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Everything posted by Undo

  1. You can answer my question on Post 1, Page 1. Kthx. "According to McDonald's crew-only website, Station M, McDonald's Big N' Tasty sandwich will be retiring on September 1st, 2010. McDonald's states that the reason for retirement is to make room for "newer, tastier, awesomer Angus Burgers" Such as?
  2. I'm done talking to you. Still looking for an answer.
  3. Gonna get locked, mods are sleepin' though Child, if you have nothing constructive to add, then just go away. You're doing nobody favors by pointing out the "Obvious". It's quite upsetting I have to repeat myself again for you to learn, but, here we go: Until my question is legitimately answered, this Thread is still open for debate. & It's clear you're obviously jealous of how amazing I am. I'll accept your recognition so you can press onwards with your sheltered social life - Because clearly, you can't adjust to a real one.
  4. The RuneScape Community is full of immature children who try & gain e-rep by doing some good ol' fashioned "e-bullying". It takes far under minimum effort for me to not care.
  5. The tl;dr is strong tonight. Don't like what I'm posting? Get away. Go play with some tinkertoys er' something boi. It's obvious you can't chill down.
  6. I won't lie to you guys, I skimmed every reply above this since my previous. Why? Flamers flamin'. Get real n' stop raging. This Thread IS indeed serious. Until I find out an answer why I'm forced to eat anything but a BN'T, I'm going to stay in this Thread. Good deal? Good deal. Kthx.
  7. Cool novel sis. Gunna' publish it? Got enough time to tell me the rest of it? Get back on Topic child.
  8. Lmao, this Thread is adorable! It seems very suitable for the RuneScape Community. No offence.
  9. LOLtartz. Right. The healthiest thing @ McDonalds is their ketchup packets.
  10. Uhm, he's White? LOL. It was dark in Draynor.
  11. Exactly. Think if your Frappes were a Big N' Tasty. They aren't, so he can't. Imagine if your Frappes were in the current Big N' Tasty situation - Taken away.*
  12. I'll stick around & hope for a better replacement.
  13. Exactly. Think if your Frappes were a Big N' Tasty.
  14. this. unless diarrhea 10 minutes later just pleases you, I'd stay away from McDonald's McDonalds can't be with everyone, clearly.
  15. I had the closest relationship to this Menu Item more-so than any other McDonalds had offered me. Removing the Big N' Tasty is like losing a significant other to another person. I feel used, cheated, cheap, and most of all, disgusted. Why would McDonalds ruin so many meals like this? I just don't understand. I really wish I did; I really wish I did...
  16. I don't think you understand I'll never be able to get a burger with lettuce & mayo holding the horseradish/"SecretSauce" (Big Mac) ever again. /: I just don't know what to do with my life anymore. It feels so empty. I feel so lost...
  17. Upon arrival at McDonalds an hour ago for dinner tonight, I was informed the "Big N' Tasty" is no longer on Mcdonald's Menu worldwide as of yesterday; September 20, 2010. A painfully dreaded day indeed, as today & throughout the next few weeks will bind me in withdrawal. Why am I so sad it's gone? Well, whenever I did manage to go to McDonalds, the Big N' Tasty would be my first priority. Now, I am stuck with Chicken Nuggets as they are my second favorite menu item on the Menu. Does anyone know WHY the Big N' Tasty was removed from McDonald's Menu? tl;dr version: "Whopper Wednesday" needs to be 'Whopper Daily'.
  18. you could not have made 1.1b off of magics and sharks...thats like a million combined...but grats to you if you did. And pretty decent stats and bank. Welp, I did. Every second on RuneScape shows exactly that. I don't understand how you can't see otherwise.
  19. The majority of any PMod proves as nothing but an immature child who gains a false ego by an un-needed crown given to him/her by JaGeX. JaGeX pulls back the curtains to let their true colors shine in results of this topic.
  20. I don't remember the DT team ever using the HelmCam other than for underwater/cave explorations though which occured ever so far in between. I'd rather ask TAPS themselves to join the team rather than humiliate myself surrounded by a bunch of 8th/9th graders showing off how cool they are by wanting to camp in a room alone. I didn't mean to come off by saying I don't like either of the two. Because I'm sure their humor is what made the show less serious than what it already wasn't... Omg. I love thermal shots! Those are the only evidence that I can come close to believing. That GH episode doesn't ring a bell, however I'm sure I've seen it. The only thermal I remember that was impressive on GH was the Lighthouse visit - Number TWO. Their FIRST visit wasn't as impressive. On DT however, catching multiple floating objects such distance away & having one right next to you all on the same episode seems even neater to me. On that same episode too (The Doll Island one), the Doll's eyes blinked. As ridiculous as that sounds, it was extremely fascinating to watch. I'd love to see TAPS debunk that!
  21. I don't understand the Staff Of Air concept, sorry...
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