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  1. Here's an interesting scenario; A potentially abusive drug addicted, alcoholic father had impregnated his partner. His decision were to, instead of raise his child (a daughter in this case), run away from the child of the tender age of 3 (I'm uncertain on this, the audio on the video is really quiet). The mother, whom were a single parent, raised her alone - but without a loving father to protect her, she was molested at the age of 9 (raped too, I believe?). Her mother called the father of the child at the time of the allegation, whom responded 'What am I supposed to do?' Now, the question is - was it the right decision for the father to run away? Would it be better for both parents to have raised the child together, despite potential family issues such as having an abusive father? Would the burden of liability shift, if the cause of pregnancy were say - refusal of contraceptives, as opposed to contraceptive failure? Should the child be aborted in that scenario, or should it be adopted? It illustrates the grey lines of morality - an ethical dilemma one may say. Here's the video pertaining to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAPA3RePQYI Is it good parenting to raise a child alone, in this scenario?
  2. Does childhood bullying build character or 'knocks someone down'?
  3. Hmmph, given the amount of rants I've had in the unofficial tip.it friends chat, this thread will be perfect. Isn't it funny how accents can change the way you view someone? [hide=May contain expletives. Play at your own risk] [/hide] Or the way language can be manipulated with euphemisms? It's a funny world. The expressions we use, or lack thereof, has huge implications on the way we behave and the way we think.
  4. I realise that in my previous post it seems as though I'm emphasizing life skills - I'm really not. Finding the right balance is perhaps the most difficult thing to do, but one must certainly not neglect life skills. I see far too many young adults who are still dependent on their parents - that to me is saddening. I don't mean just the occasional 'Hey dad, could you wire me some money' - I mean everything from cooking to cleaning to everything else in life.
  5. I've been wondering for a few days now: When is the most difficult time to raise children? Is it when they're toddlers, or is it when they start attending school? I'm currently leaning towards the schooling ages, since that brings a whole heap of responsibilities to have as a parent - bullying, grades, rebellion, etc. I've always felt that the parent has a huge role to play during these years - you can't just drop a child to school and expect them to start learning. In fact, it's perhaps one of the easiest ways for them to dislike school - they don't understand the value of it and think it's pointless, so they refuse to do it. My personal view is that they should be softly encouraged and taught the value of school, and to have them enjoy school so they can really start learning. I think if I were a parent, I'd make them attend ethical reasoning classes too - It's good to be a critical, individual thinker who doesn't simply accept everything that the press, the government and every other authority throws at you. To have a level of skepticism and realism is essential at the older years, and especially useful as it develops evaluative skills for exams. Oh, and before I forget - essential life skills too! I see far too many young people incapable of holding a knife properly - literally what I'd describe as 'can't boil water'. I think children should be taught how to cook from a relatively young age - perhaps 13/14. Essentially, my ideals of being a parent would be to teach and cherish their natural curiousity, and teaching them essential things needed throughout life i.e. being able to live independently (including budgeting, chores, cooking etc.), understand responsibilities, have values and principals and being somewhat critical is approximately the right path towards success. What do you guys think? I guess that's my two cents. Apologies for the long rant.
  6. My god, this topic has derailed into an absolute mess. I don't see how the potential of 'perverts hitting on your chid' is sufficient justification for completely forbidding her to speak on RuneScape. It is possible to prevent her from viewing the chat-screen by simply telling JaGex her real age (10), and JaGex would automatically place her under quick-chat only worlds. Also, it's quite unlikely that it will happen outside of world 1 lumbridge, so I hardly consider it to be a sufficient enough danger or threat to worry about. Just because something can be abused, there is no reason for putting an end to it's legitimate use. You cannot be sure that the ban by JaGex is not a false ban. Your child could have circumvented the system (or simply downloaded .jar files), as others has pointed out, or she may have given out her password and another player may have botted on the account. In the rare case that the account was indeed banned wrongly, it is possible to appeal the ban to get it reversed, although they are unlikely to give a written justification of why the decision was chosen. There is a censor for a reason, and it's difficult to enforce a policy against the alleged 'sexual crap' that you appear to 'see on a daily basis'. Cancelling your membership is your decision, I'm unsure what you want us to do about it. In fact, what do you want us to do about it? I will admit that I find the original post dubious, but I have treated it as legitimate anyway.
  7. Are you a troll or just an idiot? Try reading the actual post next time... Nice options, but neither. I merely pointed out an alternative solution to his 'problem'. JaGex is likely to tell you that AHK for remapping keys is not permitted, although no unfair advantage would be created. It depends: The OP could abide by the rules and purchase a keyboard, or he could act on a decision with inconsistent/contradictory advice from different moderators/Jagex moderators. The choice is there.
  8. The obvious solution would be to buy a keyboard.
  9. 82 views on 7 posts? I'm famous dammit!

  10. Wouldn't it be a nice idea if two authors decided to contradict each other's articles, and have the readers judge for themselves who to believe? I think that could work, but I'm unsure whether the editorial panel would approve of such a notion. I feel that people like Bladewing (pre-ban), Grimy Bunyip, sees_all1, etc should post the devil's advocate version of the times. It could be interesting to see who persuades the most people in their articles, perhaps swaying some who used to believe what they were made to believe. As a sidenote: I find it amusing that CaJ posts negative remarks about the flaming/trolling in these threads, whilst participating in it himself. I've actually skimmed through the articles and didn't find anything too appealing to discuss really...
  11. Interesting thread. I don't think I would ever betray anyone on RuneScape, really. I've held other people's Partyhats/Divines/Nex sets before too, so I could pretty safely conclude that I won't.
  12. Hmm, if I need to obtain Rigour, I should Dungeoneer a little more now. Perhaps DGS will let me in once I hit level 59 (should be gaining a level or two per floor, so I should be able to do a few floors before resetting) Would Karil's Crossbow cost more per hour or would Hand Cannons cost more? Hand cannons are virtually cost-free except for the self-destruction that seems to happen relatively often, whilst Karil's Xbow will last forever, but the cost of Ammunition is considerable. Hmm, what to choose? EDIT - Oh, and which lures are best? I like the Southwestern spot, where I can drag an extra TD on me if I want. The northern spot Nox showed me seems a little to dangerous, as I don't have the perfect internet connection and would experience lag/dc's from time to time.
  13. Turmoil is like godmode for RuneScape.
  14. Well, I've achieved 99 strength and Overloads, and now I'm trying to kill Tormented Demons to earn some of my bank back. However, this isn't as easy as I thought it would be, so I'd like some advice on the following: Should I consider using Piety + Rigour, instead of Turmoil + Leech Ranged? It seems that the Turmoil's full boost won't activate until first hit, which usually hits over 310 in the first place, negating the point of Turmoil. Drawbacks would be the lack of Soulsplit, and faster prayer drain, so perhaps some intelligent poster could enlighten me on this subject? Also, which is the best chaotic at TD's? I've always heard it's a battle between Chaotic Longsword and Chaotic Maul. Chaotic Rapier requires very intensive switching, and if I miss an attack turn, that negates the benefit of using a faster weapon. Also, I'm not going to be using the Shield slot at all at TD's (too much hassle), so would Chaotic Longsword be better, or would Chaotic Maul be better? Lastly, which familiar should I be using? If I'm using Overloads, then I might need to use a Unicorn, unless there's an alternative healing source (can't use EEE if using Dragon Claws for specials, no Soulsplit if I choose Rigour). A BoB could work, not so sure on a Steel Titan though (Only 88 Summoning) Hmm, hopefully someone could help me. Thanks in advance
  15. It seems as though people are quite mad.

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