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Everything posted by Rainchase

  1. Hi, I am currently level 81 hunter and I am aiming to level it up to level 85. From all of the guides that I have seen hunting draconic jadinkos is the fastest exp. However, I am not yet level 77 farming. Would cost me around 4m to get to level 77 farming. I have also never played herblore habitat so would be starting from scratch in relation to getting witchdoctor clothing and all the potions. My question is, is the exp at draconic jadinkos even worth it at my level? Or should I leave off spending time and money preparing for when I am a more appropriate level to gain good exp per hour. If so what other training options are open to me? I have been thinking of just doing the old classic of red chins but I am unsure whether these are still the best exp per hour or whether there are better options out there? Thanks for any advice you can give me.
  2. I don't think its anything to do with protecting our health, but Jagex's way to protecting themselves. Someone is stupid and plays for days on end without break and ends up seriously ill or worse Jagex has a good moral ground if it goes to press that we log our players out after 6 hours to try and prevent players from playing the game that long. Jagex just covering their back really.
  3. I have finally! just completed the quest Birthright of the Dwarves. I am currently training for 85 mining, rune ores and all that, and I am currently in the lava flow mine attempting to get the golden suit from the elusive nymph. I already have two fragments for the pickaxe and I am wondering whether it is worth changing my dragon pickaxe into an Imacado pickaxe. I will be mining both rune ores and living rock cavern so I was wondering how long do the charges last? Is it difficult to recharge? Is the smithing exp gained from incinerating ore worth turning my beloved dragon pickaxe? Also, is there a way to remove the Imacado fragments from the pickaxe to return it to it original state? Thanks Roseiah
  4. So glad divination is finally trainable with lamps. Can see all those spots being empty from now on. Don't think anyone who plays Runescape likes to torture themselves that much. Still got to get 85 strength for the new quest but I'm looking forward to it. A boss that is actually difficult sounds like a good challenge.
  5. I have recently got 70 attack and defence, and will most likely have 70 strength in a few hours. My other skills are prayer - 60 and magic - 72 and constituion - 71. I am looking to upgrade my melee outfit for slayer tasks but I've only just recently returned to the game and I'm pretty clueless on what my best outfit strategy should be. What barrow armour would you guys reccommend for day to day general slayer training and melee training? Is barrow armour my best option or are there other melee options out there that are a better fit? Currently I wear, Black mask, Granite body, dragon defender, whip, plateskirt, dragon gauntlets, dragon boots, amulet of glory, ring of life. Any help at all would be much appreciated. Thanks Roseiah
  6. I really don't understand how people can think Jagex don't care about bots. Bots are a minority who potentially spoil the game for the majority. A lot of players have stopped playing runescape due to that unfair balance that exists and the lack of punishment. Jagex are obviously going to attempt to tackle it. Just because the update is taking a bit longer to bring out a very important update that I'm sure nobody wants to find glitches in, people are thinking they don't care. Would you rather they brought out a faulty product now or wait a few more months for something that might actually work? In relation to bots, I think Jagex do now and again get rid of known bots on a certain day. I found the statistics really interesting and would love to have more indepth information to study them further.
  7. Hey, I have a few k of mithril bars in the bank and instead of selling them I want to smith them and sell the product. I know I'll lose money this way but the exp would be nice. What is the best thing to smith from mithril bars to get a good exp rate but also to get a good product that will actually sell at the end of it? Thanks
  8. Hi, I have only just recently returned to the game after a four year break and I am looking for a new ACTIVE community to immerse myself in. I enjoy skilling more than combat but occasionally enjoy combat mini-games. I used to be really good at castle wars. Might have to hone my skills again :P Anywho, the username is Roseiah and I would love to join a new group of people having fun together.
  9. I personally don't find firemaking as useful as other skills, but I still train it just to get my total level up. In P2P there are some points to it, but in F2P apart from getting the total level up, it is completely useful.
  10. I rarely die. The only time I do die often is when I'm playing mini-games, and safe mini-games at that. But I don't PK and I don't kill boss monsters. In fact, I am rarely doing anything that involves combat unless it's a mini-game, so my style of play doesn't incorporate the ability to die much.
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