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Posts posted by AnthonyWL

  1. My BoB: 3:22AM, Saturday 11th July 2009. AEST ::' hahaha


    Got A LOT of work to do within the next two months so i made the time above so i can compare wealth differences in 40-60 days :thumbsup: Hoping to easily double or possible triple my total net wealth.


    As you can see i put crappy rune weapons in to fill a bit of a void. I only have 160(possibly less -.- ) items in my bank which is tiny compared to many members nowadays.



  2. As well as no new information has been added such as:


    Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course - Now level 80 Needed


    Agile Armour - How to get


    Advanced Gnome Stronghold Course - 85


    Advanced Barbarian Outpost - 90




    Under: Stat Boosters Section in the guide:


    There is a mistake on the Spirit Terrorbird aiding Agility. It is 52 Summoning to Summon not 54. :thumbsup:







  3. My stats:


    Attack: 64


    Strength: 65


    Defense: 64




    Magic: 64


    Range: 73



    Get your stats up to this Via Slayer to make sure you have a good amount of Charms as well as coins/items that unique monsters drop:


    Attack: 70


    Strength: 70


    Defense: 70




    Magic: 65


    Range: 75





    I'm not sure whether to spill a bit of money on an abyssal whip (2.4mil is quite a lot! and yes I know it requires 70 attack!)


    Do not buy a Whip at this moment. It is a lot more than what is used to be (at around 1.5M) So if you wait for the Update when they can the 26k trick it should go down and stabilise. Other than that you should buy a Whip eventually as it is one of the most strong AND versatile as well as fastest weapons.





    or to spill most my money on runes to get my magic up (I love this skill). I want to get my atk/str/def up, but most of the skill guides I read tender for people who have the highest of gear (barrows and upwards etc) so I have no idea what I should be training on.


    Save your money. Once you start combating VIA SLAYER to get all your combat stats to around 70-75 each you would have gained a bit of money from either drops/clues/coins/alchables.





    In the bank: dragon med, glory amulet, rune platebody, rune legs, dragon boots, toktz-ket-xil shield, obsidian cape, ring of wealth. I haven't played in a long time so I'm not quite sure what I should be aiming for. (Note: I haven't done a lot of the new quests)


    Sell the Dragon Medium and finish Fremminik Isles for the Helmet of Nietznot (or whatever) it costs about the same as a D Med, the quest isn't overly hard AND the helmet is one of the best. Also you can sell the Obsidian shield and try your luck at a Rune Defender which gives a good Strength Bonus.




    As for the "(Note: I haven't done a lot of the new quests)" you might want to start some of these quests, as items are just getting better and better.

  4. This might sound observant, or I'm just in a bitter mood today, but every time I come to General Discussion and see this thread up at the top with a new post or two, I click on it, thinking "Aha! There just might be someone I've not seen getting sniped there today. Please let it be of someone who doesn't go to forsakenmage... " and then, yes, as you might've guessed it, it's another page of the same people as the last page and the page before it getting sniped in the same place by the same people. Rubbish! *Back*




    Before you're thinking, that I'm just writing this useless rant because I want to get sniped, you're wrong. I don't want to. I just feel this thread, which did start a fresh trend in our forum all that long while ago, has now just degraded into a dull everyday hunt for purple dots on the map. Might aswell rename the thread to "Pictures of those FSMers!" :roll: Would make alot more sense to be quite honest.




    Continue on.


    Half the people who get Sniped aren't in FSM's Clan Chat. In fact, more than half.




    Also. This game hasn't degraded to "degraded into a dull everyday hunt for purple dots on the map" If i find someone, whether a FSM Clan Chat dude, or a genuine TIFer i Snipe them.




    Anyway i thought this game was all about finding people who are on these forums while concurrently doing your own RuneScape day-to-day chores. I Sure aas hell never go out of my way to find one guy. If it clashes with my activity; its a fun thing to do :)

  5. would using magic in addition to melee be good or should i just use a rune 2h sword


    No.. Most Dragons are strong against Magic :?




    Take good armour lots of food and teleport runes. Maybe a Strength potion as well? And most of all the Anti-Dragonfire Shield.

  6. Teaks are much much better than Willows. It took me 25 days from 88-99 so im guessing to get to 88 from 77 would take maybe a week or two. Even less. If you worked really hard i reckon at Teaks maybe 40 days from 77-99 no Mousekeys cut and drop. You will make a slight profit from Seeds. You can make a big profit if you cut and parcel at the Tai Bwo Wannai Village after finishing the Tai Bwo Wanna Cleanup Mini Game or you can do what i did and just camp at the Ape Atoll as a Monkey.

  7. The three best monsters i find that drop clues are Aberrant Specters, Greater Demons and Hellhounds.


    They all have pro's and con's, but they are usually little problem. Greater Demons have the Con of Wild Dogs which are good if you have Guthans to heal on thus you could stay down forever. Hellhounds hit hard and if not hard quite often, you can easily get rid of this by safe-spot ranging or a halberd and Aberrant you need a nosepeg and for better effect prayer potions for protect from magic. But you can usually make it back from the amount of Ranarr's they drop.

  8. No system like that in RuneScape, unfortunately, but I have heard of this revolutionary new idea called "electronic mail" or "e-mail" for short. Maybe you both could look into that? ;)


    You know asking for other people "E-mail" is against the rules.


    I don't think he asked.. :shame:




    Merely sounded like a Sarcastic Suggestion. :lol:

  9. Went to check prices and caught these. Like a friggin gold mine here.. :roll: And My bad if i missed some people..


    Anywhooo Is G.E a safespot? I know Edge is.. But G.E?




    [hide=Poor Olly]ollyf.png[/hide]








    [hide=Phillip Kolar]phillipkolarm.png[/hide]




    [hide=This guy a Tiffer? In hyt Clan chat at least..]sannie.png[/hide]





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