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Everything posted by Leiana

  1. Lucky >.< [hide= Due to the following I have to cancel DE2 entirely:] Lack of players/ player enthusiasm School My poor planning skills Pre made plans Siblings Work Training for a 5k run in January Homework And lack of reasonable time. Sorry [/hide]
  2. Due to the following I have to cancel DE2 entirely: Lack of players/ player enthusiasm School My poor planning skills Pre made plans Siblings Work Training for a 5k run in January Homework And lack of reasonable time.
  3. I figured out how to make marshmallows out of melted marshmallows!
  4. Earth, in a different game I play, waypoint allow a player to travel to different places. For example, if I wanted to get from the starting town to the inner coilster of a monastery, I'd use the waypoints. Of course, like in runescape you need to find the waypoint before being able to use it. Nex, what part of the US do you live in? It's currently raining by the bucketfuls where I live.
  5. Loadstone, lodestone, either way you're loading onto a waypoint of your choice.
  6. Agreed. ^-^ I <3 Loadstones!
  7. Sorry, I should've explained it more the first time anyway. MY BAD. ^-^ But its cool.
  8. In three words Earth: BIG DAMN LAKE. My current town was kinda built on marshlands. Some of the remaining marshland is part of the property I was exploring with my folks MORE IMPORTANT INFO: My laptop is fixed!!!!!!! Now I just need some of my old programs before its completely fixed.
  9. I almost died!!!!! No it wasn't a suicide attempt. I was taking a walk with my family and the siblings wanted to go touch the water. So they started to traverse on mud that couldn't hold alot of weight. After mom called them back, the youngest wasn't listening, I attempt to go after him and I sank almost knee deep and kept sinking. I lost my shoes, which were found by my sister, my socks had to be thrown away, and I spent the rest of the walk in muddy, nasty smelling shoes, which I threw away when I got home. Atleast everyone had a good laugh :D Oh, and I FELT like sharing this with everyone.
  10. Hey everyone!!! I need everyone's help! I'd appreciate if everyone could PM me a pastry/cookie/cake recipe that is unique to them in some way (I don't need to know why it's unique to you, but if you want to state why it's fine.) I need these recipes for a project and I'd appreciate if I manage to get recipes from different countries too. PLEASE HELP ME! Please and thankyou if you do help me.
  11. Everyone, please just stop. All ya have to do is just adapt to how a gm thinks and not try to argue with the gm due to an opinion of how things should work. Oh, and also don't piss off the GM.
  12. Out of random curiosity, could the Koreans hack into NATO files? Vice versa? I'm only asking because I've been playing a game that involves me seriously hacking a lot of computers. Green text and black screen and old computer stuff.
  13. -looks confounded and laughs- Uhm... Okay... Uh, Mather, would I be able to do any of that stuff Archi described to me? Including the trip to earth to get cats? Why cats anyway?
  14. Hmmm... I won't be able to do anything super useful until maybe after we start getting colonists.... Not sure what to do...
  15. But I suck with anagrams and cryptograms.... Electronics I can do.
  16. -waves arms wildly in an excited fashion- YAYyYyYyYy!!!!!!!
  17. Okay, thanks for letting me know Mather. OH btw, every other week I'll be late to Prototype due to obligations.
  18. I don't know about the remaining players opinions, but I had a good time and am expecting the next session to be soon. Just like me and the first game I ran (Dream Ender), Mather has the potential to keep this game running to the very end, regardless the number of players. Thankyou very much Mather. I hope to see this game through to the end.
  19. Yay!!!!! It's Tuesday!!!!!!! I'm probably am going to miss the first 15- 30 minutes due to my obligations.
  20. Due to my sickness slowly worsening, I'm not gonna hold a session. Sorry
  21. -decides not to rudely respond and will not respond-
  22. It's not a blog entry if it contains only a sentence. Bazinga!
  23. Hey, I'm not ranting about how or why I hate spring. I once again was just making a statement.
  24. Blegh.... I hate Spring!!!!!
  25. From the Strange Mind of Leiana: wow, French fries + Alfredo sauce + mushrooms + broccoli + garlic bread = yum. If there was a prize for complete strangeness and annoyingness, I think ive pretty much won that.
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