. A good shot maybe:


    80 Range


    70 Prayer


    80 HP


    80 Defence




    There are a lot of good guides in the Archive of Wisdom. Maybe you should check some out.

  3. viewtopic.php?f=180&t=794037




    That is my 99 Woodcutting guide. If you visit it you get a cookie.. Jks..


    Basically it has accurate experience per hour of all trees and items to help you make maximum exp and profit per hour.




    On a more on top note: I cut from 85-99 at Ape Atoll Teaks cutting a full load then dropping (no mousekeys, rune axe) and it took me 25-30 days.


    All you got to do is keep focused because it can get very boring and you can easily get sidetracked.

  4. Hmm... I think your options are; Flesh crawlers, giant spiders, cockroaches.




    Those are the only answers you'll get on this thread, will be funny if someone repeats what i said lol.




    [hide=]:roll: Sorry.. Had too![/hide]




    But yes. Stronghold of security is the fastest way in F2P.. If there were overly insane fast and easy ways to make your goal happen soon, you will have to pay for it :|

  5. I find it funny that the people (apart from me now) have under 80 Fishing. yet are giving advice on what to fish to 99 :roll: I know i can't really talk, im only 90/99.. But i sure as hell have fished a lot of sh*t.




    It really depends on what you want and what kind of time you want to put into the skill. If you don't mind Fishing for 2-3 Months and also don't mind a healthy 80M + cash pile in your bank then Fish Sharks right from 76.. They will be slow, very slow. But in the end the reward will be great.




    If you want a fast solution with medium cash pile (anywhere from 30-50M) then Fish Monkfish. But remember you NEED to have finished Swan Song to be able to Fish them.




    Or if you want some money but a relatively fast way then make sure you balance the fish you catch. Example:


    @ 76 Fishing: Fish Monkfish to 80 even though Sharks are available.


    @ 80 Fishing: Possibly Sharks to 85.


    @ 85 Fishing: Monks from 85 to 90.


    @ 90 Fishing: Sharks either to 95 then power it out to 99 on monks or continue to fish Sharks all the way to 99.




    At todays current prices (will drop) Sharks are 1,422 Raw (will change in the future).


    @ 90 Fishing i get them faster than 80 but not as fast as you would imagine and from 90-99 you need 70k Sharks.


    If the prices stay at 1,422 each you can easily make 90M+ Just from 90-99 on Sharks. Its a good level to Fish sharks and only somewhere between 40-60 Days work.




    All in all it is really a matter of opinion. You want Money and don't mind time: Do Sharks. You want it purely for speed: Monkfish. Want Speed and Money: Mix it up a bit. Good luck. :thumbsup:


    LMAO you guys fail, hard. jsut because it said so on tip.it dosnt mean anything, that is the writers opinion, and yes arma is better at ARMA but NOT for training, void is wy better for trainning becaue it also has a set effect, with void you will hit 10% higher and 10% more accurete




    Notice how all the ppl i this thread that have 90+ range know void is better? and the 80- rangers thing arma is better?




    Mr. Mooky.. -90


    Death. -90


    Both thought Void is better; Quite rightly so, for training yes; defence no. **EDIT** THAT RYHMED! How cool is that! :thumbsup:


    As full void whether melee or range adds a 10% accuracy/strength this is better to train with..

  7. I will put it plain and simple..


    Statswise; a Dragonfire Shield uncharged is a useful as a Mithril Kiteshield. Whereas Charged it is the best shield in the game in both offence(st, att) and defence.




    Rune Defender is THE BEST AVAILABLE (at lower levels) shield in the game as it offers good attack and strength bonuses. If you combine with barrows it can be just as good as a Dragonfire Shield's defence.




    So the weigh in..


    Rune Defender = Dragonfire Shield.




    They are equally good. But:


    Rune Defender: 100,000 coins in Supplies to get. Such as food, armour in the animator, potions etc etc


    Dragonfire Shield: 15,000,000 coins MINIMUM! (unless dropped as a visage but goodluck anytime soon lol) and may even be close to 20M!




    I know which one i would prefer..

  8. BTW: have u been sniped for TIFers game??




    Mhm, watcha mean?


    lol its a game someone made up where people sniper TIFers (tip.it forumers) lol if your well know in formus your bound to get sniper by someone that knows you or someone that reads your post, sniping means that they take a screenshot of you in rs, and post it in General diss part and there is a post for TIFers, where your screen shot will b posted stating your tagged, its pretty fun sweet




    P.S. world 99 is the best for this game you will find alot of famous forum posters there


    OMG your talking about Sniping in Help and Advice??




    tl;dr: Armadyl is better than Void in defence, if you want to pay the price. wait till the 26k trick gets canned and it should drop. Otherwise take the time for void if training.

  9. question: if some1 is already sniped do you snipe him again??


    A lot of people here have been Sniped 5x and more.. Some easily 10. Other lucky to be 1.




    Basically all the rule(s) i know are:


    Edgeville = Safespot




    I never heard of a Snipe Limit so im sure more than once is cool.. :D

  10. im still running at large dont think i got sniped :thumbsup:




    1) Use of the " :thumbsup: " smiley.




    2) Forum name and Runescape name don't match.




    3) Not that well known.




    4) Asked to get sniped.




    You won't be sniped.




    ^ this


    all the thing that could go wrong went wrong :oops: :wall:


    Don't ask. Just play.




    Basically asking to be Sniped means that obviously you get bored playing RuneScape so your hoping for a shred of acceptance and change by getting sniped! :evil:








    [hide=Sniped in his so called "Home area"]battlestaves.png[/hide]

  11. 14l0fw4.png


    New exit from bh crater? since when? :shock:


    To the north of that, there's two more. They came with the monsters that are on the inside.


    I took a little trip to that place and it was utter crap. :shame:


    Skeletons, Greaters, Hellhounds and Ankous is all i saw..


    Nothing that's to far out of the way anyhow.. :roll:






    123 Post Count =D> lol.. I find that funny.. :?

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