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  1. added them on Main ML Now about time
  2. hi sparze how are playoffs and gx going?FLASH2:GX MAD GX SAD

  3. Im sure if Cr still twr they can smack you guys so hard so i don't know how you claiming #1 over Cw fight
  4. Dam Df hope you recover soon so we can fight. Grats on your day out
  5. Just because you haven't heard of any FI leaders here and outside of the "best clans" doesn't mean they aren't any good lol. The world doesn't revolve around and confine to JUST the top 10; there are as talented people outside who are good at what they do and stay out of the top 10 because of all the drama and stupidity that resides on RSC among the top clans. My lists are in no particular order, I can't really rank them one above the other. Matched Ops: Dimitrix - mainly because he taught me most of the stuff I know and was very calm and consise when we had smaller wars before he left for China. Bigroror - calm and composed and when stuff goes his way, he does very well. Beyblade - knows what he's doing, knows the details and get the job done. Thadanger - only heard him once but what he did do was very impressive and easy to follow. Full Outs/PKRIs: Scottien - clear voice, swift and precise with lots of good transitions. Tesh - if he has a good day and calls correct directions, he too has a clear voice and choses obvious and easy transitions. Thealth - very calm and collected, chose good piles and was clear and easy to follow. Outside of top 10 is nothing left any one can call piles who got mic and can communicate with its clan mates and be good in 20 vs 20 fights in cw. never knew it took skills to be able to read a user name. but when your fighting 100 vs 100 and you got like 30 people sniping you and can still take fall in and call piles and eat and keep switching prayers melle/range and not choking at the same time and keep people motivated at the same time. then you are a true caller but still out of that there are few who are top callers and the one i listed is it. I seriously dont get you man. sure any1 can call but not every1 with a mic can call and sure top 10 clans are good but there not what everyone wants. some of the best callers arnt in top 10 clans because they dont enjoy all the bs flame and drama made by clans such as urs on rsc. why bother with that stuff when you can have a better time with a smaller clan, it doesnt meen the caller is less good it just meens he/she likes different things. for all you know seeing as you havent heared of any of them they could be miles better than ur amazing "100-100 callers with 30 sniping him". its not a hard thing to call a name out as you said. just because there taking a fi doesnt meen there the ones calling, you could be using a meatshield or someone further down the calling order can call a random transition/pile. i doubt very much that ur 100 vs 100 callers need to constantly be screaming "name/level location" on ts/vent whilst the smaller clans have there leaders doing that constantly with hardly any breaks. a good caller can keep it up and keep you motivated not just call a pile and thats it. personally ive not heared alot of callers cos ive only been in 1 clan an 1 team. so the peeps im saying are the peeps ive heared. 1 Juan, hes a complete beast never shuts up and can on his own turn a war around in our favour almost out of nowhere 2 Stewie cos i love his accent and it keeps my attention on the war 3 Ghosty because he knows what to do and when to do it. 4 Gokuu because he is so dedicated constantly trying to improve us and himself, his only prob is his mic sucks 5 Bludd cos hes a beast and does a very good impression of an evil person Www.English-classes.Com If you need some meat-shield to take fall in for you then you know your not a good caller. You can say yea there really good But i don't know any one that left top clans to go call for some cw clan 20 vs 20, Please enlighten me with all your knowledge and tell me all the good callers outside of top 10 and the once you think they have what it takes to be sniped by 30-50 people and not get 1 hit and call piles at the same time.
  6. it won't be the same as dk. They are not going to crash etc... A Clan called DOS with Valery and KTV that is not going to crash? Sit down please. Cw product Sit down please.
  7. Would be nice fight Id take the win tho RJ vs DF week prep
  8. VR/EOS/COR/TT- Since Dk closed now TT can come back to Fighting Clans Rsd Pk more? Rot Rj DF
  9. Just because you haven't heard of any FI leaders here and outside of the "best clans" doesn't mean they aren't any good lol. The world doesn't revolve around and confine to JUST the top 10; there are as talented people outside who are good at what they do and stay out of the top 10 because of all the drama and stupidity that resides on RSC among the top clans. My lists are in no particular order, I can't really rank them one above the other. Matched Ops: Dimitrix - mainly because he taught me most of the stuff I know and was very calm and consise when we had smaller wars before he left for China. Bigroror - calm and composed and when stuff goes his way, he does very well. Beyblade - knows what he's doing, knows the details and get the job done. Thadanger - only heard him once but what he did do was very impressive and easy to follow. Full Outs/PKRIs: Scottien - clear voice, swift and precise with lots of good transitions. Tesh - if he has a good day and calls correct directions, he too has a clear voice and choses obvious and easy transitions. Thealth - very calm and collected, chose good piles and was clear and easy to follow. Outside of top 10 is nothing left any one can call piles who got mic and can communicate with its clan mates and be good in 20 vs 20 fights in cw. never knew it took skills to be able to read a user name. but when your fighting 100 vs 100 and you got like 30 people sniping you and can still take fall in and call piles and eat and keep switching prayers melle/range and not choking at the same time and keep people motivated at the same time. then you are a true caller but still out of that there are few who are top callers and the one i listed is it.
  10. All the names you all posted is probably a joke never heard of most names you all posted besides knowing Lovelost is in TT but i hope you all are kidding and don't really think any of those names you all listed are any good. ,Best fall in leaders not counting the once that retired long time ago non of this is in any order. -Kaochinx27 -Cravez -Empire Mind -Tealth -Radicalsurfu -Veseble -D2master12 -Duvasio -Alex dawg -Hugo Boss -JoayHova there are many more to list but this is just a once that came up on my mind first
  11. If Derek Really quit or went to military then it will stay closed no one could lead that clan besides Derek. Proud to have been dk Council for year back in 2007
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