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Everything posted by GuidesForScapers

  1. Remember the days when people could legitly post on one of these threads without a smarmy comment after the question mark? No, nor do i.
  2. I'm sure Jagex frequently takes down fake videos.
  3. Remember the days when Jagex fixed bugs, banned rule breakers and produced good quality content? No. Me neither. I think they should start though.
  4. 3 times in a row. Get hit with the first, log back in and walk one step, bam. Same thing happens for a third time. WHAT THE FLOODOHLING[bleep]? Why are Jagex not actively doing something to fix this extremely significant issue? Me and my friends who PK are frequently white screening, and losing ridiculous amounts. I have personally lost 50m+ to glitches in the wilderness, and 30m+ to this one alone. I have a friend who was welfare bridding with an AGS for spec, he white screened on relatively low prayer and lost it. To be quite honest, [bleep] future content. What good is a new quest with a brilliant new reward if i'm going to get kicked offline every 10 minutes? It takes the piss. Don't even get me started on skeletons and scorpions....
  5. A VPN is enough to throw off Jagex and their screams of "HEY THATS AN OFFENSE OF THE LAW". As proven by the hijackers of thousands of accounts that were stolen via PowerBot. Might as well be behind 7 proxies, probably do the trick.. Been banned for botting? Here is your account back for a small fee. Had your items stolen? [bleep] off, or give us a fiver...
  6. Thanks for posting the song, just finished downloading their 1st and 2nd albums. Totally a freaking awesome band and yes it would make a great PK song :thumbsup: Will unspam later with 67 farm pic Heh, i saw one of their songs in a CTFxC video and did the exact same thing XD. By the way, i think an unspam is somewhat redundant after 3 consecutive posts ;)
  7. 45 minutes, no deaths: What do you guys think about this song for the first half of my PK video :P? Personally love the song :D Me vs Hero = Godly. Thought Skrillex would have been annoying to those people who have seen a billion PKing videos with the same song in before.
  8. Just released a new guide, how to make a single 2 hit kill into a 1 minute 18 second video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0z4PKhN2zE
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj46ivR4KPk TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  10. Biggest no brainer is the Cash. 4bill? Its legit, too legit to quit.
  11. Cleaned some idiot at duely. In other news DIDNT YOU KILL MA BROTHA?
  13. Just use food tbh. Claws make barrows a gabillion times easier if you use the specs on verac, and you can even have enough spec for ahrim or karil too if you do the brothers in the right order. SGS spec is about equivalent to a few sharks, which are cheap as hell. Lets face it, at our level the chances of us dying without disconnecting are non-existent, and an SGS won't help you then.
  14. I've only gone to the 2B+ mark once. The 1B+ twice. I'm sure it will get to where I have to stake 5B+... But even then, won't stop me. :P. If you start to lose a few, often you keep losing because you start to get nervous doing the big ones... Making it difficult to switch attack styles and things. Once you do a few high ones, that changes fast. :P. Keep in mind that f you're in a losing streak, there's nothing stopping you from going to grab a beer/pepsi and taking a quick 5-10 minute break. As long as you do the next big one afterward. I'll upload a few videos later of my staking methods and such. Most likely will add cometary as well. But! I want to do DHing at Bandos again first! Was a [bleep]ing blast. Lol. Would you ever suggest staking with a small bank, on a smaller scale? E.g., starting on 100k with a 40m bank. To be quite honest, i am sick to [cabbage] of grinding for days to get back up to 50m, then getting a luck streak and finally being only 20m off turm! Oh but wait, there goes 150m to glitches/some ridiculously, more likely to win the lottery than for this to happen, kind of thing. For example, me losing 4 times in a row to someone with 80-80-80 combat stats and losing more than half my bank -.- God i wish i could just go kill corp and grab myself a divine, lol. You could do: 0.25M - 0.75M - 1.75M - 3.75M - 7.75M - 15.75M - 31.75M Or: 0.5M - 1.5M - 3.5M - 7.5M - 15.5M Or: 1M - 3M - 7M - 15M - 31M When I want to really relax, I take out 25M and do 1M stakes. Takes a while... But works. :). I guess it doesn't really take long for the stakes to get pretty significantly high. I think maybe i would be better off getting at least a half decent bank before i threw it away like this >.< Thanks though :P
  15. Doing good things for the wrong reasons. Why should i care if you helped an old lady cross the road if you did it to get a VIP ticket to eternal bliss? If i do it, i do it because i'm a genuinely nice person, i don't gain anything out of the situation other than the satisfaction of helping someone else out. You get all the ice cream and va-jay-jay you could dream of. Not saying all religious people are horrible people, just maybe not as nice as they seem with the man with a suitable pit of fire for them to spend eternity in if they don't help Dorris up. Yeah, that means religion is supposedly making the world a better place. If you disregard the countless wars/deaths caused by it. Oh, and don't forget the countless years in which science came second to religion, holding back actual progress and replacing it with "if you do things i, God, made you instinctively want to do before getting married i will kill you repeatedly forever." After the fall of the roman empire the catholic churches held on to science so it wouldn't be lost. It's how Columbus knew the world was round. So if you take the catholic church away but keep the fall of the roman empire, the knowledge would have been lost, Columbus would have never made his journey, and you wouldn't be reading this today. Perhaps if religion hadn't been holding back science, Columbus would have been landing on the moon.
  16. I've only gone to the 2B+ mark once. The 1B+ twice. I'm sure it will get to where I have to stake 5B+... But even then, won't stop me. :P. If you start to lose a few, often you keep losing because you start to get nervous doing the big ones... Making it difficult to switch attack styles and things. Once you do a few high ones, that changes fast. :P. Keep in mind that f you're in a losing streak, there's nothing stopping you from going to grab a beer/pepsi and taking a quick 5-10 minute break. As long as you do the next big one afterward. I'll upload a few videos later of my staking methods and such. Most likely will add cometary as well. But! I want to do DHing at Bandos again first! Was a [bleep]ing blast. Lol. Would you ever suggest staking with a small bank, on a smaller scale? E.g., starting on 100k with a 40m bank. To be quite honest, i am sick to [cabbage] of grinding for days to get back up to 50m, then getting a luck streak and finally being only 20m off turm! Oh but wait, there goes 150m to glitches/some ridiculously, more likely to win the lottery than for this to happen, kind of thing. For example, me losing 4 times in a row to someone with 80-80-80 combat stats and losing more than half my bank -.- God i wish i could just go kill corp and grab myself a divine, lol.
  17. Think i would be able to solo Armadyl with 90 defence if i got 95 range? Never been before, and none of my friends go (that i know of). @Below me, gratz :D I did DT on my pure with the same qp heh.
  18. That wouldn't be fair. You don't 100% hit somebody with range if their range armor is lower then your range attack bonus Likewise, you don't hit somebody 100% with melee if their melee armor is lower then your melee attack bonus 100% accuracy hits = way too OP. That would make multi-fight wildy very stupid. Good point, but i still think that there is something that has to be done. Maybe not 100% hit, but something. I shouldn't be frequently splashing teleblocks in full ahrims, mages book and master wand on full rune. That basically makes any significant magic bonus redundant. @Wicked, that video is epic. I can barely get 5 kills with my best gear, how you got any in that boggles my mind. DHing sounds pretty good, but at the same time stupidly risky, i panic if i drop to 650lp at bandos, couldn't imagine staying so low for so long >.<
  19. Gah. Depressing BoB is despressing. Spent 6m on attempted claw/ags lures with bss/veracs. Safe to say, Jagex [bleep]ed us again. My friend splashed while using max mage on a rune set PKer who was protecting melee and was out of food. Really? Why is this [cabbage] not fixed. I think if the difference between your opponents magic defence and your magic attack reaches a certain amount you should be guaranteed a hit. Not saying over power magic, but if you have +120 magic attack and they have -60 magic defence, why are you still able to splash? 100% damage when the difference is great enough wouldn't be overpowering it imo, just making it fair. EDIT: Thanks by the way Jagex, for giving me that 750 rambo dds spec when i was trying to die to my opponent but not giving me a korasi hit over 250 when i was about to down full bandos, claws, ags and fury.
  20. Did it work in an "OMFG why isn't everyone doing this?" way or a "lol i bet i'm going to die but eh it was funny" kind of way? Would you suggest it as a legit method :D?
  21. Doing good things for the wrong reasons. Why should i care if you helped an old lady cross the road if you did it to get a VIP ticket to eternal bliss? If i do it, i do it because i'm a genuinely nice person, i don't gain anything out of the situation other than the satisfaction of helping someone else out. You get all the ice cream and va-jay-jay you could dream of. Not saying all religious people are horrible people, just maybe not as nice as they seem with the man with a suitable pit of fire for them to spend eternity in if they don't help Dorris up. Yeah, that means religion is supposedly making the world a better place. If you disregard the countless wars/deaths caused by it. Oh, and don't forget the countless years in which science came second to religion, holding back actual progress and replacing it with "if you do things i, God, made you instinctively want to do before getting married i will kill you repeatedly forever."
  22. this thread makes the same argument over and over and over. YES, we understand that any human eye can catch and tell who is a bot and who isn't, but Jagex cant have people watching every server, and every high botting area all the time. it is simply impossible. they rely on computer detection. Here in itself is another problem, you cant just ban anyone for doing repetitive bot-like actions, because thats what the game is! repetitive actions, and some players are great are matching the same keystrokes or mouse swipes in the same time, its called muscle memory. Jagex has to come up with something that can ban bots without banning real players while at the same time making it general enought to cover the entire game. all of this while botting sites are just getting more advanced. in total: stop saying you can catch bots so why cant jagex. it is the most idiotic argument that you can possibly make! Last statistic i heard was £18m profit in 2009 for Jagex. With profits like that, why would it be so very tricky for them to employ even a few people to full time bot-bust. Given a standard work day and administrative powers, i have no doubt that i could solo clear out 50 worlds of most bots. Obviously, there would always be SOME that would slip through, but it would only be a matter of time. If word gets out Jagex are banning ruthlessly, you could just watch the numbers of bots depleting. Jagex have the potential to attain the resources needed, they just choose not to do so.
  23. Why doesn't she hold a tif account? You always talk about here but we never hear from her, just curious. Stupid question. There are no girls on the internet. O(ff)T:
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