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Posts posted by Duff

  1. First day bike riding. Accidentally went too far... My body hurts so much. I guess a 45 mile bike ride on my first day is not smart. In the process of icing my knees cause they're pretty sore.


    That's basically what I did for four and a half hours today, lol.

    What is the juice that allows you to ride 4 and 1/2 hours continuously? O_o I can only manage 2 hours before my legs need to rest though I live in a hilly area.

    Heh, was on water the whole time. I was hurting after three hours pretty bad. I guess I just had some good tunes in my ears and zoned out for the majority of it.

    First day bike riding. Accidentally went too far... My body hurts so much. I guess a 45 mile bike ride on my first day is not smart. In the process of icing my knees cause they're pretty sore.


    That's basically what I did for four and a half hours today, lol.

    An average 10mph on the first day is pretty good though. That's a pretty steady pace.

    I probably spent maybe 45 minutes of the four and a half hours walking because my ass, knees, and hands hurt so bad from biking. Leaning over the front of a bike (pressure on the hands) and sitting on a seat (even a pretty well-cushioned one) for upwards to four hours is killer, so I had to walk a bit of the way to give them a break.


    Taking today off, though. Don't want to overdue it. This evening my friends are getting together to play some ultimate frisbee in the dark at our high school. It sounds like a ton of fun, but my friend probably invited some of the girls, so we'll most likely end up playing for maybe 10 minutes and then everyone will kinda stop playing. Meh, oh well. Looking forward to it.


    Oh, and my little sister is moving up to her college for her freshman year on Wednesday. That's gonna be emotional for me since we're the closest of my siblings.

  2. First day bike riding. Accidentally went too far... My body hurts so much. I guess a 45 mile bike ride on my first day is not smart. In the process of icing my knees cause they're pretty sore.


    That's basically what I did for four and a half hours today, lol.

  3. More complaints about the new forums. But since pages load so slowly, I open all the topics with unread posts in different tabs so that they all load at the same time. However, the new tabs that I create (besides the original tab) do not mark the topic as read. So when I go back to the Off-Topic forum, it says I haven't read the posts in all but one of the topics.


    Pretty darn annoying, tbh.

  4. What do you guys have to eat on campus? We've got Subway, Chik-fil-A, Starbucks, Einstein Bros., and seven other no names that cover stuff like pizza or salads.

    We don't have many mainstream places which we can use our flex dollars at. Really, the only one is probably Panda Express. Most of the other food it prepared by 'the market', which is a place underneath our food commons. They do burritos, ice cream/froyo, pizza, hamburgers, chicken strips, etc.


    You have to walk a bit to get to off-campus fast food restaurants.


    But I'm jealous you guys have a chik-fil-a. I love that place. Neither my hometown nor my university's city has one. D:

  5. We have different 'blocks'. Some blacks you get a certain amount of swipes and flex dollars to use at other university sponsored meal sites. Some of these blocks had certain hours of the day you could use your swipes. I chose to get the unlimited anytime block simply because I didn't want to have to worry about when I was eating and how often I was eating. Yeah, I'll have to pay for it in loans later in life, but I think it was worth it.


    One kitchen in my whole dorm. There's no way I could have even efficiently used it if I wanted to.

  6. Yikes. I can't imagine going through freshman year without a meal plan. Imo, having a meal plan gets rid of a major responsibility and worry so that you can focus on adjusting to the new atmosphere. Do you have access to a stove/fridge with a freezer?

    Believe me, I would have a meal plan if I could afford it. Unfortunately, I don't even have enough money to eat as is, let alone pay for someone else to make my meals.


    But, yes, I have a stove and fridge/freezer.

    Oh, I see. Well, you'll be fine since you have a stove and fridge/freezer. Eggs are your best friend! They're so cheap. Eat them for breakfast, eat hard boiled ones as a side for lunch and dinner.

    Yikes. I can't imagine going through freshman year without a meal plan. Imo, having a meal plan gets rid of a major responsibility and worry so that you can focus on adjusting to the new atmosphere. Do you have access to a stove/fridge with a freezer?

    Meh. My school encourages the students to cook for themselves so that we don't come out 4 years later not knowing how to feed ourselves.

    I think my school makes kids get a meal plan their freshman year, and makes it optional all years after that. Plus, most kids move out of the dorms and into houses Junior year, so they learn to cook on their own then. Luckily, I watched my mom a lot, so I'm fairly confident I'll survive buying my own groceries.

  7. Yikes. I can't imagine going through freshman year without a meal plan. Imo, having a meal plan gets rid of a major responsibility and worry so that you can focus on adjusting to the new atmosphere. Do you have access to a stove/fridge with a freezer?

  8. You'll have time to hang out and get to know your new friends. That's a plus, right?


    They don't at least open the food commons for you guys? That's awful. Are you near a grocery store or some fast food places (though, fast food for a week would be yucky)?

  9. I move in to college next Monday, then start classes a full 7 days later! Yeah!

    Wow, they let you move in that early? O.o


    When I lived in the dorms, I wasn't allowed to move in until the Sunday before (classes start on Tuesday).

  10. Duff, trying getting some kinesiology tape, I haven't need to try it yet, but I hear it's great aid in helping your body heal. Other then that, try and keep as much weight as possible off your foot and maybe get some tiger balm too. I don't know how bad your foot is, but there is no reason that it shouldn't be able to heal on it's own. I tweaked a muscle in my knees running, so I stopped running on it for close to 6 months and switched my focus on non-impact activities like rowing machines/swimming, and now my knee is back to 100%.

    I'll check it out. My dad managed to get me an appointment with his doctor (cost is still coming out of my pocket, lol). The doc told me what I expected. He's guessing it's either just tendonitis or a stress fracture. Told me to stay off of it for 6 weeks (in the meantime, stick to stuff like biking/swimming) and then try to run on it after that. If it comes back, have an x-ray taken.


    Six weeks is a long time (not compared to your 6 months). But I guess I'd rather have it heal and pick up running again than try to run on it and do something worse to my foot.

  11. I listened to the song Little Talks and liked it a lot. So I'm downloading My Head Is an Animal.


    Also, I know this is a bit late, but Sigur Ros' Valtari is amazing.

  12. I switched to Google Chrome the other day. Nightly was being a [bleep] with Adobe Flash Plugins.


    Moving up to Spokane is going to be hell. So I'm kinda avoiding it whenever someone brings it up in conversation. I know it'll be fun as hell being up there for a few weeks hanging out with friends and doing nothing. But getting all my stuff up there is going to be a hassle.


    No 'school-starting' talk from me, champ!

  13. Humidity.


    Bleh bleh bleh!


    EDIT: Also, I had all my music copied onto a flash drive. Went and started copying it to my home computer. It was going to take a while (over an hour) to do, so I left it. That was at about 10:30am or so. I brought up what happened to my computer to my dad this morning, which reminded me, so I went to check to see if it had finished copying. The two windows I had opened to do the copying (source and destination) were closed. I opened up the destination folder to see the files and only two folders of my music had been copied.


    I asked my brother, who was the only one who had used the computer after I had started the process if he had stopped the process. He looked at me and said, "Uhhh. No." Such bullshit. I know he did, and he lied directly to my face. What kind of kid lies at that age (senior in high school)? He was probably annoyed that it was going to take an hour and exited the windows. I wouldn't be so pissed if he would have just manned up and told me the truth.

  14. Well, I went to the store to buy more body wash. And I decided to try out bars of soap again instead of body wash, simply because it's easier to get the soap foamy with a washrag and a bar of soap. And I have a feeling a bars of soap are cheaper than body wash. But they didn't have the Clean Comfort smell in bars, so I bought Extra Fresh. I haven't used it yet, but just smelling the bars of soap, it smells so good.

  15. Oh Dizzle, that did make me smile.


    The other night my roommate and I went to get Taco Bell late at night. We were in the drive through and there was this high school kid in this nice sports car in front of us. In front of him must have been one of his female friends cause they were talking to each other out their windows while she was waiting for her food. My roommate rolled down his window and hit the side of his small truck with his hand really hard (like, super hard), which made a pretty loud sound. The two people in front of us looked back, and he look at them and said, "What the hell was that??"


    I laughed pretty hard, tbh. It was so stupid it was funny.

  16. Woke up this morning, turned on my computer, and the screen was going all crazy. It was blue with gray lines all over it and weird symbols we flashing (like, matrix style) on parts of the screen. Then, it went black. So I forced shut it down and restarted in safe mode, where I could see the screen. I transferred my music onto a flash drive my family had lying around, which fortunately had enough space on it to hold my music. Then I transferred my documents and saved pictures onto my own personal flash drive because there wasn't that much. Now I'm in the process of moving all this stuff to my family's home computer in case some other shit happens to my laptop.


    I restarted it and ran it in normal mode, and the screen is currently working at this point. I really don't want to have to buy a new laptop or go through the trouble of taking it to some place to have it toyed with. I've already spent enough money this summer...

  17. Going to the doctor's office at 1:40pm.


    After that, I have to buy some more body wash and Allaway eye drops. In the meantime, I'm trying to get my room organized so it's not such a mess. I have too many cords running under my desk, something that bugs me like crazy.


    Last night I hung out with three friends. We played some wiffleball home run derby with one of my friend's little brother. That was fun. Once it got dark, we longboarded down to this Mormon Temple which had softball field behind it (poorly kept, too; weeds everywhere in the infield). We had brought this light-up frisbee and it was pretty dark, so catching it and throwing it was intense. We would pass it in a square and after every other round we made we'd step back (if we dropped it, we had to start over). Eventually we were pretty far away from each other and to increase the difficulty, we set the frisbee to blink. It would literally disappear for seconds at a time cause of the blinking, making it really hard to track in the air.


    It was funny, cause that's a game that you wouldn't really expect juniors in college to be playing. But it was actually really fun. I got a few mosquito bites (one on my hand which has swollen up really bad). Totally worth it, though.


    Then we went back to the house and played a bit of Black Ops. Was a good night.

  18. Now that's a good night, Noxx. :thumbup:


    This girl I like is killin me with her texts. If I wanted to, I could interpret them as 'best friend' texts, but I also could easily interpret them as 'flirty' texts. Just last night, I sent her a text since we hadn't texted for a day or so.


    Me: "Hey, you're probably sleepin, so I'll just text you tomorrow. I just felt like sending you a text tonight for the heck of it, lol. Hope you're snoozin good :)"


    Her: "(: you're seriously the best"


    (don't mind my texting style; it's weird cause I text way differently than I speak or write)


    I was talking to my roommate the other day, who had brought her up in conversation. And we were talking about how I know nothing about her current boyfriend; nothing good or bad. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt - that is, I'm assuming he's a real good guy if he's dating this fantastic girl. And it's basically against the 'bro-code' to flirt with a guy's girlfriend. And I've been doing my best to appear as a really good friend, but I'm always to [bleep]ing confused as to what she's trying to do.

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