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Posts posted by Duff

  1. Yeah, most people I've listened to would agree that ever since the nerfing of the MSMC and the PDW, the Vector has become the best SMG. I love it: the iron sights, the low recoil, the fire rate, the reload.


    Just got all the camo unlocks for the MP7. Was pretty annoying. Headshots are annoying in general, but more annoying for the SMGs in my opinion.

  2. Gangster Squad.


    Was pretty good, I guess. My dad wanted me to watch it with him and my uncle.


    Emma Stone looked fiiiiine in it. :P And what's-his-face from the notebook had a super high-pitched voice in it, which was pretty funny.

  3. The pieces of popcorn that get right under your gums.


    For some reason, they always seem to have the exact same curvature as your tooth so that they slide perfectly between the gum and the tooth.

    "Hell is where the only food is popcorn and there are no toothpicks." ~ Revelations 22:22

    It's good practice to cite your sources, Dizzle. Fixed it for you.

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  4. I've actually never really had to worry too much about any killstreaks in BO2 killing me too often. I don't know if it's because i play on PC, and there are only a handful of really good PC players, but most times when i get killed by a Killstreak its an HK drone, Lighting Strike or Hellstorm. So many people stopped using Sentries because of how OP the EMP nades are. Those are about the highest killstreaks people run in the games i've played as well. Every now and then, probably 1 in 10 games, i'll run into someone that manages to get like an AGR, Stealth Chopper on Escort Drone. I think in the ~400 hours play time i have on BO2 i can count on one hand the amount of times i've seen someone get a Swarm/Dogs/Warthog/Vtol. Not worth it building a class for those 1 in 10 situations.

    Ten custom class slots is a lot for me. So having a separate class not a hassle at all.


    Also, does Blind Eye (or whatever the perk is that keeps AI controlled air support for seeing you) prevent swarms from attacking you directly? I've never tried it.

    When playing with my team we a person have one class where they run two trophy systems for when we get sentry guns, peoples big mistake is putting them right on top of their sentry gun. We literally throw ours outside the bounds of the map and on top of the houses and crap on if we're on Standoff. This is due to the effective blast radius of the EMP being much larger than that of the trophy systems radius to destroy tacticals in range. I'll literally throw emp's high up into the air because when they go off their blast radius is so large it'll take out the trophy systems and sentry gun. But this is exactly why we place them on the ground and on top of houses, that way the trophy destroys it before it detonates mid-air doing the damage. In CTF, I see the sentry as a get out of jail free card, if you neglect to go check your flag when you spawn off of it, a sentry can protect you from a flag grab.

    Blast radius of the EMP is nuts. But I always have fun using it to my advantage. There was this one time that the entire opposing team camped the sniper buildings on Plaza and set up trophy systems and had sentry guns up there are everything. My teammates were dumb enough to keep running at them and giving them more kill streaks. I just went the back route through the bar, went to the ground floor of the building, and threw an EMP at my feet. Score feed was epic.


    I've done this is so many situations. The fact that trophy systems can't shoot through buildings (obviously) means you can just throw them against a wall or whatnot and you take out the trophies and whatever else is in the building.


    Given, it's much different in League play. You might not be able to set up a good EMP grenade.

  5. I'm greedy on perks and lethals/tacticals in BOII. So I run a separate class that is equipped with everything needed to take down air support. Probably not the smartest thing, but I find that an EMP grenade is of much more use in your regular match than an anti-aircraft weapon.


    But I do remember for the month that I played MW3 that the air support was stupid easy to take out.

  6. Today, I woke up - brushed my teeth, showered & made breakfast. I then proceeded to woodcut for about 10 minutes or so before I realized that I needed to do some house cleaning. So, that's what I am doing now. After I'm done with that, i'll play more Runescape until I have to go to work. After work I'll come home, eat dinner and then go to sleep!

    First read it and thought you actually went out to cut wood in the morning.


    Today I sat for my older sister's two autistic boys. They're really cool. Most of the time I sat there and listened to them tell me all about Pokemon. They know so much about it, it's crazy.


    Also, signed up for a membership at this smaller gym in town. I'm hoping that the fact that I am paying money for it will actually make me go and work out there.

  7. I saw Iron Man 3 in theaters last night. It was pretty darn good. Better than the other two movies, but I'd say not as good as the Avengers.


    I'm kinda wondering what they're gonna do in the next Avengers movie...



    since Iron Man steps down basically in the end.[/hide]

  8. When I text, I tend to omit apostrophes just because they're annoying to put in on my phone. So, you're just turns into youre. But that's texting.


    I don't really type anywhere else outside of academics. And in academics, it's stupid not to punctuate and use proper grammar.

  9. I meant maybe for the campaigns. I wouldn't dare try to play multiplayer, lol.


    Doubt I'll buy the new COD when it comes out. I'll be fine playing BOII for a while, just like I was fine playing BOI during MW3's "prime". And at that point, I dunno how much time I'll have for video games.

  10. I need to get a hold of a copy of some of the older Call of Duty games. Oldest one I've played has been Black Ops I.


    Can't decide on whether I should invest in a Scuff controller or just learn claw. Firing with my middle or ring finger instead of my index finger feels so weird. :(

  11. I really only buy COD for the multiplayer. For some reason, the campaign doesn't interest me at all. I've played a little of the campaign in this one, but got super bored.


    I bought Halo 4 primarily for the campaign, though the multiplayer is fun. I have more "real" fun playing Halo 4, but I enjoy Black Ops 2 because of the achievement factor it has (weapon camos, prestiges, etc).

  12. oh hey it's duff




    been busy with AP tests. took my 3rd today (lit) and have two more to go D:

    Hey man. How'd the college application process go for you?


    Props on taking all those AP test. I only took the Calc AP test cause I was lazy. Hours and hours of test taking in a day was no appealing to me, lol.


    Done with all my finals. This semester was by far the easiest set of finals simply because my upper division physics class had an in-class final which wasn't that hard. Usually we get take-home exams which take 30+ hours of work. Anyways, done with Junior year. Older sister is graduating, so I'm staying up here at school until Sunday. Subletting my room out for the summer to save upwards to $1000. That'll be nice.

  13. I thought it was just my computer.


    And the thoughts going through my head were exactly: "They're all having fun without me." And then I realized you all have been doing that for many months now, haha.

  14. I heard the new zombies is really hard and actually has an ending

    From what I've also heard and seen, it's not as much about killing zombies as it is about doing other stuff, like building things, traveling places, unlocking stuff.


    I've never been a huge fan of zombies on COD and on any other game.

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