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Posts posted by Duff

  1. I've played a lot of Black Ops II. Probably the only COD game I'll reach max prestige in.


    Anywho, working on the diamond shotguns as of now. Remmington was by far the fastest and easiest. I felt like a total scumbag while I used it. KSG was second, and by far my favorite gun in BOII. Saiga 12 was awful to get all the camos with. I dreaded that, but it's done now. Working on the M1218 now. Put a laser sight and long barrel on that bad boy and shit, you merk people fast.


    When I play with shotguns, I don't really care about deaths or getting scorestreaks. I just rush and play super aggressive (often times over aggressive). But it does result in some killer scores. Hell, if I go 51-20 on a 6v6 kill confirmed on Nuketown with a 8000+ score, that to me was a fun game.


    I don't run high scorestreaks just because I like gun kills and rushing. So, my typical scorestreak setup is UAV, CUAV, hellstorm. At earlier levels when I don't have the CUAV unlocked, I play with the lightning strike. But I think if you know how to use the hellstorm correctly, it outmatches the lightning strike.


    Anyway, studying for finals atm, but gonna game later today and work on those M1218 camos.

  2. I wish knowing something like that would help me relax about my finals. Half of them I could get a 60 on and still have an A- in the class, but that doesn't make me study any less or get any less anxious about them.


    Which sucks nuts, tbh.

  3. Texts between me and this girl who I liked a bit ago but who I am attempting to get over because she has a boyfriend and they're probably going to get married:

    Haven't texted her in over a month, despite her last text saying we should hang out. Tired of her flirting with me and leading me on.


    Anyway (i was a bit tipsy, which explains the random "haha"):


    Her: Are you at [insert friend's name]'s house?

    Me: Mhmm

    Her: Woo! I was going to go over with [insert name of one of her housemates], but then i got too lazy

    Me: it's not that far away, haha

    Her: lol, i know it's super close!


    I was just frustrated because... Why the hell would she tell me she was going to go but then she got lazy? Why would I need to know that?


    I didn't respond after that. She hasn't texted me since. But I mean, seriously, what she did was like saying, "Hey, are you going [insert name of really exciting and fun event]?" and then, after I say yes, saying "Oh, I was totally going to go, but I'm not."


    I just felt like writing that down somewhere. Cause I thought it was total bullshit.


    And now -ninja vanish-

  4. Second week of classes started today. Haven't been really busy with homework [yet]. I have a feeling my physics will start picking up the pace soon enough to where I'm back at the engineering lounge for the greater part of every evening.


    My other classes are alright. Spanish 101 is off-the-wall disorganized. If I hadn't taken four years of Spanish already, I'd be completely lost... But I have taken four years. Yeah, you might say that I shouldn't be in that class (which is probably true), but I just needed to get those foreign language credits out of the way, and Spanish was the easiest option.


    I'm taking a music class which is interesting during class, but the reading is boring and the professor is pretty unclear about what is going to be on quizzes and the exact definitions of vocab we're supposed to know.


    All in all, the year isn't off to a bad start.

  5. First physics assignment of the year. I spent two hours trying to figure out the first (and easiest problem) in the homework set. Still can't figure it out.


    [bleep] me, seriously. So goddamn frustrated.

    • Like 1
  6. A disorganized class structure.


    I would prefer a challenging class with a clear structure over a boring, chaotic class whose syllabus makes absolutely no sense. Spanish 101 should be a breeze for me, but at this point, the only reason why I'm having a hard time is because I have no idea what I need to do for next class. There are activities, an online workbook, exercises, etc. The schedule for the syllabus isn't clear at all on which things we actually have to write down on paper, which sections we should read, etc. It doesn't help that the textbook is a customized on for the class, so it's a book inside of a book. On top of that, the book gives activities for us to do, but requires us to turn to the end of the chapter and read sections before doing them. Why not place that information before these activities?


    I'm so frustrated right now.


    Of course, I've probably done more (and spent more time) on this than anyone else in my class (unnecessary time spent).

  7. Speaking of toilets, the one upstairs in my house that I use doesn't flush very well. So, for a relatively normal bathroom visit, I have to flush 2-3 times in order for everything to be gone. And for a college kid trying to cut down on utilities in the house, that isn't so good.

  8. Well, today I found out that my favorite physics professor (who was also my academic advisor and the most helpful and available professor in the department) is no longer teaching at my university. I'm actually really disappointed. It was him that convinced me to become a physics major; he also was the reason I am still one, seeing as I went two him numerous times freaking out about his tests/the material and telling him I wanted out because I wasn't good at it, and every time he would tell me that I was doing fine and that I shouldn't let a little speed bump bother me.


    Meh, quite depressed now, tbh. Now I have a different academic advisor who I don't know well at all (never had a class or TAed for him)...

  9. There's not enough room in the fridge for five guys' food. My shit is all crammed in the upper corner of the fridge, which is inconvenient (and because I arrived last and bought groceries last, something out of my control). So one of my housemates has a mini fridge that he is using. Since we've been roommates since freshman year, we decided to share milk and eggs. It was a fantastic idea at first, until I realized that he sleeps in, I have 8am classes, and I don't think he wants me going into his room at 7:30 am every morning to get eggs and milk from his mini fridge.


    I came home this morning, ready to eat breakfast and he is still sleeping. At first I was planning on making eggs, but realized I couldn't cause they were in his room. So I was like, "I guess I'll just eat some cereal." But then I realized the milk was in his room, too.


    Maybe I should just suck it up and buy my own mini fridge. I've already spent a ton of money, though. :\

  10. What games? :o

    Black Ops, GTA IV, Borderlands, CoD: World at War, CoD 4, some Brothers in Arms game, a couple Halo games, and maybe a couple others. I happen to already own a few of em, but hey, can't complain at all if the other ones are there for free.

    Good deal, haha!


    Dad's coming up to my college for his birthday. I think him and my older sister and my mom are going out to lunch. Then, one of my housemates (roommate since freshman year) is having a birthday 'party' later this evening for his 21st birthday. It's most likely going to be just a laid back hangout type of thing with closer friends and then everyone is going out later in the evening. I hope my house doesn't buy all the beer before my parents arrive. That would be awkward.


    We get Monday off, but start school Tuesday. Not looking forward to stressing out about classes again. I'm sick of school and it hasn't even started yet.

  11. Gotta get some forms from the student employment office today for my TA position. Also, I'm going to see if the mailroom is open today so I can get a mailbox there. I don't feel safe at all having packages sent to my house where someone off the street could easily (and considering where I live, will easily) take it off my front porch. Then I'll probably try to pick up my $150 customized Spanish textbook I need for Spanish 101 from the bookstore.

  12. Moved all into my house now. Can't get my 360 to connect to the wireless internet here. Whenever I turn on my Xbox my computer wigs out and I lose internet connection on it. My Xbox isn't even able to connect to the network that is set up here, even though I have the key and everything.


    Really pissing me off.

  13. I went on a camping trip that involved a 7 mile hike. We hiked 6 miles the first day and rose 2000 feet in elevation. Day two we hiked the last mile which rose 1000 feet in elevation. Day three we hiked back down a mile, and then day four we hiked the rest of the way down. The last two and a half miles wasn't a constructed trail; it was used by firemen, so it was pretty dangerous and the footing was sketchy the whole time.


    Definitely a good workout, tbh. Going up was tough on the thighs since we were carrying pretty heavy packs. The way down was really tough on the knees and the ankles. I can feel a soreness in both from basically hiking straight down a mountain. My friends and I lost our footing many times and my foot started to hurt again because of some parts of the trail that required awkward placement of it.

  14. Been listening to all the Kill Paris' free tracks from his soundcloud.


    Yeah, it's dubstep-py type stuff, but I've been in need of something like that. Well, actually, the genre on his soundcloud is 'panty soak and drop-step', which I found funny. Most of his music makes me think of driving through New York or some other big city at night. I've been in a 'big city' type mood lately; it isn't really my personality style, but I've been wondering what it would be like to live in the big city.

  15. Yeah, now that I've had time to think about it, I'm just going to ignore it. It's nobody's business, and being 'high school-esk drama', I should have a 'dgaf' attitude seeing as I'm beyond that kind of stuff.


    Not bothered by it anymore now.


    In other news, leaving for university tomorrow. Have a van packed full of my stuff (and a bit of my older sister's stuff). It'll be nice once I have all of it under one roof again. My friends want me to rage with them tomorrow night, but I think I'll just spend the evening getting my room set up and maybe hang out with a female friend who I haven't seen in a while.

  16. So my little brother asked me if I had had sex with my ex-girlfriend. Apparently there's a rumor around at my high school that I did (my ex-girlfriend was a sophomore in college when I was a senior in high school, assistant coach of the high school girl's basketball team). And I don't know why it has bothered me so much since I found out. I'm a virgin and I'm actually pretty [bleep]ing proud about it. I did shit with my ex-girlfriend, but never sex.


    Not sure why I'm upset about it. I dunno what reasons this kid who told my brother (and started the rumor) had for saying it. It could be possible that she had told him that we had. But I don't see any reason for that, either, since she was a virgin as well and was pretty set on staying that way.


    Ierno, it's messing with me. And I felt like posting it here instead of the relationship thread. Seemed more appropriate.

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  17. Sorry to be a bit out of time, but who are the Vikings you were referring to on the last page? Do you mean tall, pretty, blond dudes from Scandinavia and so?


    Norsemen in longboats and horned hats who attack us with axes.


    These men!!




    Also, back to women with children, I agree completely with Obf. Age plays a large part because the older you are, the more likely you'll have a stable income and the more likely you'll be able to take on the responsibility of a wife and a child. I would find it odd to date a 17 or 18 year old who has a child already. It's definitely a turn-off for me at my age (20), but that doesn't guarantee anything about the type of woman she is. But at ages 25+ (like Obf said), it may be more common finding single women with children than without.

  18. I disagree with you, Tim. I mean, the way you phrased it, it sounds like you're blaming the woman for getting knocked up and the husband leaving both her and the child. Often times the woman isn't solely to blame for this (either it's the man or their both equally to blame). And I figure that if you have a good relationship with both the child and the woman, what's wrong with dating the woman? Yeah, it isn't your kid, but you can 'make it yours' by molding it to be a good person after what you've learned. Replacement is a shitty word to use, imo. Unless the woman distinctly views you as merely a man to bring home the bacon so she can take care of her son, you're hardly a simple replacement. (I sound like an idealist in this paragraph, sorry)


    I don't think there's anything wrong with dating/marrying a woman who has a child from a previous marriage. Of course, I'm biased because my older brother recently married such a woman. But they're happy as hell, and her kid didn't stop him from loving her. They all get along great, and my older brother is very good for her child because he (the child) has some problems and my older brother knows exactly how to deal with them.


    Personally, I would be careful in dating a woman with a child simply because 1) it may show a bit of irresponsibility (emphasis on 'may') and 2) instead of having one person to impress/please/get along with/[love, for those considering marriage], you have two. You can't just have the woman or the child. They come in a package, so you have to get along with both or else it isn't going to work.


    sorry if this was all jumbled. I wrote it pretty quick

  19. Today is going to be a mess. I gotta go visit my older half sisters since I won't seem them for a while after going up to college. After that I have to enlist my older step brother into helping me take this big couch and two armchairs from this woman who kindly gave them to me. We'll have to use his truck for it. After that, I have to start packing up my stuff for university because I'm leaving for a camping trip on Sunday morning and not getting back until Wednesday; leaving for university on Thursday.


    Camping trip has been poorly planned. We know where we're going but we haven't met up to get food stuffs and talk about what we usually talk about pre-trip (who will carry what, what the game plan is, etc). We have to do that all tonight. One of my friends is planning a pool party type thing at his house tonight with a bunch of high school friends. But I have to go to mass tonight since I won't be able to tomorrow because of the camping trip. I'm guessing the party is later in the evening and I can show up whenever and leave whenever. But figuring out when we are going to get the camping trip fully planned out is making me stress out.

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