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Everything posted by lunchbox456

  1. It's called a king for a reason, moron. Not only has this type of thing been suggested before, your idea sucks...Sorry, it's true. Calm down, just because you saw the new Star Wars doesn't mean everyone is going to agree that everything must now be Star Wars oriented.
  2. I'm not sure if the mods would allow it...Alot of profanity.
  3. Right. Based on no knowledge of psychology or anything remotely similar, here's my cliche' response... Teenagers are trying to find who they are, so when they find something they're really into, like a musical style, they cling to it with everything they have. Sound's pretty accurate to me.A lot of kids brainwash themselves into liking the "cool" music and then use their "cool" music as one of their standards of how to judge others and see whos cool and whos not. I would have replied, but those two posts took the words right out of my mouth. As the old saying goes, don't judge a book by it's cover.
  4. lunchbox456


    Anyone visit his site, and tackled the task of reading all his articles? After I did, I just have to say this guy is hilarious, apparently he's writing a book, and I can't wait for it to come out.
  5. You kill a very high level monsters, for pizza.... What the hell are you smoking? This is even worse than your wilderness idea.
  6. What the... Moulds? You can make the weapons already without moulds....
  7. Yes, then F2Ps will be walking around with weapons that were supposed to be members only. For anyone saying "GREEDY!11", of course I am, dragon is supposed to be one thing exclusive to P2P. Sides, watch all the F2Pers who would get ripped off very bad(IE: Someone selling a dlong for 500k).
  8. Definetly a bad idea...Honestly, attacking someone and not getting a skull? The wilderness is there for a reason, if you want to PK out of the wild, buy WoW.
  9. Let me rephrase... I drink a litre of water almost every day, I do this so I wont suck down pop and save money(it actually does, pop=1$, water=0$). I never have heard of being poisioned from water(unless you're drinking water straight from a pond or something..), is there a certain ammount you actually have to drink? Or does it have to do with something about the water quality?
  10. I'm not a huge fan, but I like their music. Easy listening.
  11. So what? That's totally irrelevant. I can't remember the last time I sat with coke in my mouth for 12 hours non stop. It's like saying no one would drink water if they knew that if you drank far too much it would poison you. Whilst it may be true it has totally zero bearing on reality. I drink a litre of water every day!! AHHHHH!
  12. Sweet, i'm practicly the only person who got Che Guevara(accept that one other person).
  13. The scamming thing I sent it! Accept make it funny by not only running away on the golf cart, but also pushing the victim down then running onto the cart. It will be RS and make the other guys laugh.
  14. Meh, Tom Clancy is always something to do with terroriss/neo nazis/rouge nation/ etc.... While his writng is very good and has lots of twists, it's always the same thing...
  15. Oh and yeah, going and getting high and hurting your self is a TON of fun! I love to get lung cancer, glad I smoked instead of playing an evil MMORPG, because as we all know, MMORPG's are the devil. Exactly, at least MMORPGs wont fry your brain, if anything you learn because you meet new people in different parts of the world. As opposed to drugs which let you meet "Jo-Jo the pink elephant" or some stupid thing like that. I honestly don't get why the person who posted above Nadril could be so clueless. Yeah, it's fun to not only kill your brain cells, but to also support a drug lord who uses that money for guns and "protection", and ends up killing an innocent child in a drive by. Way to go moron, you just participated in the killing of innocent people, maybe you should pick up a gun as well and start shooting, it would make the drug lords life alot easier.
  16. Hmm, unfortunetly .asp files don't show me audio, so I could only hear the music(which I really didin't like). Plus, I don't like Cameron Diaz.
  17. What that hell?! I hate people who smoke up all the time!!
  18. Ace, but that's just because I like the colour scheme.
  19. Commercials don't brainwash, they just have subliminal messages most of the time. As for the pledge thing, not sure, we never had a pledge. The only thing we do here is sing out national anthem.
  20. I don't have QT, can someone tell me what it was about? NOTE: .qt and .mov are Quicktime formats(for those who didin't know).
  21. If you mean rare as in "Could I sell it for alot", you're SOL. They're untradeable. Mimes themselves are pretty rare, so I guess they could be considered rare.
  22. Stealing from houses? Grand Theft Auto San Andreas please.
  23. They need to add guns to Runescape too, and maybe some Pokemon too.
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