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Everything posted by A13d

  1. The people who want to see it will look for it, that's the point.
  2. rocktails pay for the minerals bro, so my 15k urns suffices =] for the pile of homework check my bxpw vid lol Thanks. Does anyone else feel this way? I want the majority opinion on it. I'm most likely going to keep them in spoiler tags because I know that there are people who don't approve of me doing them. edit: Thanks Superheat.
  3. You can't buy thieving, le problem? He bought a pharaoh's sceptre ofc. u guys don't even have fish banked, I do tho see http://www.youtube.com/xa13dx NO. LANGER. WILL. ALWAYS. DO. TOP. 15. UPDATES. I MISS HIM *cries* This is why I used spoiler tags for my last update. We all miss him. Are other people offended in this manner as well? I was just trying to cover for him until his gets back. Do people want more of my updates or am I ruining Langer's rep or something? I'm trying to provide you guys with some entertainment while he's gone but if more people feel like this I will stop, just let me know.
  4. ...This includes automation tools... Rocktails and ivy. You might not agree with me but that doesn't mean that I am wrong.
  5. Actually Richard just hopped on the bandwagon because the name was availible without knowing about how the joke started in this thread and when people made fun of him for stealing the title given to Paperbag within this joke he became a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very mad boy please do not tell him I told you guys this information I do not like it when he's angry
  6. Support More chance of me getting it in 2012 lol. wouldn't wanna ruin your pro def like that mate
  7. Well "enjoy" it before it's patched
  8. This has been happening to me at Rocktails as well. Extremely annoying when trying to do homework. Omg it's a dream come true. :D I don't see how this affects Agility It's just a coding issue anyway, read my last post.
  9. THIS JUST IN http://gyazo.com/505db4af5ad033d8a3e652608b973578 http://gyazo.com/9f5bf9168099d10d46e5330dd60415b8 NP GUYS
  10. all buyables via Merch/PvM etc and all slow skills done > buyables via donations and all slow skills done > all buyables via Merch/PvM etc > buyables all via donations > scamming/RWTing all buyables Of course making the money yourself is more respectable. However, this is rs2k11 and buyables mean nothing. He's merely utilizing free trade because of the simple fact that he can. He's estabilished his credibility and there are honest people willing to contribute to him. So until someone else comes by and maxes out all slow skills, none of you hold a candle to Suomi /discussion next topic
  11. This has been happening to me at Rocktails as well. Extremely annoying when trying to do homework.
  12. i fakemaxed with 99 str just sayin
  13. according to Makaveli, he's ded 100% underniable
  14. Waste of time, he just did enough quests for the 5th slayer block Ironically if he is going to do them after 200m all its an xp waste to not do them now. Everything but minigames would be an xp waste after 200m so it doesn't matter if he does it then. If you didnt notice, he hasn't got all 200m's yet. So he can get xp from the quests now. Talked to him about this before, getting the highest permanent ranks as possible is his top priority.
  15. I disagree. Jagex did it right because now the prices of the Nature runes will go even more low. So, graahking will not be profiable = bye bots M8 I don't think you realize that even if bots make can make 10k cash per hour they will continue to bot. Bots do not tire or loose motivation like us humans do. Natures will crash to 74 gp and pure essence to about half of that. Of course there will be some time periods where it will be a net loss for the bot owners to sell the nature runes. This is easily avoided by hoarding the runes until it is profitable to sell them again - all while the bots continue to Runecraft. As shown here, in the long run, this update only only hurts legitimate players who still Runecraft or happen to be in possession of large amounts of nature runes. The bots won't give 2/3rd of a [cabbage] since they don't even invest any of their time in the game in the first place, rather they'll be like "lol brb 10 more frost bots" Jagex is yet again cutting off money making methods for legitimate players trying to make their way through this game. Not only does it cause pragmatic problems such as these but also the principle of the whole ordeal is an accurate representation of Jagex's mentality towards the bot situation as a whole - They're focused on generating temporary (not even) fixes that will only hurt the player community in the long run instead of focusing on the root of the problem. The myopia of it all is astounding to me. TL;DR -> http://gyazo.com/876ea919ddb6cd04280f25fdca325db9
  16. that, my friend is due to the system update kicking all the bots off the servers
  17. -It's basically admitting defeat to the bots -Alch values are supposed to act as a safety net in case prices get dangerously low -There were already items you could alch for profit so how is this any different, if someone is willing to alch to 200M mage hell they deserve it -Now bots will drive down prices of nature runes to 74 gp (the new alch value, hell they buy for 82 gp in the g.e right now) consequently making other stuff even more profitable to alch, defeating the whole purpose of the change -Way to ruin whatever the hell was left of Runecrafting, now low levels can't even graahk for a profit. Inb4 p ess 10 gp ea. #Jagexlogic M8's
  18. Gl graahking now mate I'm just gonna leave this here http://gyazo.com/99ee666fcb0333fc574b012af6f263a1 let the hate begin
  19. With respect to 200m all it's probably best to only mage non cannon tasks since after 200m mining you'll have like 155m mage xp. If you maged every task you'd have like 450m virtual mage xp or so and unless you care about a slight increase on dps on cannon tasks for the excess cost (someone with infinite money) I'd just stick with rapier to be honest.
  20. According to Richard it's better for Abbies, Miths, Irons, and Steels.
  21. I have Elias, Richard, and Paper added so I know about them and whatever they tell me about other top players. I'm also subbed to Alkan on youtube so that's how I knew about rocktails/strange rocks but other then that most of that info I get is from this thread really.
  22. http://gyazo.com/2463776e42dec77b17db7b1eea8d9219
  23. Well, we should be getting a top 15 update right about now, so here’s my attempt at covering for Langer this week. I’ve hidden the post because I completely understand if people don’t want to read it because I obviously don’t have the same authenticity that he does.
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