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Posts posted by AnthonyWL

  1. 1. I've decided to continue to train farming just for the fun of it, has anything changed it? Like any updates?


    Not that i know of?? Maybe different seeds. Random events have changed which can effect the amount of experience you get because you can choose to select a genie lamp.


    2. Between farming runs, which leaves a little over an hour time, what is a good choice? I was thinking waterfiends b/c I wanted to raise my summoning, but that might get boring after a while, any new minigames to suggest?


    Slay then :P Raises all Combat, Slayer and Summoning as well as Farming.


    3. Any other major things I should know about?


    Not that i know of. Unless the Jade Vine gives Farming experience? :|




    I quit


    RuneScape is like crack. You can't "Quit" unless you find something else to fill the void. You keep coming back sooner or later. :thumbsup:

  2. [hide=]


    Am i the only one noob hunting?? ::' Two noob posts in a row.. Tsk Tsk.. Come on fellas there are plenty more noob in the.. err.. RuneScape.






    :wall: He asked me if i had the woodcutting skill cape, i said because i was WEARING THE CAPE AT THE TIME!


    THEN! He asked me to SHOW HIM THE CAPE!!!! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: #-o









    Maybe noobish because he didn't know skillcapes were untradeable (So he couldn't see it in the trade screen). Not particularly funny though.


    Maybe you werent in the top of the pile so he didnt actually see you




    I was the only one on that spot.. :|


    I know you're talking about getting 99 in the skill, but seriously, I get sick of people like you just getting it for the cape, and the fact that people now talk about capes in stead of skills, makes me nearly vomit.


    AKA: I know you're talking about getting 99 in the skill, but seriously, I get sick of people like you just getting it for the cape, and the fact that people now talk about capes in stead of skills, makes me nearly vomit. If it is to small for people to read :thumbsup:




    Long story short. If you love this skill, get the 99 \' Im going for 99 Fishing because.. well.. I like Fishing, not as strenuous as other skills, brings a decent cash flow. No 99 Skill takes a day. many of them take Months and Months of hard work which is made much easier IF YOU LOVE THE SKILL!




    Put plain and simple. The 99 Cape is a reflection of the time you put into skills because of enjoyment, not to gloat.

  4. This is absolutely ridiculous.




    Some of you might remember a picture from about a week or two ago of me getting a dragon full helm from chewed bones on a Mithril Dragon task...




    [hide=That picture]wowlmao.png[/hide]




    Well, today I got another Mithril Dragon task and my first chewed bones drop since then (only like one or two mithril dragon tasks without them) and look what I get...








    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:




    Are they more common than people think?! 2 in 1 week is really good luck there.. :?

  5. [hide=]


    Am i the only one noob hunting?? ::' Two noob posts in a row.. Tsk Tsk.. Come on fellas there are plenty more noob in the.. err.. RuneScape.






    :wall: He asked me if i had the woodcutting skill cape, i said because i was WEARING THE CAPE AT THE TIME!


    THEN! He asked me to SHOW HIM THE CAPE!!!! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: #-o









    Maybe noobish because he didn't know skillcapes were untradeable (So he couldn't see it in the trade screen). Not particularly funny though.




    I don't see you trying. Also he is 99 Combat. Unless he is an Ebay-ed account anyone should know they aren't tradable :|

  6. You could.. But then i would have to do experience rates on.




    Lumberjack boots - Headband


    Lumberjack Boots and Top - Headband


    Lumberjack Boots, legs and top - Headband


    Lumberjack Top - Headband


    Lumberjack Top and Legs - Headband


    Lumberjack Legs - Headband


    Lumberjack Legs and Boots - Headband.




    Which i can't at the moment.. Its 2:36 and im getting tired :P Maybe later :)

  7. Fishing cape is respectable.




    And @above, I'd definitely rather take RC/Slayer/Agil/Farm over a Fire Cape. Anyday.




    Yes Fishing is a respectable cape. Depends on the route you take. If you went/going for 99 entirely on Sharks from 76 *cough* :roll: *cough* then it could be respected as Fishing gets mega boring after a while.




    @ O_M_G_Guasto:


    Fire cape is best at stats but i would really rather a skill cape such as Agility or Runecrafting.. :thumbsup:




    Oh yes, everyone giving you attention/"respect" on Runescape is much more important than stats.




    Tell that to geertjars and Zezima.. Im pretty sure they will be able to answer that :lol:




    Also.. What is so bad about having a little bit of both? I like my stats (not fully but i like them) and i don't mind people asking me how i got to where i am. Whether is it [cabbage] or not.

  8. **EDIT**


    Am i the only one noob hunting?? ::' Two noob posts in a row.. Tsk Tsk.. Come on fellas there are plenty more noob in the.. err.. RuneScape.






    :wall: He asked me if i had the woodcutting skill cape, i said because i was WEARING THE CAPE AT THE TIME!


    THEN! He asked me to SHOW HIM THE CAPE!!!! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: #-o





  9. um... you have a mistake on the xp per maple logs in the equipment section.




    Full lumberjack can't be used with the seer's headband. You can't wear seer's headband with the lumberjack hat :oops:.




    But really, why would you be cutting maples when teaks are faster in every way, not to mention worth twice as muah currently???




    awesome guide, might make me get 72 WC for some quests (for the farming/herblore xp those quests give, not the WC xp lols)




    and I want 99 Firemaking, so this might make me train both at once.




    9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999/10 (for that mistake, and a few spelling/grammar errors) :P


    Damn! Didn't notice that! Thanks.




    Just fixed that then. I have shows experience with Seers Headband and Without it. As well as with Full Lumberjack bonus.

  10. If you have Ripper defence (like high 80's to 90's) and not so much Strength (like low 80) then Fighter Torso for that little added strength bonus..




    I find that i do just as good with a Fighter Torso, Torag legs, Fury, Skill cape, Dragon boots and barrow gloves as full rune defence would anyway. But thats a little for than 1M :oops:




    Stick to full rune for now until you get better cash flow.

  11. But at wildies I not getting stable experience... Every 5 mins if i on a pvp world some mage idiot pwns me if I on a normal world revs kills me in 5 seconds flat...




    Then do go on a PVP World.. Just take Pizzas or Cakes and maybe a Prayer Potion encase of Revs or any other random. Or Log out when you see a rev.

  12. Yes it's good.




    As is woodcutting, firemaking, attack, defence, strength, hunter, thieving, magic, range, mining, runecrafting, agility, herblore, construction, prayer, summoning, slayer, cooking, fletching...


    Forgot HP, Smithing, Crafting and Farming. :thumbsup:


    Other than that, Thieving, is the fastest, followed by Cooking and Fletching.




    I would say Cooking is fastest. I don't see how fast Theiving can... :oops: If it takes less than a week from 90-99 then it is the fastest, but i just can't see a way to do that lol.. Unless you no lifed it constantly.

  14. Yes Fishing is a respectable cape. Depends on the route you take. If you went/going for 99 entirely on Sharks from 76 *cough* :roll: *cough* then it could be respected as Fishing gets mega boring after a while.




    @ O_M_G_Guasto:


    Fire cape is best at stats but i would really rather a skill cape such as Agility or Runecrafting.. :thumbsup:

  15. Merchanting and the clans that manipulate prices are ruining the Runescape economy. I tried to buy Dragon bones and they went up to 2.5K..!!




    Just skill a lot, raise most of them into the 80's and you can make money almost everyway.

  16. Strength - Sara Sword Vs. D Scimitar


    Saradomin Sword at Armour Zombies is one of the best Strength experience.


    Stick with that for a FASTER way of reaching 99 Strength.




    If you don't mind the little extra time yet 6M more cash then use a Dragon Scimitar. Its only a little worse.




    Its also merely a matter of personal opinion. I hate the Sara sword because it is grossly overpriced for something that does the same or just a little better of a Dragon Scimitar but costs 6M+ More.

  17. I think the average you farm is 5 Herbs. Mind you i have never tried.




    So if the average harvest is 5 you can work out:




    30,000 For seed








    = 37,500




    So if a seed is 30k (give or take) and the average Harvest is 5, even 4 is good enough! Then you will make a profit.




    Also check this thread out by Troacctid about Seeds and profits.



  18. Step1: Go into the Monkey Guard Prayer Place. Picture included for ease.


    [hide=Location of Ladder]locationc.png[/hide]




    Step2: Go up this ladder.






    Step3: Then make your way to this place on the second floor


    [hide=Second Floor Ladder to Monkey]secondfloor.png[/hide]




    Step 4: Go up this ladder (on the second floor)


    NOTE: This is flipped upside down. Basically North on that Picture is South. This was for the purpose of seeing the ladder. I was not in the South side of the Room. I was in the North side, but the camera angle shows different.. (i hope that sort of cleared something up)


    [hide=Second Floor Ladder in person]ladder2k.png[/hide]




    Step5: Seek and Destroy! Finally you Kill the Monkey Archer. Remember Protect from range as there is two of them.


    [hide=Monkey Archer]monkeyarcher.png[/hide]




    I hope this helps.

  19. Here is a guide which will definitely help you in Summoning. Pretty detailed and got a lot of calculations explaining cost of items/shards/pouches etc etc.








    Only problem i find and also concurrently(at the same time for those of you who don't have a dictionary by your side) hate is the fact that you have to combat a lot for certain amounts of Charms as well as specific ones. If you find yourself short of Charms start Slaying. 2 Days of Slaying from 50-59 got me enough Charms for a easy 25-40 Summoning.




    Anyway. Check out Kent's guide.

  20. I recently got a Slayer task from Sumona telling me to kill 174 Black Demons.. What i want to know is what is the cheapest and/or fastest way of killing them with minimum risk.




    Currently im at Edgeville Dungeon Level 5 Wilderness safe Spotting them, but Revenants >>(crap! Revenant showed up right as i typed this!) kind of get in the way.. I have 10M cash, 71 Range, 76 Magic and respectable but not great Melee Stats. I do own a Dragon Halberd and have a Guthans set. But i don't want to spend to much on stuff like a Cannon..




    Is there an easier way?


    What bolts are cheapest and best to use? (currently im using Broad for Range)


    I heard they are weak to Magic. Is Slayer Dart a good idea?


    What melee armour should i take if i decide to?




    -Thanks in advance :)

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